汽车 PCB 特性和设计注意事项
汽车 PCB 的基本要求
• 质量保证要求
对制造商或经销商来说,长期质量保证的一个基本要求在于完善的质量管理体系,即国际视野下的ISO9001。由于汽车行业的特殊性,1994年北美三大汽车制造商共同建立了汽车行业独有的质量管理体系,即QS9000。 21 st 开始 世纪,世界汽车制造商根据ISO9001的规定发布了新的质量管理体系,即ISO/TS16949。
• 性能基本要求
汽车的平均使用寿命为 10 至 12 年,在此期间只能更换零部件或易损件。换句话说,电子系统和PCB必须像汽车一样具有服务年限。
车辆在应用过程中往往会受到气候和环境的影响,从严寒、酷热到长期暴晒雨淋。除此之外,他们还必须承受由工作电子元件和系统产生的热量导致的环境变化。汽车电子系统和PCB也是如此。汽车电子系统必须克服以下恶劣环境,包括温度、湿度、雨水、酸烟、振动、电磁干扰 (EMI) 和电流浪涌。
轻量化和小型化有利于节省燃料,这得益于每个组件和电路板的轻量化和小型化。例如,车载ECU(Electronic Control Unit)的体积为1200cm 3 在 21 st 的开头 世纪,而这一数字至少缩小了四倍。 PCB的轻量化和小型化源于密度的提高、面积的减小、薄型化和多层化。
汽车 PCB 的性能特性
• 多种类型
车载设备 | PCB 类型 |
车速表;空调 | 单/双层PCB 单/双层柔性PCB |
汽车音响;监控 | 双层PCB 多层PCB 柔性PCB |
汽车通讯设备;无线定位设备;安全控制系统 | 多层PCB HDI PCB 柔性PCB |
引擎系统;动力传输控制系统 | 金属芯PCB 刚柔结合板 |
车载电源控制器;导航装置 | 嵌入式PCB |
• 车辆不同部位PCB的可靠性要求
根据车辆的不同部分设置5个级别。下表总结了车辆不同部分 PCB 的热循环温度:
车辆部分 | 级别 | 低温 | 高温 |
车内 | A | -40°C | 85°C |
下面是车辆底盘 | B | -40°C | 125°C |
引擎之上 | C | -40°C | 145°C |
传动部分 | D | -40°C | 155°C |
引擎内 | E | -40°C | 165°C |
汽车PCB必须经过包括雨天和潮湿环境在内的众多动态环境,这使得有必要进行THB测试,该测试也能够检查PCB CAF(导电阳极丝)流动性。 CAF只发生在以下几种情况:电路板上相邻的过孔之间、相邻的过孔和导线之间、相邻的导线和相邻的层之间。在这些情况下,绝缘性会降低甚至导致捷径。绝缘电阻应根据过孔、导线和层之间的距离来确定。
• 高频电路板
与军用雷达类似,作为近场雷达,汽车防撞或预测性紧急制动系统依赖于 PCB 传输微波高频信号。因此,建议使用具有低介电损耗的基板材料,通常使用 PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)。与普通的FR-4作为基材不同,PTFE或类似的高频材料自然需要不同的可制造性。例如,在通孔钻孔的过程中需要特殊的钻孔速度。
• 厚铜PCB
• 组件嵌入
嵌入式组件 PCB 最初应用于手机,以增加组装密度并减小产品的整体尺寸,这对其他电子产品也很重要。这就是嵌入式技术用于汽车电子设备的原因。
基于组件嵌入方法,有许多嵌入式 PCB 制造选项:
a.首先铣槽,然后通过波峰焊或导电膏组装 SMD。
d. SMD通过波峰焊组装,然后使用树脂进行封装。这种嵌入式PCB更符合汽车的耐热、耐湿、抗冲击等需求,可靠性高。
• HDI 技术
与智能手机或平板电脑在娱乐和通讯功能方面类似,车辆也需要HDI PCB。因此,微孔钻孔、电镀和互连技术必须应用于汽车PCB。
汽车 PCB 设计注意事项
• 电感器方向
当两个电感(甚至是两根PCB线)相互靠近时,就会产生电感。一个电路(电路 A)中的电流产生的磁场随后将驱动另一个电路(电路 B)中的电流。这个过程类似于变压器初级和次级项圈之间的相互影响。当两个电流通过磁场相互作用时,产生的电压由互感 (LM) 决定: 。 In this formula, YB is the error voltage input to Circuit B while LA is the current through Circuit A. LM is quite sensitive to circuit spacing, inductance loop area and loop direction.
Therefore, an optimal method to arrange all inductors in a circuit can be achieved through compact circuit layout and coupling balance reduction.
Distribution of mutual inductance is related with inductance alignment. Therefore, direction modification of Circuit B makes its current loop parallel to magnetic lines of Circuit A. To achieve that, inductors should be vertically arranged, which is beneficial to mutual inductance reduction.
Inductor layout rules for automotive PCBs:
a. Inductor space should be as large as possible;
b. Inductor alignment should be set as right angles so that crosstalk between them will be minimized.
• Lead coupling
Similar with inductor alignment affecting magnetic field coupling, if leads are close to each other, coupling will be affected as well and mutual inductance will be possibly generated. The leading issue in RF circuit lies in sensitive component layout such as input matching network, receiver's resonant channel and emitter's antenna matching network.
Return current path should be as close to main current path as possible with radiation field minimized, which is beneficial to current loop area reduction. Optimal low impedance path is normally grounding area under leads, that is, loop area is effectively limited in the area with dielectric thickness times lead length. If grounding area is split, however, loop area will be enlarged. For leads going across split area, return current will be forced to go across high impedance path, which greatly increases current loop area. This type of layout also makes circuit accessible to mutual inductance.
In a word, integrated grounding should be ensured under leads as much as possible since integrated mass area grounding is beneficial to circuit performance improvement.
• Grounding thru-hole
The main issue RF circuit has to solve usually lies in bad characteristic impedance of circuits, including electronic components and interconnection. Copper layer with low thickness is equivalent to inductance wire. Moreover, distributed capacitance can be formed by the combination between copper layer and adjacent leads. As leads go through thru holes, inductance and capacitance characteristics will be displayed as well.
Thru-hole capacitance mainly derives from capacitance between copper at thru-hole pad edge and bottom copper. Another element affecting thru-hole capacitance is cylinder of metal thru holes. Parasitic capacitance affects little since it usually just leads to low signal edge of high-speed digital signals.
The largest effect of thru holes is corresponding parasitic inductance aroused by interconnection. Because majority of metal thru holes feature the same dimension as that of integrated components in RF PCB design, this formula can be used to estimate the effect of thru hole:. In this formula, LVIA is the integrated inductance of thru holes; h refers to via height with inch as unit; d refers to via diameter with inch as unit.
As a result, circuit layout should conform to the following principles:
a. Inductance module should be established for thru holes in sensitive area;
b. Filter or matching network depends on independent thru holes;
c. Thinner PCB copper will reduce the effect of thru hole parasitic inductance.
• Grounding and filling
Grounding or power plane defines a public reference voltage that supplies power to all components in the system through low impedance path. Based on that scheme, all the electric fields can be balanced with excellent shielding scheme generated.
Direct current always flows through low impedance path. Similarly, high-frequency current is also a path flowing through the lowest impedance at the first minute. Therefore, for standard PCB leads above ground plane, return current tries to flow into the grounding area rightly under leads. Afterwards, split grounding area arouses all kinds of noises, which further increases crosstalk through magnetic field coupling or current accumulation. As a result, ground integrity should be ensured as much as possible, or return current will drive crosstalk.
In addition, filling ground, also called protective wire, is usually applied for design of circuits containing areas where continuous ground is difficult to be arranged or that requires shielding sensitive circuits. Grounding thru holes can be positioned at terminals of wires or along the wires to increase shielding effect. Protective wires can't be mixed with leads designed to provide return current path, which will bring forward crosstalk.
When copper area isn't connected to ground or connected to ground at one terminal, its validity will be decreased. In some cases, parasitic capacitance will be generated with ambient impedance changed or potential path formed between circuits, which, thus, lead to bad effect. Simply speaking, if copper has to be arranged on the board, the same electroplating thickness should be maintained.
In the end, grounding area near antenna has to be taken into consideration. Any monopole regards grounding area, routing and thru hole as a section of system balance and non-ideal balanced routing will affect radiation efficiency and direction of antenna. Therefore, grounding area mustn't be directly placed right under monopole antenna of a circuit board.
To sum up, the following design principles should be conformed to in terms of grounding and filling:
a. Continuous grounding area with low impedance should be provided as much as possible;
b. Two terminals of filling wires should be connected to the ground with thru hole array applied;
c. Copper-coated lines have to be connected to the ground near circuit around which copper coatings aren't necessary. When it comes to circuit boards with multiple layers, a grounding thru hole should be arranged as signal lines are transferred from one side to the other.
In conclusion, automotive PCB design rules can be summarized into the following table:
Inductor layout | • Inductor space should be as large as possible; • Inductor alignment should be set as right angles; |
Integrated grounding | • Integrated grounding should be arranged under leads; |
Through holes | • Inductance module should be set for thru holes in sensitive area; • Filter or matching network depends on independent thru holes; • Thinner PCB copper reduces the effect of thru hole parasitic inductance; |
Grounding and filling | • Continuous grounding area with low impedance should be provided; • Connect terminals of filling wires to the ground with thru hole array applied; • Copper-coated lines have to connected to the ground; |
Article wrote by PCBCart editor Dora Yang, first published on Bodo's Power System Magazine August issue, 2017.
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