顶级库存跟踪软件:51 个用于更好地跟踪库存的综合软件系统
公司利用软件系统来监控和跟踪库存,因为手动跟踪已过时、容易出错且耗时。自动化库存监控和跟踪的软件解决方案可为公司节省时间和金钱,并为他们提供所需的可见性。那些仍然在库存跟踪中涉及一些手动流程的公司,例如在电子表格程序中手动记录交易,并没有获得竞争优势。另一方面,拥有自动化库存跟踪流程并使用条形码标签和 RFID 标签的公司几乎消除了与手动跟踪库存相关的所有人为错误。
帮助您自动化流程并节省公司时间和钱,我们收集了当今可用的 51 种顶级库存跟踪软件解决方案。我们的首选涵盖零售、仓库、电子商务和供应链,并得到行业专家以及软件和技术领导者的推荐。我们还考虑了当前用户的评论和评分,并在此处列出了我们排名前 51 的库存跟踪软件系统,以简化您的搜索。请注意,以下库存跟踪软件工具未以任何方式进行排名或评级。
1。 AssetPanda
AssetPanda 致力于帮助公司组织和管理您拥有的一切。他们的库存管理模块是一个易于使用的跟踪解决方案,具有托管在云中的集中资产数据库,不需要昂贵的扫描仪。
- 在线或通过免费的移动应用访问直观的界面,以跟踪库存并随时随地获取有关您的资产的信息
- 无限字段和可配置性
- 快速与旧系统集成
- 从现有电子表格中轻松导入数据
- 世界一流的美国客户服务
- 无限用户
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
2. 参考标签
Reftab 是一个全面的资产管理软件解决方案,设计时考虑到了简单性。它适用于各种规模的公司,并提供可定制的资产跟踪,以满足任何组织的独特需求和资产类型。 Reftab 提供多种定价计划,根据您需要跟踪的资产数量,按比例收取费用,因此您无需支付超出您需要的费用。
- 可自定义的类别和字段
- 结帐和预订
- 每个资产/每个用户的变更日志历史记录
- 将要借用的资产和配件捆绑到“Track Kits”中
- 资产折旧跟踪
- 标准:每年 30 美元/月(500 项资产)
- 专业版:每年 45 美元/月(500 项资产)
- 企业:每年 120 美元/月(500 项资产)
3。 3PL仓库经理
来自 3PL Central,一家为 3PL 提供易于使用、基于云的仓库管理软件的提供商和所有类型的仓库,3PL Warehouse Manager 是一种经济实惠、可扩展的库存跟踪解决方案。该软件包括强大的报告和状态更新,可为所有用户提供实时的全球库存可见性。
- 为各种规模的设施提供多仓库支持
- 查看库存状态、发货状态、包裹跟踪信息等
- 按批号、序列号和/或到期日期管理库存
- 移动条码扫描以提高准确性
费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价
Acctivate 是一款功能强大、易于使用且价格合理的 QuickBooks 库存管理软件。 Acctivate Inventory Software 是专为分销商和在线零售商设计的一体化系统,可与 QuickBooks、领先的购物车提供商、EDI 翻译软件等无缝集成。
- 可扩展
- 为您的业务量身定制功能
- 公司范围内的实时可见性
- 跟踪从采购订单到销售的库存历史记录
- 一屏实时库存监控
费用: 提供免费试用
5. Acumatica Cloud ERP – 库存管理
Acumatica 提供具有集成会计、CRM 和业务管理软件的下一代云 ERP 解决方案. Acumatica Cloud ERP 库存管理解决方案提供对库存的实时可见性,使您能够跟踪库存和成本。
- 控制公司范围内的库存以有效管理分销流程
- 向下钻取以更改项目默认批次或序列号、估价方法、帐户等
- 为每个库存项目选择不同的估价方法
- 收货后自动将库存从中央仓库重新分配到其他仓库
- 使用报告和查询屏幕直接调整成本和实物库存盘点
- 按批次或序列号跟踪库存,并在接收、发出或组装时分配或输入批次/序列号
费用: 联系报价
6. AdvancePro
AdvancePro 是一款无需大成本的大型企业库存管理软件。制造、仓储和分销领域的中小型公司将此库存跟踪软件与 QuickBooks 和其他会计软件无缝集成。用户喜欢使用 AdvancePro 实现操作自动化,包括库存和订单管理。
- 跟踪多个拣货地点的库存
- 带有重新订购提醒的库存补货智能
- 轻松高效地管理库存和地点之间的转移
- 自动同步到 QuickBooks
- 直观的拣货、包装和运输流程
费用: 联系报价
7. Almyta Systems 库存管理
Alymyta Systems 提供 3PL 库存管理软件解决方案,使用户能够处理多个客户、仓库、和公司所在地。为每个客户创建独立的数据库并在数据库之间导入和导出数据,以简化您的库存跟踪流程。
- 包括物流账单和仓储费账单报告
- 集成条码扫描
- 无限制地跟踪所有项目的回溯历史
- 带有过滤器的库存项目主列表
- 带有单位详情过滤器的库存单位详情
- 第一个和第二个序列号/批号,支持完整的条形码
- 自动分配序列号和批号
- 库存类别
费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价
8 。 ArbiMed 库存
ArbiMed 提供医疗软件和技术,为医疗用品采购提供创新解决方案。他们的库存管理软件专为临床领域设计,基于云端,具有实时库存跟踪功能。
- 专为医疗机构、牙医诊所和兽医医院设计
- 跟踪库存并优化支出
- 扫描条形码以跟踪供应使用情况,并一键准确了解库存在哪里、手头有多少以及成本是多少
- 基于云的软件允许用户通过任何具有互联网连接的设备访问和跟踪库存,并且可以在平板电脑、计算机和手机上无缝运行
- 移动应用将手机摄像头变成条码扫描器,以便更轻松地跟踪库存
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
来自 Quickbooks 用户排名第一的库存管理系统 Fishbowl,Boxstorm 是一个新的云 -基于库存的解决方案,是其业务自动化平台的一部分。 Boxstorm 专为中小型企业设计,是一种简化库存管理的解决方案,让企业主能够更灵活地在任何设备上从任何位置管理和跟踪库存。
- 跟踪多个地点和多个仓库的库存
- 使用任何设备从云端管理库存
- 为库存中每件商品的数量分配自定义跟踪值
- 使用两种主要形式的库存跟踪将自定义跟踪值输入或扫描到系统中:基于文本的批号和修订号,或基于日期的到期日期和最佳保质期
- 管理系统内的访问权限和角色
- 自定义多个度量单位
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
Brightpearl 是领先的全渠道零售管理平台,可帮助零售商和批发商自动化和简化库存管理在单个云平台中进行跟踪、订单、会计等。通过所有渠道的实时更新,Brightpearl 可帮助用户节省时间并减少错误。
- 轻松高效地控制、跟踪和管理库存
- 基于云的平台,因此您可以随时随地访问库存数据,而无需更新您的系统
- 广泛的集成
- 根据需要拥有尽可能多的仓库
- 用于跟踪和管理库存水平的灵活库存管理软件
费用: 联系报价
- 实时库存控制以优化空间、跟踪库存到确切位置并保持库存井井有条
- 易于使用、直观的界面
- 在中央数据库中自动化资产和库存跟踪、仓库和制造操作
- 用于改进库存跟踪和发货验证的条形码确认
- 将组合、包装和供应订单组件作为一个单元的编织功能
- 随时随地在任何设备上跟踪多个仓库的库存
费用: 联系报价
- 全面的化学品库存跟踪,以跟踪和管理从购买到处置的化学品
- 跟踪危险材料从产生到处置的整个过程
- 打印废物清单、创建废物概况并监控堆积区域
- 一个完整的环境健康和安全软件解决方案,非常适合公司、政府机构和高等教育机构
- EMS 订阅计划
- 入门 - 安全数据和 GHS 管理:29 美元/用户/月
- 基本 - 化学品库存管理:79 美元/用户/月
- 标准 - 危险废物管理:149 美元/用户/月
- 高级 - 设施管理和合规性:299 美元/用户/月
- 企业版:联系报价
Cin7 是一款云库存、POS、EDI 和 3PL 软件,适用于零售、批发和B2B。如果您想减少数据输入并获得单一、完整的供应链视图,Cin7 是适合您的解决方案,其中包括实时库存跟踪功能。
- 基于库存的确切到岸成本的集中式云库存管理软件,用于准确的销售成本和毛利报告
- 跟踪库存、出售仍在运输中的库存,并实时了解您已承诺和即将到达的货物
- 按序列号和批号跟踪
- 管理多个地点的库存并获得即时的库存可见性
费用: 提供免费试用
- 初学者:每月 299 美元起 - 包括 1 位普通用户,额外的普通用户收费 45 美元/用户/月
- 企业:每月 499 美元起 - 包括 5 位普通用户,额外的普通用户收费 45 美元/用户/月
- 专业版:每月 999 美元起 - 包括 5 位普通用户,额外普通用户每月收费 45 美元
- 企业:每月 2,999 美元起 - 联系以获取更多信息
Clear Spider 是云端协同库存管理软件的领导者,可让用户追踪库存,发现短缺,并在一处优化库存。通过在一个地方跟踪当前和历史订单来提高库存计划的准确性并优化库存水平。
- 通过自动补货简化库存流程
- 使用内置报告和分析有效地跟踪趋势
- 库存摘要报告包括每个项目库存状态的单行摘要,并且可以按部件号、序列号、项目描述等进行过滤
- 跟踪消耗、调整、周期盘点、转移、入库订单和出库订单,或捕获物品到不同位置的移动
- 全面了解库存水平
费用: 联系报价
Clearly Inventory 是一款快速、安全且易于使用的在线库存管理应用。用户喜欢能够选择显示哪些功能,以便他们拥有一个针对其特定库存跟踪需求量身定制的界面。
- 包括用于当前库存水平和交易历史的各种标准视图,但您可以制作自己的自定义视图
- 指定交易报告的相对或绝对时间段
- 实时跟踪数据,让所有用户都能看到最新信息,让您高枕无忧,因为更新会立即发生
- 具有搜索和过滤功能的报告
- 根据需要创建任意数量的位置,也可以创建特殊位置
- 使用唯一标签功能轻松跟踪批次、批次和序列号
费用: 免费试用 30 天
- 39.99 美元/月 - 包括 2 个用户和 5,000 个项目的 SKU,添加用户的价格为 4.99 美元/用户/月,添加项目的价格为 9.99 美元/5,000 个额外项目的 SKU/月
16。 Contalog 库存管理系统
Contalog 是一个基于云的全渠道数字商务平台,让 B2B 和B2C 企业使用所有可能的数字销售渠道进行销售。他们的库存管理系统是希望以更高透明度管理和跟踪库存的电子商务、零售商和批发商的理想解决方案。
- 集中库存跟踪流程
- 无缝集成
- 自动化的仓库特定库存管理允许用户专门为每个仓库分配库存,以根据需求控制每个仓库的库存维护方式
- 将库存位置保存到仓库名称和货架编号的库位功能
- 根据需求在仓库之间分配库存,避免缺货
费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价
17. Daxko 频谱清单
Daxko 是一种提高效率的库存跟踪解决方案。用户可以通过更高的可见性、更快的跟踪和更智能的跨部门和站点管理来更好地控制库存。
- 逐项查看、调整和跟踪
- 跟踪来自多个网站的库存
- 获取完整库存的即时详细视图
- 精确跟踪库存
- 管理库存、移动更多物品并完美执行
费用: 联系报价
- 使用移动设备随时随地跟踪库存
- 集成条码扫描软件以提高准确性
- 多个位置管理功能,用于确定每个站点的库存数量和产品的确切位置
- 在不同地点之间转移和跟踪库存
费用: 联系报价
Ecomdash 是电子商务库存管理的解决方案。这个屡获殊荣的解决方案使用户能够轻松地实时跟踪和同步所有渠道的库存。 Ecomdash 致力于为公司节省时间并最终消除过度销售。
- 改进对供应链的控制和可见性
- 跨市场、购物车等的多渠道电子商务集成
- 自动跟踪整个供应链的库存
- 为低库存水平设置自定义提醒
- 使用电子商务 API 构建自定义集成,以便与您在整个业务中使用的其他工具实时沟通库存情况
- 用于跟踪可能具有不同 SKU、列表 ID 或 UPC 的商品的唯一映射 ID 系统,并将各种标识符识别为一个产品
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
20. Ecount ERP
Ecount ERP 的在线库存管理软件是一个强大的解决方案,它考虑了条形码、仓库、序列号和批号、库存报告等。用户可以通过 Ecount ERP 的实时库存更新、随附的移动应用程序和内部通信控制将库存跟踪提升到一个新的水平。
- 使用条形码、SKU 或 QR 码管理和跟踪库存
- 工厂和仓库的实时库存管理
- 按项目管理序列号和批号并跟踪移动
- 可自定义的高级报告
- 跟踪最低限度和重新订购点,以减少浪费和短缺
- 基于云的实时库存更新
费用: 提供免费试用
- ERP 服务——所有功能、无限用户 ID、无限部门/仓库/商店,以及 10 个用户的群件访问权限
- 每月订阅:55 美元/月
- 年度订阅:600 美元/年
- 其他服务:免费 - 移动 ERP、条码应用、多语言支持和电子商务
ERPAG 是一个一体化的业务解决方案,其中包括一些最强大和最有效的提供云库存管理和跟踪功能。通过序列化跟踪、批号跟踪、到期日期跟踪等来跟踪库存,同时管理不同位置的多个仓库。
- 条码扫描
- 序列号和批号跟踪
- 跟踪具有可变产品的商品;您可以跟踪每个变体的数量、颜色或尺寸,并且 ERPGG 会计算每次库存移动
- 集中式库存解决方案,使用户能够从一个地方同步和更新不同平台上的库存
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
22. eTurns 远程库存解决方案
eTurns 是一款基于云的库存管理软件,提供远程库存的实时可见性,然后自动补货。用户可以实时查看库存,而 eTurns 与现有 ERP 和仓库系统集成,可以更轻松地管理远程库存。
- 通过以下四种方式之一管理和跟踪库存:iPhone、条形码扫描仪、eVMI 传感器管理补货或 RFID 跟踪
- 在捕获交易时在仪表板上提供分析
- 针对缺货或移动过快或过慢的商品发出可操作的红色警报
- 面向分销商、制造商、承包商、医疗保健、EMS 和工具箱的解决方案
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
23. EZOffice 库存
EZOffice Inventory 是一款资产跟踪软件,可帮助公司更好地利用设备和库存。用户可以选择在任何位置使用带有适用于 Android 或 iTunes 设备的移动应用的任何设备跟踪库存。
- 使用移动应用或手持式扫描仪扫描二维码或条形码,快速轻松地跟踪和管理库存
- 跨位置、子位置和团队跟踪库存
- 分析报告并确定哪些项目会造成瓶颈,从而获得洞察力以降低成本和提高生产力
- 实时库存数据库
- 定制的低库存警报
- 通过历史跟踪查看库存消耗模式,利用历史跟踪
费用: 提供免费试用
- 白银:320 美元/年 - 50 个用户和 200 个项目
- 黄金:49.99 美元/月或 540 美元/年 - 100 个用户和 500 个项目
- 白金级:95 美元/月或 1,026 美元/年 - 200 个用户和 2,000 个项目
- Diamond:每月 155 美元或每年 1,674 美元 – 200 名用户和 3,500 件商品
- 企业:联系报价 - 200 多个用户和 3,500 多个项目
Finale Inventory 是一款云库存和订单管理解决方案,内置条码扫描功能,适用于中小企业. Finale Inventory 是一款流行的用于仓库管理和大容量多渠道电子商务应用程序的在线库存软件,它为用户提供集中式库存解决方案,让他们无需跟踪库存。
- 在一处获取所有库存的最新计数,并轻松控制多个位置的库存
- 为每件商品设置重新订购阈值以防止缺货
- 无线条码扫描设计为交钥匙解决方案,无需集成顾问即可安装
- 跨多个渠道和仓库集中库存
- 免费提供培训和咨询服务
- 铜牌:149 美元/月 - 2 位用户,2000 个订单/月,2 次集成,单一位置,1000 件商品
- 白银:225 美元/月 - 6 位用户,8,000 个订单/月,4 次集成,多地点,100,000 件商品
- 金牌:299 美元/月 – 8 位用户,20,000 个订单/月,8 次集成,多地点,100,000 件商品
- 白金级:449 美元/月 - 12 位用户,35,000 个订单/月,无限制集成,多地点,100,000 件商品
25。 FinancialForce 库存管理
Salesforce 上排名第一的 ERP,FinancialForce 在 Salesforce 平台上提供供应链管理软件。使用保修、RMA、检验、收货和发货模块管理库存。
- 获得从采购到交付的完整库存可见性
- 跟踪条件库存以获得售后支持
- 分析采购、销售和利润历史直至序列号
- 通过实物和老化控制管理库存
- 跟踪条件库存以获得售后支持
费用: 联系报价
Fishbowl Warehouse 是专为中小企业打造的业务自动化平台,是最畅销的仓库管理解决方案对于 QuickBooks 用户。 With Fishbowl, you can manage and track inventory in multiple warehouses and quickly transfer items between them while setting up automatic order points so you don’t run out of products.
Key Features:
- Integrate with QuickBooks, Salesforce, UPS, Ready, and many others
- Scan barcodes to speed up inventory tracking and ensure accuracy
- Tracks parts in your warehouse so you know when to reorder them, and track part costs to know a product’s total cost
- Track inventory across multiple locations and check up-to-date inventory levels by location
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
27. Goods Order Inventory
Goods Order Inventory is a state-of-the-art inventory management application for mobile devices, desktop computers, and the web that connects users to their businesses around the clock. Easily track your inventory for any business unit and location from anywhere, anytime thanks go Good Order Inventory’s mobility feature.
Key Features:
- Quickly scan barcodes to check inventory and make adjustments as needed
- Track items in real time and assess stock levels across multiple warehouses and bins
- Online and offline working modes
- Track historical information
- Advanced barcode scanning function for using mobile rear camera or external Bluetooth scanners for quickly checking items in and out, making inventory adjustments, transferring stock, and creating purchase and sales orders
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
28. inFlow
inFlow Inventory is powerful inventory software that is easy to use. This solution serves as a live, central database for detailed listings of products, vendors, customers, and transactions while allowing users to have unlimited orders, customers, and products.
Key Features:
- Easily set up a barcode system to improve accuracy and efficiency
- Multi-user mode for real-time collaboration
- Track inventory for up-to-date cost information
- Run custom or built-in reports to make better decisions
- Organize inventory by locations or sub-locations and track by aisle or bin number
费用: 免费试用 30 天
- Regular:$399 one time/license
- Premium:$799 one time/license
- inFlow Cloud:$39/month/essential team member and $79/month/advanced team member
29。 Infoplus
Infoplus is a cloud-based inventory and warehouse management software solution for streamlining warehouse, orders, inventory, and shipments from one platform. This system empowers users to manage and track inventory accurately in real time with a slew of inventory management features like product recall tracking, inbound scheduled receipts, item cost allocation, and more.
Key Features:
- Track inventory across multiple warehouse locations, buildings, and lines of business with centralized inventory control
- View items and SKUs at a glance and change their status and manage item details easily
- Use preferred mixing, storage, and allocation rules to leverage lot control
- Get alerts when inventory levels are high or low and know which items are in demand or are sitting; predict lead time using order history and seasonality
费用: FREE trial available
- Startup:$379/month + $1,200 initial setup fee – 1 line of business, 1 warehouse, 1 building, 1 user, 100 SKUs, 500 orders/month, and 1 cart integration
- Growth:$879/month + $2,700 initial setup fee – 1 line of business, 1 warehouse, 1 building, 3 users, 250 SKUs, 1,500 orders/month, and 3 cart integrations
- Professional:$1,979/month + $6,000 initial setup fee – 1 line of business, 1 warehouse, 1 building, up to 10 users, unlimited SKUs, unlimited orders/month, and unlimited integrations
- 3PL:$3,979/month + $15,000 initial setup fee – 1 line of business, multi-warehouse, multi-building, unlimited users, unlimited SKUs, unlimited orders/month, and unlimited integrations
- Enterprise:$9,979/month + $15,000 initial setup fee – multi-lines of business, multi-warehouse, multi-building, unlimited users, unlimited SKUs, unlimited orders/month, and unlimited integrations
30。 IntelliTrack Inventory Software
Known as being “the simplest way to manage your inventory,” IntelliTrack is an innovative and effective inventory software solution. Intuitive and easy to use, the software is an ideal solution for tracking inventory with barcode scanning.
Key Features:
- Intelligent tracking provides deep insights into stock levels and supply usage
- Track items easily regardless of the type of inventory you manage
- Includes asset tracking to track exact locations, assigns, and maintenance schedules in real time
- Reliable barcode technology for tracking inventory and locations
- Choose between real-time and batch data synching for meeting in-house and off-site needs
- Advanced inventory control including storing critical data such as serial numbers, lots, expiration dates, warranties, and more
费用: FREE trial available for 30 days;联系报价
31. Inventoria Inventory Software
Inventoria is a business inventory management and stock control solution for Mac OS X or Windows. Monitor, track, and report inventory levels, costs, and averages while ensuring you never run out of stock thanks to Inventoria’s warnings and reports.
Key Features:
- Intuitive for ease of use
- View inventory levels by location, category, or overall
- Inventory reporting with product history
- Scan barcodes to easily add new items
- Add notes, URLs, and photos to item descriptions
- Transfer inventory between locations
- Mobile access with iOS and Android devices
- Inventoria Corporate Edition:$159 – Fully featured, single installation license
- Inventory Business Edition:$139 – All Corporate Edition features without multiple user or web access support
32. Inventory Track
Inventory Track from Jolly Technologies helps users easily track inventory across locations. Scan barcodes to manage and track inventory and receive alerts when items run low.
Key Features:
- Track inventory levels
- Manage inventory information records
- Generate reports on added, removed, or adjusted inventory for a given time period
- Automatically adjust inventory levels on check in or out
- Connect to an existing inventory or accounting database or export records for use with a third-party application
- Maintain detailed inventory records and track critical inventory information such as type, serial number, part number, supplier, or cost
费用: FREE Edition available; Contact for a quote
33. MarginPoint Mobile Inventory
MarginPoint is a leading software solution for managing contractors’ inventory regardless of storage location. Designed for the mobile workforce, MarginPoint enables you to track all inventory after it leaves the warehouse, from consumption to requisition and replenishment.
Key Features:
- Single integrated mobile solution for the full inventory management workflow for all materials
- Real-time visibility into an unlimited number of stocking locations and an unlimited number of supplier catalogs for optimizing replenishment and inventory control processes
- Track inventory in real time across all stocking locations with an iOS or Android device
- Maintain optimal inventory levels and minimize stockouts and shortages
费用: 联系报价
34. Megaventory
Megaventory makes managing and tracking inventory and orders simple. Supporting multiple locations and users, Megaventory is web-based and affordable.
Key Features:
- Multiple inventory locations
- Track inventory changes over time
- Stock alert levels
- Supports full serial numbers
- Track supplier availability and lead times
- Gross profit and inventory value reports
费用: 免费试用 15 天
- Starter:$9.90/month – 1 location, 1 user, 300 products
- Business:$49.90/month – 5 locations, 5 users, 5,000 products
- Corporate:$99.90/month – 10 locations, 10 users, 20,000 products
35. NetSuite 仓库和履行
The number one Cloud ERP software suite, NetSuite offers its warehouse and fulfillment solution for inventory management. Users automatically manage inventory while tracking inventory in multiple locations and pursuing demand planning and distribution requirements planning.
Key Features:
- Track products through their entire lifecycle through receipt
- Define inventory and assembly items for tracking by lot or serial number
- Enforce the capture and identification of all related information on each transaction to provide full tracking of each item
- Lot tracking with multiple quantities and serial tracking with a quantity of one
- Multi-location tracking and bin tracking
- Hierarchical location definitions
- Gain a holistic view of inventory levels across all physical locations by defining locations and bins and storing any item in any location
费用: Contact for a quote
36. Odoo Warehouse Management Software
Odoo is an all-in-one business software that is easy to use for modern online warehouse management. Track each inventory item move, from purchase to warehouse bin to sales order, with the unique double-entry inventory system. Trace lots or serials upstream or downstream from any point in your supply chain.
Key Features:
- Real-time dynamic reports are savable and shareable
- Get the most efficient stocking method and improve internal operations with the double-entry inventory method that does not require stock input, output, or transformation; rather, handle all operations as stock moves between locations
- Fully automated replenishment for less stock and no stockouts
- Cutting-edge automation and advanced routes for drop-shipping, cross-docking, and multi-warehouse
费用: FREE trial available
- FREE Plan – Free for one app, fewer than 50 users
- Online Plan:Starts at $25/user/month – Pay as you grow, fewer than 50 users
- Enterprise Plan:$30/user/month – Includes all apps, for more than 50 users
37. OfficeWise
OfficeWise online inventory software is an easy-to-use solution for tracking your inventory. OfficeWise is suitable for businesses and organizations of all sizes and helps users track inventory across multiple locations.
Key Features:
- Set up multiple inventory locations and track inventory by location
- More than 50 reports for keeping tabs of inventory
- Create purchase orders and track receipts
- Create sales and orders and track shipments
- Update inventory quantities, unit cost, and sales price
- Set up roles and define user access to features and functions
费用: 免费试用 30 天
- FREE – Includes 1 user, add unlimited additional users free of charge, 3 transactions/month, and 3 standard user roles
- Basic:$8.95/month – Includes 1 user, add unlimited additional users at $7.95/month/user, 10 transactions/month, 3 standard user roles, custom dashboard, reports and exports
- Standard:$24.95/month – Includes 3 users, add unlimited additional users at $7.95/month/user, unlimited transactions, 3 standard user roles, custom dashboard, reports and exports, search and filter, and groups
- Professional:$39.95/month – Includes 5 users, add unlimited additional users at $7.95/month/user, unlimited transactions, custom user roles, auto approvals, custom dashboard, reports and exports, search and filter, groups, tags, and budgets and planning
38. Orderhive
Orderhive delivers smart inventory management software for online sellers. With Orderhive, you can automatically control and track inventory across channels, warehouses, and integrated systems.
Key Features:
- Manage multi-warehousing easily, even with different stock policies for various channels based on product availability in warehouse and storage locations
- Integrated inventory tracking system tracks inter-warehouse stock transfers and provides users with quick access to accurate physical stock levels
- Use barcodes to search inventory, create orders and purchase orders, and ensure accurate shipments to customers
- Sync product details across channels with the click of a button
费用: 免费试用 15 天
- Starter:$50/month – 2 integrations, unlimited number of orders, unlimited number of SKUs, unlimited number of warehouses, unlimited number of users
- Professional:$100/month – 4 integrations, unlimited number of orders, unlimited number of SKUs, unlimited number of warehouses, unlimited number of users
- Growth:$150/month – 6 integrations, unlimited number of orders, unlimited number of SKUs, unlimited number of warehouses, unlimited number of users, and API access
39. Paragon ERP
Paragon ERP is a full-featured cloud-bases system with features that help you run every aspect of your business. Manage inventory, customers, finances, and more from one place with this affordable ERP system while having all the functionality you want to accurately track inventory.
Key Features:
- Manage unlimited independent warehouse facilities with independent inventory lists and processes
- Combine inventory quantities for reporting purposes
- Virtual, static, and dynamic bin locations for tracking inventory in warehouses and indicating when they are in motion
- Track inventory and locations using barcodes or RFID tags and smartphones or other scanning devices
- Count and maintain material, tool, and product inventories independently
- Use product specifications to match shelving locations based on availability, frequency of need, or size requirements
- Up to 2 users:$250/month – Up to 2 concurrent users, includes all features, cloud-based, add-ons available
- Up to 5 users:$470/month – Up to 5 concurrent users, includes all features, cloud-based, add-ons available
- Up to 10 users:$680/month – Up to 10 concurrent users, includes all features, cloud-based, add-ons available
- More than 10 users:Contact for a quote
40. Passport Inventory
ASAP Systems offers Passport Inventory, a comprehensive inventory and asset tracking system enabled by barcode, RFID, and smartphone technology. This complete, scalable system gives users visibility into the locations and quantities of inventory and assets around the clock to save your organization time and money.
Key Features:
- Appropriate for businesses, organizations, and enterprises of any size
- On-premises or cloud-based solution
- Track beyond quantity-based stock and manage serialized, batch, or lot inventory types
- Prevent stockouts, overstocks, and improve inventory turnover to improve your bottom line
- Use mobile scanners to track inventory and perform transactions while eliminating data entry errors
- Set inventory level triggers on specific locations for stock transfers and purchase orders
费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
41. Radley Inventory Control
Radley Software Solutions has been providing software for eCommerce, manufacturing, and warehouses for more than 40 years. Their inventory control solution provides real-time visibility and granular tracking to help you track inventory at remote locations without ERP.
Key Features:
- Create detailed inventory reports
- Gain real-time visibility to inventory levels through built-in data collection technology
- Accurately track inventory
- Streamline tasks
- Ensure error-proof data with barcode scanning from the desktop application or mobile handheld devices
- Automate inventory transactions and validate information
- Manage unlimited items
费用: Contact for a quote
42. RedBeam Inventory Management
RedBeam strives to make asset tracking and inventory management easy. That’s why their inventory management software solution is simple to set up and use to efficiently and accurately track items with barcode labels.
Key Features:
- Easily track item movements
- Take cycle counts or conduct physical inventory
- Run useful inventory reports
- Track inventory by location
- Easily receive, move, or issue items or physical inventories and cycle counts easily
- Increased visibility to available inventory with useful searching and reordering functionality
- Track lot and serial numbers, expiration dates, and reference numbers as needed
- Stamps all transactions with the date, time, and user for complete visibility
费用: Contact for a quote
43. SalesWarp Inventory Management System
SalesWarp provides centralized inventory management with their cloud-based inventory management system. Accurately track inventory in real time across your entire supply chain and sync inventory across multiple channels with this inventory software solution.
Key Features:
- Eliminate spreadsheets and manual processes
- Real-time inventory visibility across channels, warehouses, suppliers, and dropshippers
- Multi-channel, real time inventory management and tracking so you don’t oversell or experience stockouts, no matter where your inventory is located
- Easily view inventory by channel
费用: Contact for a quote
44. Solid Commerce
SolidCommerce enables multi-channel inventory management, shipping, and more for online retailers. This single platform syncs inventory across all web stores and online sales channels so you can track inventory quickly and easily.
Key Features:
- Centralized inventory management software
- Monitor and track inventory changes
- Set up multiple warehouses and view total inventory levels across all locations
- Assign specific quantity levels to each marketplace
- Automatically update inventory from multiple vendors, and item quantity and cost will instantly update within your select warehouse and list to marketplaces
- Track order numbers, Excel uploads, and manual updates with Inventory History
费用: Starts at $399/month
45. Stitch Labs
Stitch Labs is a top inventory management software that gives users a complete inventory control system. Gain total inventory visibility and control and automate multichannel inventory management with Stitch.
Key Features:
- Seamlessly sync sales channels, warehouses, purchase orders, and more to gain real-time insight and control
- Accurately forecast and take action as demand changes
- Easily track and manage stock across warehouses, 3PLs, and stores
- Mobile-friendly workflows and barcode scanners improve efficiency and reduce errors
- Basic:Starts at $499/month billed annually – Multichannel inventory control with unlimited sales channels, 2 partner integrations, up to 2,000 orders/month, and unlimited users
- High-Growth:Starts at $799/month billed annually – Unlimited sales channels, unlimited partner integrations, up to 2,000 orders/month, and unlimited users
- Premium:Contact for a quote
STORIS is an inventory management software solution for home furnishing retailer inventory control. Users gain better control and track inventory in real-time with little effort while improving furniture inventory accuracy.
Key Features:
- Reduce inventory age and increase turn ratios
- Real-time inventory management for more strategic decision-making
- Precise inventory tracking with real-time updates of inventory quantities and statuses across your entire supply chain
- Audit tracking by user and store location to minimize inventory shrinkage
- Just-in-time inventory management capabilities
- Barcode scanning technology for counting, receiving, picking, and tracking processes; accurately transmit information from anywhere in your organization to one centralized database to eliminate potential human error
费用: Contact for a quote
47. SYSPRO Inventory Management
SYSPRO Inventory Management ensures optimum inventory control and tracking for optimizing stock levels, freeing up working capital, and providing more effective customer service. Get a holistic view of inventory levels and track inventory easily to get the right balance within the supply chain.
Key Features:
- Gain visibility to current and future supply and demand
- Monitor and track inventory at a granular level
- Achieve optimum inventory levels at the correct locations
- Reduce the problem of excessive inventory
- Improve inventory forecast accuracy and improve order fulfillment performance
费用: Contact for a quote
48. TradeGecko
A cloud-based inventory management platform, TradeGecko inventory and order management software helps you manage inventory in real time across sales channels and multiple warehouses. With TradeGecko Mobile, you can manage products, customers, inventory, and orders from anywhere using an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch.
Key Features:
- Manage and track all products in one place
- Create quotes and purchase orders and connect to Xero or QuickBooks for accounting
- Keep stock, warehouses, currencies, taxes, and price lists in one system
- Manage inventory in real time across multiple sales channels and multiple warehouses
- Generate inventory reports for better business decisions in real time
费用: 免费试用 14 天; Plans start at $79/month
49. Unleashed
Unleased Software offers powerful inventory management solutions that enable users to manage inventory and integrate with accounting and eCommerce platforms. Manage your inventory in the cloud and determine location more quickly.
Key Features:
- Perpetual inventory control for an accurate view of product margins and profit
- Real-time access to inventory, cost, tracking information, and more using the Stock Enquiry feature
- Flexible reporting to create stock counts and report filters for suppliers, product groups, warehouses, bin locations, and more
- Multi-warehouse management
费用: 免费试用 14 天; Contact for a quote
50. VersAccounts
VersAccounts is a next-generation cloud ERP system with advanced inventory capabilities. VersAccounts supports multiple warehouses, serial numbers, lot numbers, and barcodes.
Key Features:
- Track and manage inventory across warehouses using serial numbers, lot numbers, barcodes, custom-data fields, and any units of measurement
- Track and manage inventory across multiple locations and drop-shipping
- Paperless receiving and easy cycle counting
- Operate in different currencies
- Complies with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) tracking and tracing requirements
- Express Edition:$499/month billed annually with annual contract or $349/month billed annually with 4-year contract – 3 users included, unlimited transactions, and all core ERP modules included
- Power Edition:$999/month billed annually with annual contract or $699/month billed annually with 4-year contract – 5 users included, unlimited transactions, and all core ERP modules included
- Infinity Edition: $1,499/month billed annually with annual contract or $1,049/month billed annually with 4-year contract – 5 users included, unlimited transactions, and all core ERP modules included
51. Windward Inventory Control Software
Windward Software provides leading point-of-sale, accounting, and inventory control software for a variety of industries. Their real-time inventory software includes tools for managing and tracking inventory to improve cost control processes.
Key Features:
- Print insightful reports
- Track inventory movement
- Integrate inventory information with modules in the Windward System Five business management system
- Real-time inventory tracking and management to reduce inventory shrinkage and optimize cash flow while improving customer service
- Use barcodes for controlling and tracking inventory
- Search and track items and increase warehouse productivity
费用: 提供免费试用; Starts at $4,3000 installed in your business
Products and Tracking Solutions from Camcode:
- Warehouse Rack Labels
- 条码标签
- Warehouse Labels and Signs
- UID 标签
- 库存标签
- 仓库过道标志
- 设备标签
- 仓库标牌
- 银箔标签