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在轨道上爬行的重型设备是一项巨大而重要的投资。您的起落架系统约占新设备成本的 20%。相比之下,您的起落架约占维护预算的 50%。为了充分利用您的设备投资,适当的起落架预防性维护至关重要。





工程师设计设备轨道以有效转移重量。与轮式设备相比,配备履带式设备的占地面积或地面压力要小得多,而且它们也具有更大的牵引力。但是,某些表面上的履带可能很硬,这就是为什么像 Caterpillar 这样的领先设备制造商允许您从以下两种履带材料中进行选择:

  1. 钢轨: 大多数大型设备,如液压挖掘机和推土机,都使用钢履带来实现推进、牵引和稳定性。就耐用性而言,金属轨道无可替代。钢坚固耐用。但是,钢轨会撕裂您的工作表面并造成损坏。带有钢制履带齿的金属垫可以切入地面,这样它们就可以推动您的设备并让它发挥设计的作用。如果您有更敏感的应用,您可能需要考虑橡胶替代品。
  2. 橡胶履带: 您很少会在大型设备上找到橡胶履带。橡胶是一种高度柔韧的材料,必要时它会很坚韧。但是,您可以期望橡胶履带支持的内容是有限的。如果您在草皮等柔软的地面或混凝土等成品表面上工作,您最好选择橡胶履带。你仍然会有很好的支持和控制,但你不会那么容易受到附带损害。橡胶履带非常适合需要轻量化的小型挖掘机和紧凑型履带装载机。























Setting your track tension to get the best performance from your undercarriage can be an art of its own. Track tension is equipment-specific but it has an important influence on your undercarriage wear. The best step you can take is referring to your original equipment manufacturer’s manual like those that come with your Cat ®  equipment.

You’ll likely come across the word “sag” when you’re investigating how to set your track tension. Sag is the dip or drop you’ll see in your track at the upper plane where it’s not affected by ground compression. Your manufacturer will have a sag guide table that gives ideal tolerances for track tension.

You’ll find a lot of variance in track tension tolerances. Big excavators with standard sprocket designs and large steel tracks have different sag rates than rubber-equipped compact track loaders with elevated sprocket designs. When in doubt about track tensions, always contact your equipment dealer for professional advice.

Professional advice from a reputable dealer will save you a lot of headaches when it comes to undercarriage issues. They know the tension tolerances needed for top performance and will always advise you of the most important rule in undercarriage maintenance — keep it clean.

Cleaning Undercarriages

Cleaning your undercarriage is the simplest and safest way to make your undercarriage last as long as possible. Your undercarriage is a complex system of moving parts that can break down when it gets too dirty. Regular cleaning is undercarriage management 101.

It might take a lot of effort to clean your undercarriage components properly, but it’s worth your time. What cleaning is necessary depends on what application you’ve put your tracked equipment through, what terrain you’ve operated it in and what underfoot conditions you’ve moved your tracks through. What’s deposited into your undercarriage assembly is a by-product of work. It’s also a mess that has to come out.

Cleaning your undercarriage is an ongoing event. It’s best to get it done and over with right at the end of each shift. It’s not wise to let a dirty undercarriage sit overnight. In warm weather, gunk can dry and harden. In cold times, it’ll freeze and bind. Either way, it’s going to be a lot harder to clean your undercarriage later than sooner.

Dirty undercarriages lead to a number of problems over time. Built-up debris will jam your moving parts and can cause components to snap under protest. Grit also leads to abrasion and premature wear. You’ll also have lower fuel efficiency where there is resistance from clogged tracks and stuck undercarriage parts. Here are some undercarriage cleaning tips to help your preventative maintenance program:

Whatever undercarriage cleaning method you try, make sure you stick with it regularly. Clean undercarriages are long-living assemblies, and they’ll save you a lot of time and money. Cleaning is extremely important for your overall undercarriage preventive maintenance plan.

Track Size and Shoe Importance

It’s always important to bring up track and shoe size when talking about undercarriage maintenance. Having the proper track width and shoe size for your task has a big effect on performance. If your track and shoe combination is oversized, the unnecessary weight and bulk will wear your undercarriage components. If your track and shoe assembly is too small, your flotation rate will suffer, and so will your undercarriage.

The rule to follow is always to use the narrowest shoe and track width possible. You still want adequate flotation for your terrain and underfoot conditions, but you don’t want to exceed the optimum rate. An oversized track and shoe assembly can cause these undercarriage issues:

Using proper-sized tracks and shoes is an important measure in the fight to keep your undercarriage alive as long as you can. So is keeping your undercarriage clean and always having the proper track tension adjusted for your application. Preventive maintenance is essential for several reasons.

Undercarriage Preventive Maintenance Importance

There are many steps in the undercarriage maintenance process that are essential for ensuring our equipment is at peak performance. Cleaning your undercarriage regularly and adjusting your track tension certainly vital. Lubricating moving parts and replacing components when it’s time are very important as well. Daily inspections also compete for top prevention priority.

Failing to maintain your equipment’s undercarriage is a guarantee to have your equipment fail early. Unfortunately, undercarriages are wear items on all equipment like dozers, excavators and track loaders. But they don’t have to wear out and fail any sooner than necessary.

Undercarriage failure costs are expensive. In addition to repair bills, equipment failures due to poor undercarriage maintenance cost you in job site downtime. They can also cost you in business reputation.

Your reputation, site time and bottom line don’t have to cost you due to undercarriage failure. If you properly maintain your tracked equipment, it will reward you with profitable service for a long time. Consider also partnering with an equipment dealer who knows the value you’ll get with an undercarriage preventive maintenance program.

Video Transcription

Hey, I’m Dave with today’s Quick Tip and I’m here to help you make the most of your investment.

Make inspecting your undercarriage a part of your daily routine.

Look for cracks and damage to the tracks.

Remove excess amounts of dirt and large debris from your undercarriage.

Concrete, rocks and even hardened mud or dirt can increase the fraction your track experiences which will cause wear and may even cause the track to fall off.

Manually extract large items and the occasional power washing will help keep your undercarriage in good shape.

You should also look for loose hardware and oil leaks.

Know the grease points on your specific model.

It is important to grease them daily to lubricate the bushings on your undercarriage frames.

Proper greasing also helps push dirt out.

Tracks should not be too loose or too tight.

Refer to your operation and maintenance manual on the proper tension test procedures for your machine’s specific undercarriage.

Different styles of undercarriage have different tensioning procedures.

The proper track tension will extend the life of your undercarriage.

So remember, for healthy machine undercarriages apply these three simple rules:keep it clean, keep it greased, and keep it tensioned.

Consult your operation and maintenance manuals for more information.

That’s been today’s Quick Tip. Thanks for watching.

Partner With MacAllister Machinery for Undercarriage Maintenance

At MacAllister Machinery, we know how valuable your tracked equipment is. We realize undercarriage maintenance and servicing account for a large chunk of your overall maintenance budget. We want to help you spread your business costs over a long time, and we know that proper undercarriage attention is vital to you.

If your run tracks in Indiana or Michigan’s lower peninsula, partner with MacAllister Machinery for long-term undercarriage management and care. We have the undercarriage service you need to keep your Cat tracks turning and making you a high return on your investment.

Contact MacAllister Machinery today for your undercarriage management solutions. Call us at (317) 545-2151 or contact us online.


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  3. 团队合作、计划和安排
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  6. 维护和可靠性供应商:买方当心
  7. 5 合作运营和维护规则
  8. HVAC 检查和维护标准概述
  9. UT 将程序重命名为 Reliability and Maintenance Center
  10. TOTAL 制定维护和检查策略
  11. 基于使用的维护和完美的时机
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