顶级供应链管理会议:2020 年将参加 50 场有关供应商管理、风险缓解等活动
为了帮助供应链经理及其公司确保最佳的供应链管理,我们汇总了前 50 名供应链管理会议。这些会议涵盖了当今供应链管理专业人员面临的一些最紧迫的挑战,包括库存管理、供应商管理、安全和质量维护、风险缓解等。我们的顶级供应链管理会议精选包括来自杰出专家的主题演讲、充足的交流机会、稳健的轨道,以及为供应链领导者提供专业知识和可行建议的途径。我们已将 2020 年在美国、加拿大及其他地区举行的会议包括在内,以便您可以选择最适合您的需求和日程安排的会议,并可能在新的一年利用早鸟价。请注意,我们在这里按时间顺序列出了我们排名前 50 的供应链管理会议,以简化您的搜索过程;因此,它们不会以任何方式排名或评级。
1。 2020 年零售业大展
1 月 11 日至 14 日
全国零售联合会 (NRF) 是世界上最大的零售贸易协会,代表所有零售业态和分销渠道。他们的年度会议和博览会,即零售 BIG Show,定于 2020 年 1 月在纽约市举行。与会者在三天的课程中体验教育、网络和充满技术和解决方案的巨大展览馆。 Retail’s BIG Show 的会议分为内容轨道,涵盖从移动零售和可持续发展到研究和全球趋势的方方面面。参加零售业的 BIG Show 后,向思想领袖、专家和同行学习并优化您的供应链管理策略。
- 零售会员,完整会议:11 月 16 日之前 1,175 美元
- 零售非会员,完整会议:11 月 16 日前 2,175 美元
- 非零售会员,完整会议:2,275 美元
- 非零售非会员,完整会议:3,275 美元
- NRF 大学成员完整会议(教育者):800 美元
- 非大学成员完整会议(教育者):1,050 美元
2 。中西部铁路托运人协会 (MARS) 冬季会议
1 月 14 日至 16 日
中西部铁路托运人协会 (MARS) 寻求“为解决运输和汽车供应问题提供一个开放的论坛”,并为其会员提供有关铁路运营实践、运输创新和立法事项的教育计划。他们的供应链管理会议每年举行两次,第一次于 2020 年 1 月在伊利诺伊州伦巴第举行。 MARS 冬季会议设有招待会、新成员介绍会和关键行业主题的会议。
- 会员:250 美元(包括会议、2 份早餐、午餐、2 次招待会和 2019 年会费)
- 仅限午餐:55 美元
- 仅接待:55 美元
3。 BG战略顾问供应链会议
1 月 22 日至 24 日
BG 战略顾问供应链会议在我们名单上的供应链活动中是独一无二的,因为它专门展示了 CEO 级别的主题。在 The Breakers Luxury Palm Beach Resort 举行,与会者在 200 名同行中进行为期 3 天的会议、交流和乐趣。今年会议的一个新活动是“供应链鲨鱼坦克”,六家公司有机会向专家小组展示他们的新供应链创新。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
1 月 27 日至 28 日
第 14 届年度医疗保健供应链管理峰会将于 2020 年 1 月在路易斯安那州新奥尔良举行。本次供应链管理活动以高管交流机会和杰出的专家演讲为特色。 2020 年的医疗保健供应链管理峰会会议将针对通过优化和对标供应链运营来改善患者治疗效果的战略。本次供应链会议的与会者将就优化医疗保健供应链的承包、物流和价值分析的策略进行深入讨论。
- 标准会议:12 月 13 日前 1,995 美元
- 标准会议:1 月 27 日前 2,295 美元
- 医院与卫生系统会议:12 月 13 日之前 995 美元
- 医院与卫生系统会议:1 月 27 日之前 1,295 美元
5。 2020 年快速起步
1 月 27 日至 29 日
SMC3 将在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行物流技术峰会,举办 2020 年 Jump Start 供应链管理会议,该组织通过创新的运输软件、服务和教育计划促进托运人、承运人和 3PL 之间的合作。 Jump Start 专注于“点燃供应链战略”,是托运人、承运人、物流供应商和技术合作伙伴的理想供应链管理活动。在这次供应链管理会议上享受 20 多场有针对性的会议、40 位行业专家和 15 小时的交流。
- SMC3 会员:11 月 27 日前 750 美元
- SMC3 Associates:11 月 27 日前 995 美元
- 一般:11 月 27 日前 1195 美元
- 配偶计划:11 月 27 日前 395 美元
6。 供应链金融峰会 (SCFS)
1 月 30 日至 31 日
SCFS 已经举办了五年,并继续推动关于转型供应链金融这一主题的新讨论。今年峰会的主题包括本地和全球融资创新、技术驱动的供应链模式的未来,以及增加中小企业和新兴市场对供应链金融的准入。峰会前将举办供应链金融区块链大师班,全面回顾最新的区块链技术,与会者可以购买这两个活动的折扣票。
- SCF 峰会早鸟价:1,452 欧元
- 区块链大师班和 SCF 峰会早鸟:1,815 欧元
7。 供应链管理与物流国际会议 (ICSCML)
2 月 3 日至 4 日
本次国际研究会议活动将汇集多位学者和行业研究人员,讨论供应链管理和物流。今年的 ICSCML 将为贡献者提供一个重要的论坛,让他们分享他们的最新研究成果和主要收获。在 ICSCML 2020 期间,提交的论文将有机会在供应链管理和物流期刊的特刊中被考虑,该期刊将成为会议的特色。会议还将讨论影响行业的最新创新和市场趋势。
- 非学生口头/海报演示者注册:500 欧元(早鸟价 450 欧元)
- 学生口头/海报演示者注册:400 欧元(早鸟价 350 欧元)
- 听众注册:300 欧元(早鸟价 250 欧元)
8. 2020 年奥兰多 ARC 行业论坛
2 月 3 日至 6 日
作为行业领先的技术研究和咨询公司,ARC 将于 2020 年 2 月举办第 24 届年度 ARC 行业论坛,即数字化和保护工业、基础设施和城市。ARC 行业论坛在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行,将探讨工业公司的现状随着供应链合作伙伴采用数字化流程和工业物联网 (IIoT),改进业务流程和技术方法。在 2020 年奥兰多 ARC 工业论坛上详细了解数字化工厂、城市和基础设施将如何使您和您的供应链受益。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
9。 2020 年拉斯维加斯 RLA 会议和博览会
2 月 4 日至 6 日
2020 年的 RLA 会议和博览会聚焦“循环经济”这一主题,所有 3PSP 都可以从参与中受益。其目的是为 OEM 和零售品牌企业提供指导,这些企业正在向跨国公司开放 RL 支持。该活动将包括来自世界各地的演讲者、小组成员和参展商,使其成为不容错过的重要国际会议。
- 零售商和制造商与会者:1,499 美元
- 标准注册:1,699 美元
2 月 20 日至 22 日
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
11. 第 65 届美国食品托运人年度会议
2 月 23 日至 25 日
六年来,美国食品托运人一直在召开会议,重点关注食品包装、分销和零售的来龙去脉。过去的会议讨论了许多对涉及食品分配的供应链工作人员来说很重要的主题;这些主题包括 FSMA 合规性、经济更新以及最新最好的食品运输物流策略。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
12. 2020零售供应链大会
2 月 23 日至 26 日
零售业领袖协会 (RILA) 是一个行业协会,代表着全球各个零售渠道的领先零售商。他们的零售供应链会议包括来自供应链高管和专家的见解,他们分享了关于供应链在当今日益变化的行业中的作用和演变的见解。 2020 年,零售供应链会议除了 35 多场互动会议和 5 个分组讨论外,还提供有关热门话题的一流教育课程。在这次供应链管理会议上,获得洞察力、参与交流机会并访问深入的内容,同时为您更复杂的供应链挑战开发新的、创造性的解决方案。
- RILA 会员的完整会议通行证:12 月 31 日前 995 美元; 1 月 1 日至 2 月 20 日,1,195 美元; 1,395 美元(现场)
- 非会员的完整会议通行证:12 月 31 日前 1,295 美元;从 1 月 1 日至 2 月 20 日,1,495 美元; 1,695 美元(现场)
- Retailer Expo Experience Only Pass:$195
3 月 2 日至 5 日
Elevate 2020 将在奥兰多世界中心万豪酒店举行。加入志同道合的企业,合作并了解将提升您的供应链和整个业务的技术。向专家主题演讲者学习、参与分组会议、生动的产品演示和有趣的社交活动,同时有机会与 700 多个行业同行建立联系。与会者还将听取行业专家对当今供应链趋势和问题的看法。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
14。 2020年供应链管理董事大会
3 月 4 日至 6 日
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的 Naveen Jindal 管理学院将在南加州大学马歇尔商学院举办第 9 届年度 SCM 董事会议。在那里,供应链管理主管将齐聚一堂,参加为期 3 天的论坛,探讨课程创建、设计等方面的最新创新。
参加费用: 免费注册
15。 2020分销管理大会暨博览会
3 月 8 日至 11 日
医疗保健分销联盟 (HDA) 是代表初级药品分销商的全国性协会。他们的 2020 年分销管理会议和博览会是该协会最大的供应链教育活动。近 600 家制造商、分销商、顾问和第三方参加了这次供应链管理会议,以保持医药分销行业的发展。参与与医疗保健供应链相关的主题,并参与运营和战略讨论论坛,了解可帮助您优化医疗保健供应链行业业务运营的新工具和战略合作伙伴。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
16。 LogiMed 美国 2020
3 月 12 日至 13 日
LogiMed US 2020 以成为“唯一针对医疗器械供应链的会议”而自豪。因为它服务于这样一个利基市场,所以网络机会是精心策划和有意义的,包括制造商和供应商专用的混音器,以及交互式圆桌讨论。 LogiMed 美国的与会者包括为医疗保健领域的知名人士工作的人,包括爱尔康、波士顿科学、西门子等。
- 合格的医疗器械制造商:2,399 美元
- 卫生系统、诊所和护理人员:499 美元
- 解决方案提供商:2,999 美元
17. IWLA 会展
3 月 15 日至 17 日
IWLA Convention &Expo 是仓储物流专业人士和整个行业领导层的重大盛会。鉴于每年都有大量高管和高级专业人士参加,此次活动是供应链合作伙伴直接与客户就其最新产品进行讨论的绝佳机会。展会重点关注仓库环境,任何仓库或 3PL 高管都可以从演讲、研讨会和交流机会中受益。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
18 。 ASD 市场周刊
3 月 22 日至 25 日
ASD MARKETWeek 是一个综合性的 B2B 贸易展,吸引了来自各个零售和分销渠道的与会者,他们希望寻找新的供应商、新的产品类别和新的盈利方式。这次供应链会议有超过 45,000 名与会者、2,720 家参展公司,同时也是 SourceDirect 贸易展的举办地,它允许进口商、分销商、批发商和大型零售商直接从海外采购商品。 ASD MARKETWeek 适合各种规模的分销渠道和零售细分市场。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
19. ProcureCon Indirect East 2020
3 月 23 日至 25 日
ProcureCon Indirect East 是 ProcureCon 系列的一部分,该系列的特色是与保持采购相关性相关的活动,即使经济和企业焦点发生变化。 ProcureCon 与会者包括来自各种规模的组织的高级采购从业人员,包括财富 500 强公司和一些最令人兴奋的初创公司。 ProcureCon Indirect East 拥有 80 多名演讲者、充足的交流机会和互动会议,因此与会者可以获得最符合他们的需求和挑战的优质会议材料。演讲嘉宾包括微软首席采购官 Mike Simms、Lowes 企业战略采购副总裁 Percent Malhotra,以及百思买采购、战略采购、生命周期管理和治理高级总监 Nancy Tiran。
- 采购从业人员 3 天通行证:10 月 31 日前 1,899 美元; 10 月 31 日后 2,299 美元
- 解决方案提供商/其他 2.5 天通行证:3,299 美元
20。 Oracle 现代供应链体验
3 月 23 日至 26 日
甲骨文帮助企业实现价值链转型,他们将甲骨文现代供应链体验作为这一过程中的重要一步。 Oracle 现代供应链体验是一场供应链管理会议,汇聚了来自世界各地的顶级供应链创新者和领导者。事实上,超过 2,500 名供应链专业人士参加了此次活动,以从在云中部署供应链解决方案的领导者那里获得灵感。此活动专为寻求当前趋势、最佳实践以及如何将产品更快推向市场、提高盈利能力和提高客户满意度的真实故事的供应链专业人士而设计。
- 11 月 24 日之前的超优惠价格完整会议通行证:995 美元
- 团体超级优惠价格(5 次以上完整会议通行证):795 美元,直到 11 月 24 日
- 政府费用全场会议通行证:795 美元
21。 2020 年美国制造业峰会
3 月 24 日至 25 日
2020 年美国制造业峰会将在芝加哥伦巴第威斯汀酒店举行。本次供应链管理会议的主要发言人包括来自哈雷戴维森、欧莱雅、强生、普惠、固特异等的领导者。 2020 年美国制造业峰会将包括四个关键主题:制造业盈利能力、车间优化、人才和能力以及制造业创新。向高层管理人员学习,参加 100 多场现场商务会议中的一些会议,并从本次供应链会议上发人深省的研究中获得见解和可行的建议。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
22。 TIA Capital 创意会议暨展览
4 月 1 日至 4 日
运输中介协会 (TIA) 将于 2020 年 4 月在德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 JW 万豪酒店举办其 2020 年资本创意会议和展览,这是“世界上最大的基于经纪业务的 3PL 聚会”。该供应链管理会议是一年一度的盛会,与会者有机会与来自北美和国外的代表进行互动,以便及时了解最佳实践、技术、软件、货运匹配、保险以及 3PL 所需的其他一切成功。在 TIA2020 上享受交流机会、午餐等等。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
23。 SCOPE供应链会议
4 月 5 日至 7 日
SCOPE 供应链会议是一项仅限受邀参加的供应链活动,以其为观众提供的卓越服务而闻名。来自知名公司的 26 名指导委员会成员制定了完全由同行驱动的教育计划,以确保它解决最紧迫的供应链挑战。 2020 SCOPE 供应链会议的主题包括提高知名度的供应链战略、劳动力和人才管理、采用新兴技术、运输管理战略以及仓库管理和优化。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
24。 ICSCLE 2020:第22届供应链与物流工程国际会议
4 月 23 日至 24 日
ICSCLE 2020 是为数不多的致力于在学术和学术层面考虑供应链和物流的会议之一。来年的活动包括对实证和理论工作的各种精心挑选的贡献——所有这些最终都可能成为未来最前沿的供应链流程。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
25。供应管理协会年会(ISM 2020)
4 月 26 日至 29 日
供应管理协会 (ISM) 将在休斯顿的乔治·布朗会议中心举行年度会议。 ISM 拥有超过 48,000 名活跃的全球会员,是致力于推进采购和供应管理实践的最大全球组织。他们的年度供应链管理会议为业内最优秀和最聪明的人提供了无与伦比的学习体验,并为与会者提供了获得 CPSM 认证的机会。这是一场您不容错过的供应链管理会议。
- ISM 会员:1,395 美元,直到 1 月 11 日; 1,695 美元,1 月 12 日至 2 月 10 日; 2 月 11 日至 3 月 30 日,1,895 美元; 3 月 31 日至 4 月 25 日,1,995 美元;现场支付 2,095 美元
- 非会员:1,895 美元,直到 1 月 11 日; 1 月 12 日至 2 月 10 日 2,195 美元; 2,495 美元 2 月 11 日至 3 月 30 日; 3 月 31 日至 4 月 25 日,2,595 美元;现场支付 2,695 美元
26。 GHX 医疗保健供应链峰会
4 月 27 日至 29 日
GHX 致力于为医疗保健社区提供更好的患者护理并节省数十亿美元。对于希望提升供应链专业知识、加强长期战略并从行业领导者那里学习最佳实践的组织来说,他们的医疗保健供应链峰会是必须参加的活动。与会者将学习如何利用新技术、现代流程和最佳实践来解决代价高昂的供应链挑战和低效率问题。在 2020 年 GHX 医疗保健供应链峰会上,与 800 多名专业人士一起学习如何利用新技术、采用现代流程和实施最佳实践。
- 提前注册:950 美元,直到 1 月 24 日
- 标准注册:1,250 美元
27。 下一代供应链 (NGSC)
4 月 27 日至 29 日
NextGen Supply Chain 是一个旨在回答以下问题的教育会议:“供应链管理的下一步是什么?”为期三天的会议期间的主题将围绕有望真正改变供应链管理方式的技术创新和新方法。今年 NGSC 的技术重点是人工智能、机器人技术和数字化转型。会议的与会者代表了广泛的高管、高级 SCM 专业人士、学者和供应商。
- 参展/赞助会议代表:925 美元
- 会议代表:1850 美元(早鸟价 1650 美元)
28. AAFA 全球供应链与贸易会议
April 29-30
Baltimore, Maryland
The American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) hosts this annual event that brings together industry leaders to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities. The next event will be held at the Under Armour headquarters and will feature topics related to the trade war, strategic sourcing, and innovations in footwear and apparel supply chains. Details are still being prepared, so check the website for upcoming information about speakers, schedules, and more.
Cost to Attend:
- AAFA Member:$525.00
- Second person or more from the same member company:$450.00
- Non-Member:$925.00
29。 WERC 2020
May 3-6
Providence, RI
The Warehousing Education &Research Council, WERC, is an association of logistics and distribution professionals. Their 43rd annual conference, 2020 WERC Conference, will be held in Providence, RI, and feature more than 1,000 attendees, 120 expert presenters and 80 peer-driven sessions. WERC Conference is a supply chain management conference that offers industry education and solutions through industry-specific continuing education, networking opportunities, and the chance to see how other distribution centers operate. Attendees especially enjoy the Solutions Center with leading suppliers, peer-to-peer education sessions, and facility tours at the Annual WERC Conference.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
30。 Transplace 18th Annual Shipper Symposium
May 4-6
Austin, TX
Shipper Symposium is presented by Transplace, North America’s leading provider of transportation management services and logistics technology. This supply management conference offers excellent educational sessions with experts and thought leadership content, industry trend discussions, networking opportunities, and legislative updates. The goal of Shipper Symposium is to strengthen relationships and help supply chain management leaders operate their supply chains more efficiently. You’ll make connections, discover new technologies for greater transparency and efficiency, and learn more about the hottest trends and issues facing shippers at Shipper Symposium 2020.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
31. American Supply Chain Summit 2020
May 5-6
Dallas, TX
Generis’ American Supply Chain Summit 2020 will be held at the Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport and features keynotes from the most influential companies innovating supply chains, such as Walmart, Google, Coca-Cola, VF, The Home Depot, and GE Appliances. This year’s conference includes four powerful themes that are particularly relevant to today’s logistics thought leaders; these include Profitability and Risk Management, Cost Optimization, Workforce Management, and Technology.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
32 . Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference
May 11-14
Orlando, FL
Gartner is the source for technology-related insight for clients who want to make the right decision every time. That’s why their Supply Chain Executive Conference is a top pick for our supply chain management conference list – not to mention the fact that it features comprehensive tracks and sessions covering the entire spectrum of supply chain and focuses on helping supply chain executives identify innovations to support the future supply chain, develop solutions for next-generation supply chains with best-in-class talent and organizational strategies, and leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to advance your supply chain. The Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference is perfect for chief supply chain officers, supply chain planning executives, procurement and manufacturing executives, and logistics and distribution executives.
Cost to Attend:
- Early Bird:$4,200 through March 13
- Standard:$4,725
- Public Sector Rate:$3,925
33. Manhattan Momentum 2020
May 18-21
Las Vegas, NV
Manhattan Associates seeks to help the world’s top global brands solve the most complex business problems in supply chain, inventory, and omnichannel. Their supply chain management conference, Manhattan Momentum 2020, will take place in May at the Aria Hotel and feature tracks including Change Management, Inventory, Labor and Slotting, Manhattan SCALE, Omni-Channel, Technology &Platform, Manhattan Carrier, Transportation Management:Shippers, Visibility &Insight, Warehouse Management for IBM, and Warehouse Management for Open Systems. Attendees also will have access to industry experts and sessions with all of the information you need to optimize your supply chain strategy.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
34. The Logistics &Supply Chain Forum
May 31-June 2
Naples, FL
The Logistics &Supply Chain Forum is a supply chain management conference that connects senior logistics and supply chain professionals for networking, improving, and benchmarking. Held in Naples, Florida, the Logistics &Supply Chain Forum features extensive research and feedback from senior logistics and supply chain executives who deal with critical issues on a daily basis. Sessions cover strategic supply chain management, new planning models, transpacific trade, omnichannel distribution, and more so that attendees hear new and varied perspectives to become more effective executives who are prepared to move forward with their supply chains.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
35。 Home Delivery World 2020
June 3-4
Philadelphia, PA
Home Delivery World is a supply chain management conference with more than 1,500 attendees, 80 exhibitors, and 30 free seminar sessions. Home Delivery 2020 is in its eighth year of welcoming retailers, retailers, grocers, and solutions providers to discuss delivery operations challenges and trends and providing a forum where retail and eCommerce logistics innovators and their solution provider counterparts collaborate.
Cost to Attend:
- Non-Retailer:$235 (Individual Pass); Group Booking:$210
- Retailer/Grocer/Government:$155 (Individual Pass); Group Booking:$140
36 . 2020 Business and Leadership Conference
June 7-10
Colorado Springs, CO
The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) Business and Leadership Conference is the signature annual conference of the healthcare distribution industry, developed by and for healthcare supply chain leaders and innovators. This supply chain management conference brings together high-level executives, thought leaders, and influential managers from across the healthcare supply chain for strategic business discussions on pressing industry issues. Experience unique opportunities to network with peers and trading partners of all levels of the healthcare distribution industry over the course of two and a half days, plus attend informative general sessions and valuable networking events at the 2020 HDA Business and Leadership Conference. Please note, this supply chain management conference is exclusive to HDA member companies.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
37. Internet Retailer Conference &Exhibition
June 9-11
Chicago, IL
The Internet Retailer Conference &Exhibition (IRCE) joins together the brightest minds and most innovative strategies that can change the course of your business. In fact, IRCE welcomes industry experts and features top-notch agenda content, an exhibit hall full of the latest and greatest solution providers, and a community made for networking with thousands of your like-minded peers. This supply chain management conference features industry experts, unrivaled agenda content, and an exhibit hall packed with the best solution providers, so you will have the opportunity to network with thousands of like-minded industry peers when you attend IRCE 2020. You’ll also have access to the content that matches the supply chain management challenges facing your internet retail business.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
38. Petrochemical Supply Chain &Logistics
June 10-11
Houston, Texas
The Petrochemical Supply Chain &Logistics Conference is considered an incredible networking opportunity in the industry, with its 2019 event having an industry-leading 35% owner/operator attendance ratio. Major contributors include industry leaders such as Exxon Mobil, Dow, Shell Chevron and BASF. Some of the key topics for the upcoming conference include mitigating risk in supply chain operations based on external market challenges and how to leverage data through predictive analytics and AI. There will also be a focus on the topic of optimizing a regional, national and international logistics network through detailed discussions of each supply chain vertical.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
39. 3PL &Supply Chain Summit:Chicago
June 16-18
Chicago, IL
The 3PL &Supply Chain Summit:Chicago will be held at the Marriott Marquis Chicago. This supply chain event typically sells out, so don’t wait to register if you want to have the opportunity to attend. This supply chain conference is one of North America’s largest and best-attended gatherings of high-level logistics and supply chain executives. It also draws some of the most forward-thinking speakers, such as Avnet VP of supply chain services David Paulson, Schneider Electric VP of logistics systems &tools for the global supply chain Richard Morrissey, and IMB VP of supply chain Joanne Wright.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
40。 Best of the Best S&OP Conference
June 18-19
Chicago, Illinois
The Best of the Best S&OP Conference is a global forum for S&OP industry leaders and has been held continuously for the past 13 years. This event is co-presented by the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) and the Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning (IBF). In addition to the important networking opportunities, the conference will also feature a number of workshop sessions that are eligible for Continuing Education (CE) credit and maintenance for some industry certifications. It is a great resource for continuous improvement ideas across all areas of demand planning, forecasting, and new product development.
Cost to Attend:
- Member (ASCM or IBF):$1,595 ($1,345 early bird)
- Non-Member:$1,595 ($1,445 early bird)
- Team (3+, per person):$1,445 ($1,295 early bird)
41。 International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ICHLSCM)
June 18-19
Vienna, Austria
The International Research Conference is an active organization that prides itself on hosting a number of diverse scholarly events throughout the world each year. The events are of particular interest to students, academics, and industry researchers. The upcoming ICHLSCM will explore the topic of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management through talks and discussions with leading scientists and researchers. Topics of discussion include recent innovations, market trends, and practical solutions to common problems faced by the industry.
Cost to Attend:
- Non-Student Oral/Poster Presenter Registration:€ 500 (€ 450 early bird)
- Student Oral/Poster Presenter Registration:€ 400 (€ 350 early bird)
- Listener Registration:€ 300 (€ 250 early bird)
42。 NACDS Total Store Expo
August 8-10
San Diego, CA
Presented by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), the Total Store Expo is a supply chain management conference that offers the latest products and services from innovative suppliers of consumer goods, pharmacy, supply chain, and logistics technology. Retailer and exhibitor representatives make tactical and strategic exchanges, and attendees have the option of participating in the Meet the Market program to get to know the latest innovative products, technology, and services available to the retail audience at the NACDS Total Store Expo.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
43。 Retail Delivery Connect
August 10-12
Miami, FL
Retail Delivery Connect is an annual invite-only forum for logistics and supply chain executives working in retail. Its mission is to serve as a connection-building summit where attendees can network, exchange ideas, and collaborate on the newest supply chain innovations. Some past attendees include supply chain executives working for Nike, Overstock, Ralph Lauren, Reformation, Neiman Marcus, and many more.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
44。 ASCM 2020
September 13-15
New Orleans, LA
ASCM, a premier professional association for supply chain and operations management, is the leading provider of research, education, and certification programs that contribute to supply chain excellence and innovation. ASCM 2020, the annual conference for supply chain professionals, offers education, best practices, and thought leadership those professionals need to lead their organizations and reach maximum productivity and consumer demands. ASCM 2020 features a world-class educational program, powerful general sessions, nonstop networking opportunities, the ASCM 2020 Expo, and facility tours.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
45. CSCMP EDGE 2020
September 20-23
Orlando, FL
CSCMP educates and connects the world’s supply chain professionals. Their EDGE Conference will be held in Orlando in the fall of 2020. Participants will have access to leading-edge content and cutting-edge supply chain solutions at this supply chain management conference, which features more than 100 forward-thinking sessions that include real-world strategies for maximizing and transforming supply chains in addition to dynamic speakers, industry experts, and the brightest academics and practitioners in the industry today. Earn 15 CEUs for attending CSCMP EDGE 2020 all three days.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
46. Global Cold Chain Expo 2020
September 28-30
Dallas, TX
The Global Cold Chain Expo is a premier conference for the global food industry cold chain. The cutting-edge exposition features the tools, technologies, and services all partners throughout the cold chain need, in addition to an educational conference that joins innovators and experts to create a valuable, B2B networking event. Join more than 15,000 attendees including key decision-makers from retail, food service, processing, production, distribution, logistics, and transportation representing frozen, refrigerated, ambient, and fresh operations at the Global Cold Chain Expo in Dallas.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
47. eTAIL Fulfillment and Returns
October 21-22
Copenhagen, Denmark
As e-commerce continues to swell, it’s becoming more and more important for supply chain executives to have a wide perspective on all moving parts, including the ever-changing fulfillment and returns processes. eTAIL hosts a specialized conference that deals with, not only the challenges facing today’s retailers but also how an entire supply chain can organize itself to better support them. Previous conferences included 150 attendees, 45 speakers, 20 interactive roundtables, boardrooms, and workshops, and 8 hours of valuable networking time.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
48. Gartner Supply Chain Planning Summit
November 4-5
Orlando, FL
Gartner’s Supply Chain Planning Summit is the premier destination for supply chain planning leaders. Attendees learn how to deliver tangible business outcomes that support business objectives, harness emerging technologies to leverage supply chain planning for a competitive advantage, and more. Attendees have the opportunity to connect and network with more than 400 industry peers, learn about emerging trends and best practices, and discover emerging technologies that can transform supply chain planning.
Cost to Attend:
- Standard Price:$3,175
- Public-Sector Price:$2,650
49. 2020 In.sight
A leading provider of internet-based fleet mobility an mobile communication systems to the transportation industry, PeopleNet and TMW, a leading provider of enterprise software to transportation and logistics companies, present the In.sight User Conference + Expo 2020. This supply chain management conference will be held at the Houston Convention Center and deliver three days of opportunities for professionals to interact with experts and forward-thinkers in the industry. Gain valuable insights on the tools that will help you drive performance and safety across your organization and supply chain by attending 2020 In.sight.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
50. SummerCon 2020
This yearly supply chain design summer conference gives attendees the opportunity to meet fellow supply chain professionals and learn new strategies and techniques for solving business problems using supply chain design technology. Please note, SummerCon is open to all LLamasoft customers, users, and prospects and offers networking opportunities and case studies that attendees value year after year.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
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