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顶级供应链分析:50 个有用的软件解决方案和数据分析工具,以获得有价值的供应链见解

正如利哈伊大学供应链管理实践教授 Paul Myers 解释的那样,随着全球操作系统、定价压力和不断提高的客户期望成为常态,供应链经理不能在黑暗中运营。各种经济因素,如燃料成本上升、供应商基础不断变化、来自低成本外包商的竞争加剧以及持续的全球衰退严重影响供应链并造成浪费。供应链分链分析软件解决方案和工具已成为必备技术。许多供应链分析工具具有改进的预测以及销售和运营规划功能,可为供应链经理提供所需的商业智能,以简化运营、降低成本和改善客户服务。
我们收集了 50 个顶级供应链分析帮助忙碌的供应链经理找到对他们最有价值的工具。我们选择包含的工具来自一些领先的软件和分析公司,它们都包含提供价值和提高运营效率的功能。以下许多工具包括库存分析、运输分析、需求预测功能和预测分析,可作为供应链分析的综合解决方案。我们的一些工具也是具有内置分析功能的供应链管理 (SCM) 解决方案,可为公司提供更具成本效益的解决方案。请注意,我们在此处列出了我们的 50 个顶级供应链分析工具,没有特别 订购 .
1. Voxware 的 Intellestra

Voxware 的 Intellestra 使分销运营经理和高管能够预测未来的供应链需求。 Intellestra 的复杂算法汇总和分析数据以呈现当前和过去的活动、预测未来事件并生成规范性分析来为决策提供依据。

费用: 联系报价

毕马威 Spectrum 是一个智能引擎,专为应对复杂挑战而量身定制,而这些挑战并非仅靠人就能解决。他们的第三方情报解决方案使组织能够查明供应链中的漏洞并在中断发生之前采取行动。利用 KPMG Spectrum 第三方情报及时识别威胁并采取纠正措施。

费用: 联系报价
3. PeopleSoft 供应链分析

PeopleSoft 供应链分析为组织提供管理每分钟所需的实时信息经营业绩。使用 PeopleSoft 供应链分析跟踪盈利产品、调查生产问题、识别产品质量问题并跟踪运营绩效,以降低成本并提高客户满意度。

费用: 联系报价
4. Birst 供应链分析

Birst 是为企业提供商业智能和分析的全球领导者,提供其供应链分析从一个角度管理供应链每个步骤的工具。通过 Birst 在整个供应链中进行协作并获得实时可见性。

费用: 联系报价
5. Halo 供应链分析和商业智能软件

Halo BI 为企业规模、快速实施的供应链规划和数据发现提供分析,和数据安全。借助 Halo,供应链经理和高管可以比以往更快地进行分析、决策和计划。

费用: 联系报价


费用: 联系报价

Tableau 可帮助组织查看和理解数据。他们的解决方案在每个人都可以访问的可视化环境中提供供应链分析,同时支持高级建模和预测。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
8. JDA 供应链解决方案

JDA Software,领先的无缝供应链规划和执行解决方案提供商,涵盖从规划到组织交货。他们的端到端零售和供应链规划和执行技术旨在应对当今全球消费者驱动的市场所带来的挑战。他们以分析为依据的洞察力可帮助供应链制定可行的计划,以实现更高的利润增长。

费用: 联系报价
9. Neubrain 供应链和物流分析软件

Neubrain 是预算、预测和业务分析方面的专家。他们的供应链和物流分析软件为供应链专业人士提供分析,并帮助他们深入了解客户的需求。

费用: 联系报价
10. TARGIT 决策套件

TARGIT 是一家商业智能和分析公司,可帮助用户更快地将观察结果转化为可操作的见解。他们的决策套件为采购和物流经理提供端到端可见性和量身定制的分析,将供应链提升到一个新的水平。

费用: 联系报价

笛卡尔是物流技术的全球领导者。他们的 Reporting Services 供应链分析是一种工具,使公司能够访问制定供应链管理数据和报告决策所需的信息。

费用: 联系报价

Solvoyo 是领先的供应链规划平台,它使公司能够优化、自动化和整合供应链运营。供应链领导者选择 Solvoyo,因为它将最好的供应链规划和供应链分析整合到一个集成平台中。

费用: 联系报价
13. AIMMS 供应链分析

AIMMS 规范分析平台旨在帮助组织评估和确定解决问题的最佳选择复杂分析的最大挑战。他们的供应链分析工具使公司走上了由数据驱动的更智能供应链的道路。具体而言,AIMMS 供应链分析使公司能够建立双模式供应链。

费用: 联系报价
14. SAP Ariba

SAP Ariba 通过帮助公司在数字经济中蓬勃发展,简化了采购并使 B2B 商务变得轻而易举。 SAP Ariba 让用户能够清楚地了解支出和供应商,以帮助增加储蓄、降低风险并提高合规性。这款供应链分析工具提供的洞察力有助于做出更好、更快的购买决策。

费用: 联系报价
15. Logility Voyager 解决方案

Logility 优化了规划并提高了可见性。 Logility Voyager 解决方案提供先进的供应链分析,以推动绩效并在例外情况下管理供应链分析流程。

费用: 联系报价

RELEX Solutions 提供集成的零售和供应链规划系统,为全球客户提供结果.借助 RELEX,每个人都可以访问供应链分析和洞察力,从而使业务用户能够做出更明智的决策。

费用: 联系报价

FusionOps 融合了供应链分析工具,可帮助企业在获得所需答案的同时节省时间云、人工智能和大数据,迎来自主企业的新时代。

费用: 联系报价
18. Blue Ridge 供应链分析和库存分析软件

Blue Ridge 是一种云原生供应链规划解决方案,可帮助零售商和分销商提高现金流并提高利润率。作为 Gartner SCP 魔力象限的领导者,Blue Ridge 供应链分析和库存分析帮助公司集中供应链洞察力以提高业务绩效。

费用: 联系报价
19. IMI 供应链分析

Aptean 是任务关键型企业软件解决方案的领先供应商,提供 IMI 供应链分析。借助可定制的管理仪表板、预构建报告和主动警报,公司可以轻松监控整个供应链的 KPI、管理优先例外情况,并通过 IMI 供应链分析深入分析根本原因。主要功能:

费用: 联系报价
20. Qlik 供应链分析

Qlik 让人们更容易做出更有洞察力的数据驱动决策并采取行动.他们的供应链分析工具使用户能够以前所未有的方式探索他们的数据,以推动更好的业务成果并获得竞争优势。

费用: 联系报价
21. Manhattan Associates 供应链可见性

Manhattan Associates 帮助世界顶级品牌解决供应链、库存、和全渠道。他们的供应链产品包括供应链管理、供应链可视性、供应链智能和总服务成本。供应链可见性解决方案提供全球供应链网络的单一视图,并提供实时订单、库存和发货分析。

费用: 联系报价
22. TIBCO Spotfire – 供应链优化分析

TIBCO 是集成、API 管理和分析领域的全球领导者。他们的 Spotfire 平台通过在您的企业中提供自助分析,为您公司中的每个人提供更快的答案。 TIBCO Spotfire 是一款理想的供应链分析工具,因为它具有 GeoAnalytics Builder 和供应链优化的相关功能。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
23. WMSight

WMSight 是一个面向配送中心和供应链顾问的分析平台,处于商业智能的交汇点和预测分析。这个专门构建的供应链分析和报告平台监控和优化配送中心运营的库存、劳动力和订单履行,以帮助您充分利用您的业务。

费用: 联系报价
24. Axway 决策洞察

Axway 采用统一的、API 优先的方法来连接来自任何地方的数据并带来实时分析以建立客户体验网络。他们提供了大量的分析解决方案,他们的 Decision Insight 是一种运营智能解决方案,可引导企业做出更快、更明智的决策。在供应链分析方面,Axway 是一种解决方案,适合希望通过使用运营智能来获得实时态势感知和预测洞察力来变得更加主动的公司。

费用: 联系报价
25. JASCI云供应链分析系统

JASCI 软件使仓库管理操作在不超出预算的情况下易于部署和使用。他们的供应链分析系统快速、简单且信息丰富,包括云物流平台中的分析、仪表板和报告。

费用: 联系报价
26. Cognos 分析

IBM Cognos Analytics 是一个非常适合供应链分析的分析平台。这种下一代商业智能解决方案可以解释您的意图并引导您更快地获得结果。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价

Demand Solutions 为超过 75 个国家/地区的客户改进了供应链管理,其价格实惠、易于操作- 使用供应链管理软件。他们的 SCM BI 是一种原生供应链商业智能,是其 DSX 软件的一部分。

费用: 联系报价

Opalytics 是一种现代供应链和运营分析工具,可扩展且易于回复。作为云原生平台,Opalytics 具有协作模型管理功能,可将您的模型组织到项目中,然后授权协作者。

费用: 联系报价
29. Aptos 企业分析

Aptos Enterprise Analytics 是一种零售供应链分析工具,将与入站物流相关的关键数据汇编成DC、到店的外向物流和 DC 运营。借助 Aptos Enterprise Analytics,您的公司可以发现机会并优化流程,同时根据数据做出正确的决策。

费用: 联系报价
30. IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Pack for Supply Chain Insight

IBM Infosphere Information Server 帮助组织满足他们的需求,从数据集成到数据质量再到数据治理. IBM Infosphere 的 Supply Chain Insight Warehouse Pack 是一种供应链分析工具,可为组织提供有关其供应链运营的即时信息。

费用: 联系报价
31. HighJump 供应链管理软件

HighJump 提供适应性强的互联供应链网络解决方案,帮助企业保持敏捷。他们还提供满足公司需求的定制软件,包括供应链分析。

费用: 联系报价
32. ChainPoint 供应链分析

ChainPoint 连接供应链,帮助企业通过可追溯性、审计、供应商软件监控和管理它们评估、报告和讲故事。他们的供应链分析解决方案通过引导公司可视化从整个供应链中收集的一组丰富信息,向公司通报他们在实现其 KPI 方面取得的进展。

费用: Contact for a quote
33. ID。 Systems PowerFleet IQ

I.D. Systems is a leading global provider of fleet management solutions for securing, tracking, and managing enterprise assets. Their PowerFleet IQ is an analytics tool for a specific aspect of the supply chain:fleet management. Companies use PowerFleet IQ to make their material handling operations smarter.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
34. Kinaxis RapidResponse Supply Chain Solution

Kinaxis delivers an on-demand supply chain management and S&OP service that enables companies to rapidly and profitably respond to changes in demand, supply, and product. Their Rapid Response Supply Chain Solution powers capabilities that drive short- and long-term demand and supply decisions across the enterprise by adding a highly-configurable planning and supply chain analytics layer to your operations.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
35. MATLAB &Simulink

A high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming, MATLAB is at the heart of modeling and simulation processes for supply chains. Simulink is a block diagram environment for multi domain simulation and model-based design that is integrated with MATLAB to create models and export simulation results to MATLAB for further analysis. Together, MATLAB &Simulink can simulate performance of distribution depots, use demand forecasts to show where to optimize stock, and more.
Key Features:

费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
36. TMW Systems Transportation Analytics Software

TMW Systems is the leading provider of enterprise software to transportation and logistics companies. Their Transportation Analytics Software is a specialized supply chain analytics tool that delivers true business intelligence about your freight transportation and fleet management operations and business health.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
37. SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain Management

SAP Integrated Business Planning includes real-time supply chain planning capabilities. A powerful supply chain analytics tool, SAP Digital Supply Chain Management is powered by SAP HANA in-memory technology and combines features for sales and operations, demand, response and supply planning, and inventory optimization.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
38. 10-4 Systems

10-4 Systems develops technology capable of harnessing the power of Big Data. They provide full shipment visibility that shippers, carriers, and 3PLs need to then provide visibility to their customers in real time. This supply chain analytics tool is the solution for managing all of your shipments in a single portal while getting intelligent supply chain visibility.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
39. SAS Supply Chain Intelligence

SAS software gives people the power of knowledge through data and analytics. Their Supply Chain Intelligence solution combines data from multiple sources so that you can quickly analyze, visualized, and share information and achieve more accurate forecasts, higher customer satisfaction, greater business planning efficiency, and more.
Key Features:

费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
40. o9 Supply Chain Analytics

o9 Solutions, Inc. delivers an enterprise-class platform for intelligent decision management across sales and marketing, supply chain, integrated business planning, innovation, and finance. Their AI-powered supply chain analytics software aligns supply chain network policies for optimal service level.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
41. Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a solution for Big Data and analytics. Companies that adopt Azure deliver better experiences and make better decisions by analyzing data in real time. A solution that is ideal for supply chain analytics, Microsoft Azure delivers the insight you need to improve customer engagement, increase revenue, and lower costs.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote

BOARD International is a global provider of unified business intelligence and predictive analytics software. With BOARD, companies make better supply chain decisions by achieving a single vision of their performance in a virtual data repository available across the entire organization.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
43. Silvon Stratum

Silvon Software provides operational planning and business intelligence solutions to midsize food, CPG, publishing, and other supply chain businesses. Silvon Stratum is their comprehensive suite of pre-packaged analytics options that are easily customized and designed to get users leveraging their analysis of operational-level data quickly. Silvon Stratum’s analytics span the enterprise.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
44. Bilytica

Bilytica offers business intelligence services and supply chain analytics solutions to companies around the world. Bilytica delivers the business intelligence supply chain managers and other team members need to monitor each phase of the supply chain with automated alerts, take the right action, and optimize resources while ensuring customer and partner satisfaction and controlled costs.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
45. LLamasoft Planning by Design

A global leader in supply chain design software and solutions, LLamasoft offers Planning by Design. A different sort of supply chain analytics tool, LLamasoft Planning by Design empowers companies to quickly model supply chain operations and access powerful analytical optimization and simulation engines to improve the planning process.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
46. BRIDGEi2i Supply Chain Analytics

BRIDGEi2i Analytics is a global analytics solutions firm that has established itself as a trusted partner for enabling data-driven business transformation. Their supply chain analytics solution is designed for the modern enterprise and aims to help organizations get the most out of their data to address key supply chain challenges.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
47. Tamr Procurement Analytics

Tamr helps companies leverage all data to use the most accurate insights for decision making. Supply chain managers and leaders can unify countless data silos quickly and economically with Tamr.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
48. Jedox for Procurement

Jedox simplifies planning and analysis for businesses around the globe. Jedox for Procurement is an effective tool for supply chain analytics that streamlines procurement planning and execution with transparent, timely data.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
49. 1010data

1010data is a leading Big Data discovery and data sharing platform. With 1010data, retail companies gain a unified view of the supply chain. This supply chain analytics tool also is capable of ingesting data at a granular level multiple times a day to trace product as it moves through the supply chain.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
50. Infor Supply Chain Management

Infor builds business software for specific industries in the cloud. Their Supply Chain Management solution goes beyond typical SCM software and incorporates supply chain analytics and the tools companies need to optimize their end-to-end supply chain and use the power of social networking to collaborate effectively internally and externally.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
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