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顶级库存跟踪软件:51 个用于更好地跟踪库存的综合软件系统

公司利用软件系统来监控和跟踪库存,因为手动跟踪已过时、容易出错且耗时。自动化库存监控和跟踪的软件解决方案可为公司节省时间和金钱,并为他们提供所需的可见性。那些仍然在库存跟踪中涉及一些手动流程的公司,例如在电子表格程序中手动记录交易,并没有获得竞争优势。另一方面,拥有自动化库存跟踪流程并使用条形码标签和 RFID 标签的公司几乎消除了与手动跟踪库存相关的所有人为错误。
帮助您自动化流程并节省公司时间和钱,我们收集了当今可用的 51 种顶级库存跟踪软件解决方案。我们的首选涵盖零售、仓库、电子商务和供应链,并得到行业专家以及软件和技术领导者的推荐。我们还考虑了当前用户的评论和评分,并在此处列出了我们排名前 51 的库存跟踪软件系统,以简化您的搜索。请注意,以下库存跟踪软件工具未以任何方式进行排名或评级。

1。 AssetPanda

AssetPanda 致力于帮助公司组织和管理您拥有的一切。他们的库存管理模块是一个易于使用的跟踪解决方案,具有托管在云中的集中资产数据库,不需要昂贵的扫描仪。

费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价

2. 参考标签

Reftab 是一个全面的资产管理软件解决方案,设计时考虑到了简单性。它适用于各种规模的公司,并提供可定制的资产跟踪,以满足任何组织的独特需求和资产类型。 Reftab 提供多种定价计划,根据您需要跟踪的资产数量,按比例收取费用,因此您无需支付超出您需要的费用。



3。 3PL仓库经理

来自 3PL Central,一家为 3PL 提供易于使用、基于云的仓库管理软件的提供商和所有类型的仓库,3PL Warehouse Manager 是一种经济实惠、可扩展的库存跟踪解决方案。该软件包括强大的报告和状态更新,可为所有用户提供实时的全球库存可见性。

费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价

Acctivate 是一款功能强大、易于使用且价格合理的 QuickBooks 库存管理软件。 Acctivate Inventory Software 是专为分销商和在线零售商设计的一体化系统,可与 QuickBooks、领先的购物车提供商、EDI 翻译软件等无缝集成。

费用: 提供免费试用
5. Acumatica Cloud ERP – 库存管理

Acumatica 提供具有集成会计、CRM 和业务管理软件的下一代云 ERP 解决方案. Acumatica Cloud ERP 库存管理解决方案提供对库存的实时可见性,使您能够跟踪库存和成本。

费用: 联系报价
6. AdvancePro

AdvancePro 是一款无需大成本的大型企业库存管理软件。制造、仓储和分销领域的中小型公司将此库存跟踪软件与 QuickBooks 和其他会计软件无缝集成。用户喜欢使用 AdvancePro 实现操作自动化,包括库存和订单管理。

费用: 联系报价
7. Almyta Systems 库存管理

Alymyta Systems 提供 3PL 库存管理软件解决方案,使用户能够处理多个客户、仓库、和公司所在地。为每个客户创建独立的数据库并在数据库之间导入和导出数据,以简化您的库存跟踪流程。

费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价
8 。 ArbiMed 库存

ArbiMed 提供医疗软件和技术,为医疗用品采购提供创新解决方案。他们的库存管理软件专为临床领域设计,基于云端,具有实时库存跟踪功能。

费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价

来自 Quickbooks 用户排名第一的库存管理系统 Fishbowl,Boxstorm 是一个新的云 -基于库存的解决方案,是其业务自动化平台的一部分。 Boxstorm 专为中小型企业设计,是一种简化库存管理的解决方案,让企业主能够更灵活地在任何设备上从任何位置管理和跟踪库存。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价

Brightpearl 是领先的全渠道零售管理平台,可帮助零售商和批发商自动化和简化库存管理在单个云平台中进行跟踪、订单、会计等。通过所有渠道的实时更新,Brightpearl 可帮助用户节省时间并减少错误。

费用: 联系报价


费用: 联系报价




Cin7 是一款云库存、POS、EDI 和 3PL 软件,适用于零售、批发和B2B。如果您想减少数据输入并获得单一、完整的供应链视图,Cin7 是适合您的解决方案,其中包括实时库存跟踪功能。

费用: 提供免费试用


Clear Spider 是云端协同库存管理软件的领导者,可让用户追踪库存,发现短缺,并在一处优化库存。通过在一个地方跟踪当前和历史订单来提高库存计划的准确性并优化库存水平。

费用: 联系报价

Clearly Inventory 是一款快速、安全且易于使用的在线库存管理应用。用户喜欢能够选择显示哪些功能,以便他们拥有一个针对其特定库存跟踪需求量身定制的界面。

费用: 免费试用 30 天

16。 Contalog 库存管理系统

Contalog 是一个基于云的全渠道数字商务平台,让 B2B 和B2C 企业使用所有可能的数字销售渠道进行销售。他们的库存管理系统是希望以更高透明度管理和跟踪库存的电子商务、零售商和批发商的理想解决方案。

费用: 免费试用 30 天;联系报价
17. Daxko 频谱清单

Daxko 是一种提高效率的库存跟踪解决方案。用户可以通过更高的可见性、更快的跟踪和更智能的跨部门和站点管理来更好地控制库存。

费用: 联系报价


费用: 联系报价

Ecomdash 是电子商务库存管理的解决方案。这个屡获殊荣的解决方案使用户能够轻松地实时跟踪和同步所有渠道的库存。 Ecomdash 致力于为公司节省时间并最终消除过度销售。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
20. Ecount ERP

Ecount ERP 的在线库存管理软件是一个强大的解决方案,它考虑了条形码、仓库、序列号和批号、库存报告等。用户可以通过 Ecount ERP 的实时库存更新、随附的移动应用程序和内部通信控制将库存跟踪提升到一个新的水平。

费用: 提供免费试用


ERPAG 是一个一体化的业务解决方案,其中包括一些最强大和最有效的提供云库存管理和跟踪功能。通过序列化跟踪、批号跟踪、到期日期跟踪等来跟踪库存,同时管理不同位置的多个仓库。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
22. eTurns 远程库存解决方案

eTurns 是一款基于云的库存管理软件,提供远程库存的实时可见性,然后自动补货。用户可以实时查看库存,而 eTurns 与现有 ERP 和仓库系统集成,可以更轻松地管理远程库存。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
23. EZOffice 库存

EZOffice Inventory 是一款资产跟踪软件,可帮助公司更好地利用设备和库存。用户可以选择在任何位置使用带有适用于 Android 或 iTunes 设备的移动应用的任何设备跟踪库存。

费用: 提供免费试用


Finale Inventory 是一款云库存和订单管理解决方案,内置条码扫描功能,适用于中小企业. Finale Inventory 是一款流行的用于仓库管理和大容量多渠道电子商务应用程序的在线库存软件,它为用户提供集中式库存解决方案,让他们无需跟踪库存。


25。 FinancialForce 库存管理

Salesforce 上排名第一的 ERP,FinancialForce 在 Salesforce 平台上提供供应链管理软件。使用保修、RMA、检验、收货和发货模块管理库存。

费用: 联系报价

Fishbowl Warehouse 是专为中小企业打造的业务自动化平台,是最畅销的仓库管理解决方案对于 QuickBooks 用户。 With Fishbowl, you can manage and track inventory in multiple warehouses and quickly transfer items between them while setting up automatic order points so you don’t run out of products.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
27. Goods Order Inventory

Goods Order Inventory is a state-of-the-art inventory management application for mobile devices, desktop computers, and the web that connects users to their businesses around the clock. Easily track your inventory for any business unit and location from anywhere, anytime thanks go Good Order Inventory’s mobility feature.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
28. inFlow

inFlow Inventory is powerful inventory software that is easy to use. This solution serves as a live, central database for detailed listings of products, vendors, customers, and transactions while allowing users to have unlimited orders, customers, and products.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 30 天

29。 Infoplus

Infoplus is a cloud-based inventory and warehouse management software solution for streamlining warehouse, orders, inventory, and shipments from one platform. This system empowers users to manage and track inventory accurately in real time with a slew of inventory management features like product recall tracking, inbound scheduled receipts, item cost allocation, and more.
Key Features:

费用: FREE trial available

30。 IntelliTrack Inventory Software

Known as being “the simplest way to manage your inventory,” IntelliTrack is an innovative and effective inventory software solution. Intuitive and easy to use, the software is an ideal solution for tracking inventory with barcode scanning.
Key Features:

费用: FREE trial available for 30 days;联系报价
31. Inventoria Inventory Software

Inventoria is a business inventory management and stock control solution for Mac OS X or Windows. Monitor, track, and report inventory levels, costs, and averages while ensuring you never run out of stock thanks to Inventoria’s warnings and reports.
Key Features:


32. Inventory Track

Inventory Track from Jolly Technologies helps users easily track inventory across locations. Scan barcodes to manage and track inventory and receive alerts when items run low.
Key Features:

费用: FREE Edition available; Contact for a quote
33. MarginPoint Mobile Inventory

MarginPoint is a leading software solution for managing contractors’ inventory regardless of storage location. Designed for the mobile workforce, MarginPoint enables you to track all inventory after it leaves the warehouse, from consumption to requisition and replenishment.
Key Features:

费用: 联系报价
34. Megaventory

Megaventory makes managing and tracking inventory and orders simple. Supporting multiple locations and users, Megaventory is web-based and affordable.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 15 天

35. NetSuite 仓库和履行

The number one Cloud ERP software suite, NetSuite offers its warehouse and fulfillment solution for inventory management. Users automatically manage inventory while tracking inventory in multiple locations and pursuing demand planning and distribution requirements planning.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
36. Odoo Warehouse Management Software

Odoo is an all-in-one business software that is easy to use for modern online warehouse management. Track each inventory item move, from purchase to warehouse bin to sales order, with the unique double-entry inventory system. Trace lots or serials upstream or downstream from any point in your supply chain.
Key Features:

费用: FREE trial available

37. OfficeWise

OfficeWise online inventory software is an easy-to-use solution for tracking your inventory. OfficeWise is suitable for businesses and organizations of all sizes and helps users track inventory across multiple locations.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 30 天

38. Orderhive

Orderhive delivers smart inventory management software for online sellers. With Orderhive, you can automatically control and track inventory across channels, warehouses, and integrated systems.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 15 天

39. Paragon ERP

Paragon ERP is a full-featured cloud-bases system with features that help you run every aspect of your business. Manage inventory, customers, finances, and more from one place with this affordable ERP system while having all the functionality you want to accurately track inventory.
Key Features:


40. Passport Inventory

ASAP Systems offers Passport Inventory, a comprehensive inventory and asset tracking system enabled by barcode, RFID, and smartphone technology. This complete, scalable system gives users visibility into the locations and quantities of inventory and assets around the clock to save your organization time and money.
Key Features:

费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
41. Radley Inventory Control

Radley Software Solutions has been providing software for eCommerce, manufacturing, and warehouses for more than 40 years. Their inventory control solution provides real-time visibility and granular tracking to help you track inventory at remote locations without ERP.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
42. RedBeam Inventory Management

RedBeam strives to make asset tracking and inventory management easy. That’s why their inventory management software solution is simple to set up and use to efficiently and accurately track items with barcode labels.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
43. SalesWarp Inventory Management System

SalesWarp provides centralized inventory management with their cloud-based inventory management system. Accurately track inventory in real time across your entire supply chain and sync inventory across multiple channels with this inventory software solution.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
44. Solid Commerce

SolidCommerce enables multi-channel inventory management, shipping, and more for online retailers. This single  platform syncs inventory across all web stores and online sales channels so you can track inventory quickly and easily.
Key Features:

费用: Starts at $399/month
45. Stitch Labs

Stitch Labs is a top inventory management software that gives users a complete inventory control system. Gain total inventory visibility and control and automate multichannel inventory management with Stitch.
Key Features:



STORIS is an inventory management software solution for home furnishing retailer inventory control. Users gain better control and track inventory in real-time with little effort while improving furniture inventory accuracy.
Key Features:

费用:  Contact for a quote
47. SYSPRO Inventory Management

SYSPRO Inventory Management ensures optimum inventory control and tracking for optimizing stock levels, freeing up working capital, and providing more effective customer service. Get a holistic view of inventory levels and track inventory easily to get the right balance within the supply chain.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
48. TradeGecko

A cloud-based inventory management platform, TradeGecko inventory and order management software helps you manage inventory in real time across sales channels and multiple warehouses. With TradeGecko Mobile, you can manage products, customers, inventory, and orders from anywhere using an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 14 天; Plans start at $79/month
49. Unleashed

Unleased Software offers powerful inventory management solutions that enable users to manage inventory and integrate with accounting and eCommerce platforms. Manage your inventory in the cloud and determine location more quickly.
Key Features:

费用: 免费试用 14 天; Contact for a quote
50. VersAccounts

VersAccounts is a next-generation cloud ERP system with advanced inventory capabilities. VersAccounts supports multiple warehouses, serial numbers, lot numbers, and barcodes.
Key Features:


51. Windward Inventory Control Software

Windward Software provides leading point-of-sale, accounting, and inventory control software for a variety of industries. Their real-time inventory software includes tools for managing and tracking inventory to improve cost control processes.
Key Features:

费用: 提供免费试用; Starts at $4,3000 installed in your business
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