教程:您的第一个 FPGA 程序:LED 闪光灯
第 1 部分:VHDL 或 Verilog 的设计
本教程展示了以指定频率闪烁 LED 的 VHDL 和 Verilog 代码的构造。 VHDL 和 Verilog 都有显示,你可以选择你想先学习的。每当编写设计代码时,FPGA 设计人员都需要确保它按照预期的方式工作。尽管您尽了最大的努力,但您的初始设计中总会出现错误。找出这些错误的最好方法是在模拟环境中。本教程分为两个阶段:
- HDL的设计
- HDL模拟
这两个步骤对于成功的 FPGA 开发都至关重要。有时时间紧迫的 FPGA 设计人员会尝试跳过第二步,即代码仿真。然而,这是非常重要的一步!如果没有适当的模拟,您将被迫在硬件上调试代码,这可能是一项非常困难且耗时的工作。
设计以 100 Hz、50 Hz、10 Hz 或 1 Hz 的指定频率闪烁 LED 的 HDL 代码。对于每个闪烁频率,LED 将设置为 50% 的占空比(它将在一半时间亮起)。 LED 频率将通过作为 FPGA 输入的两个开关来选择。还有一个名为 LED_EN 的附加开关需要为“1”才能打开 LED。 FPGA 将由 25 MHz 振荡器驱动。
为了使其正常工作,将有 4 个输入和 1 个输出。信号将是:

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity tutorial_led_blink is port ( i_clock : in std_logic; i_enable : in std_logic; i_switch_1 : in std_logic; i_switch_2 : in std_logic; o_led_drive : out std_logic ); end tutorial_led_blink; architecture rtl of tutorial_led_blink is -- Constants to create the frequencies needed: -- Formula is: (25 MHz / 100 Hz * 50% duty cycle) -- So for 100 Hz: 25,000,000 / 100 * 0.5 = 125,000 constant c_CNT_100HZ : natural := 125000; constant c_CNT_50HZ : natural := 250000; constant c_CNT_10HZ : natural := 1250000; constant c_CNT_1HZ : natural := 12500000; -- These signals will be the counters: signal r_CNT_100HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_100HZ; signal r_CNT_50HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_50HZ; signal r_CNT_10HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_10HZ; signal r_CNT_1HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_1HZ; -- These signals will toggle at the frequencies needed: signal r_TOGGLE_100HZ : std_logic := '0'; signal r_TOGGLE_50HZ : std_logic := '0'; signal r_TOGGLE_10HZ : std_logic := '0'; signal r_TOGGLE_1HZ : std_logic := '0'; -- One bit select wire. signal w_LED_SELECT : std_logic; begin -- All processes toggle a specific signal at a different frequency. -- They all run continuously even if the switches are -- not selecting their particular output. p_100_HZ : process (i_clock) is begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then if r_CNT_100HZ = c_CNT_100HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0 r_TOGGLE_100HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_100HZ; r_CNT_100HZ <= 0; else r_CNT_100HZ <= r_CNT_100HZ + 1; end if; end if; end process p_100_HZ; p_50_HZ : process (i_clock) is begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then if r_CNT_50HZ = c_CNT_50HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0 r_TOGGLE_50HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_50HZ; r_CNT_50HZ <= 0; else r_CNT_50HZ <= r_CNT_50HZ + 1; end if; end if; end process p_50_HZ; p_10_HZ : process (i_clock) is begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then if r_CNT_10HZ = c_CNT_10HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0 r_TOGGLE_10HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_10HZ; r_CNT_10HZ <= 0; else r_CNT_10HZ <= r_CNT_10HZ + 1; end if; end if; end process p_10_HZ; p_1_HZ : process (i_clock) is begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then if r_CNT_1HZ = c_CNT_1HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0 r_TOGGLE_1HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_1HZ; r_CNT_1HZ <= 0; else r_CNT_1HZ <= r_CNT_1HZ + 1; end if; end if; end process p_1_HZ; -- Create a multiplexor based on switch inputs w_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_100HZ when (i_switch_1 = '0' and i_switch_2 = '0') else r_TOGGLE_50HZ when (i_switch_1 = '0' and i_switch_2 = '1') else r_TOGGLE_10HZ when (i_switch_1 = '1' and i_switch_2 = '0') else r_TOGGLE_1HZ; -- Only allow o_led_drive to drive when i_enable is high (and gate). o_led_drive <= w_LED_SELECT and i_enable; end rtl;
设计的 Verilog 代码,tutorial_led_blink.v:
module tutorial_led_blink ( i_clock, i_enable, i_switch_1, i_switch_2, o_led_drive ); input i_clock; input i_enable; input i_switch_1; input i_switch_2; output o_led_drive; // Constants (parameters) to create the frequencies needed: // Input clock is 25 kHz, chosen arbitrarily. // Formula is: (25 kHz / 100 Hz * 50% duty cycle) // So for 100 Hz: 25,000 / 100 * 0.5 = 125 parameter c_CNT_100HZ = 125; parameter c_CNT_50HZ = 250; parameter c_CNT_10HZ = 1250; parameter c_CNT_1HZ = 12500; // These signals will be the counters: reg [31:0] r_CNT_100HZ = 0; reg [31:0] r_CNT_50HZ = 0; reg [31:0] r_CNT_10HZ = 0; reg [31:0] r_CNT_1HZ = 0; // These signals will toggle at the frequencies needed: reg r_TOGGLE_100HZ = 1'b0; reg r_TOGGLE_50HZ = 1'b0; reg r_TOGGLE_10HZ = 1'b0; reg r_TOGGLE_1HZ = 1'b0; // One bit select reg r_LED_SELECT; wire w_LED_SELECT; begin // All always blocks toggle a specific signal at a different frequency. // They all run continuously even if the switches are // not selecting their particular output. always @ (posedge i_clock) begin if (r_CNT_100HZ == c_CNT_100HZ-1) // -1, since counter starts at 0 begin r_TOGGLE_100HZ <= !r_TOGGLE_100HZ; r_CNT_100HZ <= 0; end else r_CNT_100HZ <= r_CNT_100HZ + 1; end always @ (posedge i_clock) begin if (r_CNT_50HZ == c_CNT_50HZ-1) // -1, since counter starts at 0 begin r_TOGGLE_50HZ <= !r_TOGGLE_50HZ; r_CNT_50HZ <= 0; end else r_CNT_50HZ <= r_CNT_50HZ + 1; end always @ (posedge i_clock) begin if (r_CNT_10HZ == c_CNT_10HZ-1) // -1, since counter starts at 0 begin r_TOGGLE_10HZ <= !r_TOGGLE_10HZ; r_CNT_10HZ <= 0; end else r_CNT_10HZ <= r_CNT_10HZ + 1; end always @ (posedge i_clock) begin if (r_CNT_1HZ == c_CNT_1HZ-1) // -1, since counter starts at 0 begin r_TOGGLE_1HZ <= !r_TOGGLE_1HZ; r_CNT_1HZ <= 0; end else r_CNT_1HZ <= r_CNT_1HZ + 1; end // Create a multiplexer based on switch inputs always @ (*) begin case ({i_switch_1, i_switch_2}) // Concatenation Operator { } 2'b11 : r_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_1HZ; 2'b10 : r_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_10HZ; 2'b01 : r_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_50HZ; 2'b00 : r_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_100HZ; endcase end assign o_led_drive = r_LED_SELECT & i_enable; // Alternative way to design multiplexer (same as above): // More compact, but harder to read, especially to those new to Verilog // assign w_LED_SELECT = i_switch_1 ? (i_switch_2 ? r_TOGGLE_1HZ : r_TOGGLE_10HZ) : (i_switch_2 ? r_TOGGLE_50HZ : r_TOGGLE_100HZ); // assign o_led_drive = w_LED_SELECT & i_enable; end endmodule