用于资产跟踪的最佳物联网设备和系统:48 个物联网系统、解决方案和设备,以简化资产管理和跟踪
根据 Mobile Experts 的报告,该报告遵循“多个垂直市场,详细说明未来趋势,包括对交通、医疗保健、农业、工业、零售和消费市场的描述”,资产跟踪物联网设备市场到 2022 年将增加两倍。报告中评估的技术包括蓝牙、UWB、WiFi、802.15.4 、LPWA、2G、LTE、NB-IoT、5G、卫星、红外线、超声波、NFC和RFID。具体来说,Mobile Experts 首席分析师 Joe Madden 表示,预计资产跟踪物联网设备的年出货量将从 2200 万增加到 7000 万,其中大约 50% 的设备将通过基于云的服务提供商发送数据。
显然,物联网将继续存在,市场上已经有一些出色的资产跟踪物联网设备和系统。为了帮助您找到物联网设备和系统来跟踪您的资产,我们收集了 48 个可用的最佳设备。我们的顶级物联网设备和系统精选涵盖了一系列技术和应用,并来自一些世界领先的技术。我们还选择了适合小型企业到企业的物联网资产跟踪设备和系统。请注意,我们在此处按字母顺序列出了用于资产跟踪的前 48 种物联网设备和系统,以便您更轻松地进行搜索;因此,它们没有按任何排名或评级列出。
1。 AIRcable 网关
AIRcable 网关结合了 WiFi 和 BLE,是一个非常小的蓝牙智能网状网络和信标接口云。但是,不要让它的大小欺骗了你; AIRcable 网关具有远距离扫描 iBeacon、Eddystone 和网状资产信标,以将位置信息发送到服务器。
- 安全的智能网格
- 在云端和空中之间双向路由所有蓝牙智能网状网络通信
- 基于 Mosquitto 消息代理,因此云中的通信安全且端到端加密
费用: 49 美元
2。 Aruba BLE 标签
Aruba Networks 是面向移动企业的下一代网络访问解决方案的领先供应商。他们的跟踪解决方案降低了设备成本,并通过支持 BLE 的 Aruba WLAN 基础设施和 BLE 标签帮助企业跟踪资产。
- 多个附件选项
- Aruba Tags Configuration App 将 iOS 智能手机和平板电脑变成移动标签配置设备
- 使用 Aruba BLE 标签和现有的支持 BLE 的 Aruba 接入点跟踪高价值的实物资产,以便在室内或室外快速找到物品
费用: 联系报价
3. Particle 的资产跟踪器
Particle,以前称为 Spark,创建硬件和软件工具来帮助您进行原型设计、扩展、和管理物联网产品。 Particle 的 Asset Tracker 是一种使用蜂窝技术进行跟踪和监控的解决方案。该设备配备防风雨外壳和 GPS 防护罩,并使用 3G 或 2G 与粒子云和整个世界进行通信。
- 从任何地方获取资产位置和状态信息
- 监控和跟踪传感器数据,包括温度、加速度或其他变量
- 集成硬件、蜂窝网络和云解决方案
- 简单的设置和全面的开发工具
- 一个完整的云应用工具包
- 资产追踪器 2G:109 美元
- Asset Tracker 3G(美洲/澳大利亚):129 美元
- Asset Tracker 3G(欧洲/亚洲/非洲):129 美元
4。 AT&T 物联网集装箱和拖车监控设备
AT&T Business 提供 AT&T 的企业解决方案,包括用于安全、物联网、云和智能城市的解决方案。 AT&T IoT 运输集装箱和拖车监控设备是一种解决方案,用于在整个旅行期间跟踪集装箱及其内容物的状况。这些设备连接到您的集装箱或拖车,并从各种传感器收集数据,这些传感器收集数据并将其发送到云端,供您使用发送警报和通知且可自定义的应用程序查看。
- 小巧轻便
- 坚固耐用的 IP67 级设计
- 完全密封的保护套,非常适合海洋和沙漠环境
- 可充电电池,支持自充电或外接电源
- 物理连接 I/O
- 无线固件升级
费用: 联系报价
5. Atmel GPS 资产跟踪设备
MicrochipTech 创建 8 位、16 位和 32 位 MCU、模拟和flash-IP 解决方案,Atmel 提供基于其 SAM D20 系列低功耗微控制器的交钥匙软件和硬件解决方案。 MicrochipTech 和 Atmel 共同推出用于车队管理和资产、车辆和个人资产跟踪的 GPS 资产跟踪设备。
- 带有 Atmel SAM D20 微控制器、GPS 和 GSM 调制解调器的单电路板
- 通过 SMS 发出位置请求和其他命令
- 将 GPS 位置记录到 SD 卡中
- 与 GPS UTC 时间同步的车载实时时钟
- 紧急按钮提醒其他人您当前的位置
费用: 联系报价
6. ATTI GPS 资产跟踪
Advanced Tracking Technologies, Inc. (ATTI) 是 GPS 车辆和资产跟踪的领先制造商系统。具体来说,他们的 GPS 资产跟踪设备专为固定或移动资产而设计。需要准确、实时监控的公司选择 ATTI 的 Satellite Asset Tracker 来跟踪他们的大型设备,例如散装集装箱、拖车、重型设备、发电机、车辆和船只。
- 专为智能资产管理而设计
- 利用最新数据提高资产的运营效率和安全性
- 详细报告
- 存储一年的历史数据,以确定分析模式和改进领域
- 紧凑的尺寸 - 1 英寸高 x 2.7 英寸宽 x 3.25 英寸长
- 防风雨设计
- 电池寿命为 1.5 年
- Microsoft 地图和卫星图像
- 与 Shadow Tracker Live Vehicle Tracking 完全集成
费用: 联系报价
7. Ayantra 资产管理产品
Ayantra 的物联网解决方案利用无线和网络技术。他们的解决方案使您能够连接到远程资产并收集有关资产利用率、状态、故障和位置的有用数据。 Ayantra 为便携式发电机、压缩机、泵、起重机、叉车、重型设备、冷藏拖车等提供资产管理产品。具体来说,他们的 FleetQuip 重型设备管理解决方案使车队经理能够跟踪每台机器并确保进行适当的维护。
- 支持任何动力机器,甚至是混合动力车队
- 接收每日心跳消息和基于活动的更新
- 在检测到电池问题、故障和用户性能违规时立即获得报告
- 命令任何远程设备立即发送最新更新或 ping,使用该网站,无需额外费用
- 地理围栏和宵禁功能
- 维护提醒
费用: 联系报价
8. BeWhere 资产跟踪
BeWhere 的物联网资产跟踪解决方案具有创新性、坚固性和耐候性,范围高达 250米。他们的工业化硬件、传感器和软件应用程序实时跟踪资产信息。他们的物联网跟踪设备让用户更清楚地了解他们的资产。
- 实时可见性包括位置、光照、温度和影响
- 蓝牙连接距离可达 250 米
- 两到五年的电池寿命
- 与安装在车辆中的跟踪设备集成,以方便在运输途中和设施中进行资产监控
- BeWhere’s Beacons 将数据传输到移动应用程序和门户网站,并可集成到您组织的现有软件中
费用: 联系报价
黑莓是一家致力于保护企业物联网安全的移动原生软件公司。他们的 Radar 解决方案是一个包罗万象的解决方案,用于跟踪拖车、集装箱和设备,提供实时资产监控和强大的分析,使公司能够提高运营效率并改进决策。
- 易于安装
- 低维护设备
- 用于强大、直观的业务分析的行业特定的基于 Web 的应用程序
- 通过一致的无线软件更新实现蜂窝连接和持续的产品改进
- 实时了解您的运输或设备车队中的所有资产
- 多传感器测量间隔每五分钟进行一次
- 可配置的数据上传速率
费用: 联系报价
10. BrickHouse Spark Nano 5.0 GPS 追踪器
BrickHouse Security 是安全、监控和个人保护领域值得信赖的名称。现在,他们凭借 Spark Nano 5.0 GPS 追踪器在物联网资产追踪器领域声名鹊起。这款顶级设备比以往任何时候都更便携、更快、更准确、更持久。
- 功能强大且便携,可在任何地方使用
- 在智能手机、平板电脑或 PC 上查看位置
- 通过短信或电子邮件即时提醒速度和位置
- Verizon 网络的顶级报告覆盖率
- 免费激活、无合同、终身免费更换硬件
费用: 129.95 美元
11. CalAmp ATU-620
CalAmp 是引领全球互联经济的远程信息处理先驱,可简化复杂的物联网部署并推进智能解决方案. CalAmp ATU-620 是一款可现场更换的 AA 电池供电的资产跟踪装置,适用于长期、可靠的部署。
- 每天一条消息的电池寿命长达一年
- IP66 坚固且防尘的外壳
- 分组数据(GPRS、CDMA 1xRTT 或 HSPA)和基于 SMS 的消息传递
- 内部蜂窝和 GPS 天线
- 超灵敏 GPS(-162 dBm 跟踪)
- 超低功耗睡眠模式
- 用于运动感应和冲击感应的内置 3 轴加速度计
费用: 联系报价
12. CelloTrack Nano
Cellocator-Pointer 为车队管理、汽车和驾驶员安全提供自动车辆定位 (AVL) 解决方案、公共安全和车辆安全。他们的 CelloTrack Nano 是一种基于智能集线器和无线传感器网络 (WSN) 的资产和货物跟踪/管理物联网解决方案。使用 CelloTrack Nano 获取更有效地跟踪和管理货物和资产所需的知识。
- 能够实时监控资产和货物的位置和状况
- 针对问题和延迟的具体提醒
- 通过灵活的业务规则编程确保连续记录、事件触发逻辑和异常管理,以消除供应链错误并避免延迟或损坏
- 通过在整个供应链中使用接近、篡改和位置感应来防止盗窃、丢失和错放
费用: 联系报价
13. CLOE LTE Cat M1 追踪器平台
Sequans 是单模 LTE 芯片组的领先供应商,提供两条产品线: StreamrichLTE for用于 M2M 和 IoT 的高吞吐量设备和 StreamliteLTE。他们的 CLOE LTE Cat M1 追踪器平台让您可以随时随地连接和定位物体。 CLOE 将 Sequans 的 Monarch LTE Cat M1/NB1 芯片与 STMicroelectronics 的 TEseo III GNSS 芯片集成在一个平台中,以实现 LTE、GNSS 和加速度计性能。
- 电池寿命长
- 功耗优化、经济高效的一体化解决方案,可在短时间内开发和推出新的 IoT 跟踪器设备
- 非常适合物流、客户电子产品、汽车、工业等领域
- 适用于 GNSS、蜂窝连接和 MEMS 的模块化设计;可以扩展到包括其他传感器、蓝牙或 WiFi
费用: 联系报价
14. Fathom 资产追踪系统
Fathom 是下一代室内定位技术的代名词,它利用蓝牙实现资产跟踪和具有两米或更高精度的 RTLS。当您将蓝牙添加到您的资产跟踪系统时,您可以自动跟踪您的标签。
- Fathom Hub 是一款灵敏的无线电接收器,可使用高度精确的定位算法定位和定位蓝牙设备,可实现 2 米的精度
- 提供比 RFID 更大的覆盖范围和比 WiFi 更高的准确性
- 比 UWB 等其他实时定位系统成本更低
- 与蓝牙无关,因此它适用于任何广播蓝牙信号的信标或物联网设备
- REST API 将实时位置数据流式传输到运营管理系统,并提供历史数据以分析和优化您的设施
费用: 联系报价
15. Fathym 资产跟踪和车队管理
凭借其用户友好的物联网生态系统,Fathym 为企业客户提供了创新物联网解决方案的能力。 Fathym Asset Tracking &Fleet Management 是一种跟踪和管理您的资产、车队等的解决方案,它为车队经理提供路况和车辆信息,您可以使用这些信息来优化路线并保持运输资产安全高效地移动。
- 用作车辆和司机遍布全国的大公司的跟踪应用程序或警报系统
- 一目了然地了解您的 Fathym 仪表板,即可获得做出最佳路由决策所需的信息
- 检查司机,确保他们准时、不超速并避免不必要的停车
- 监控车队的健康状况并使用自定义警报设置速度、地理围栏和天气状况通知
费用: 联系报价
16. Fleetilla 资产/拖车跟踪解决方案
Fleetilla 提供车辆、资产和拖车跟踪 GPS 解决方案,可降低任何车队的运营成本规模,同时提高客户满意度和投资回报率。他们的资产和拖车跟踪解决方案扩大了可见性、改进了计费、消除了冗余、节省了时间并提高了安全性。
- 满足覆盖范围和报告要求的蜂窝、卫星和双模(蜂窝和卫星)版本
- 电池供电系统具有超长使用寿命(长达 10 年),安装简单
- 电池供电系统每天最多更新 24 个位置
- 专为恶劣天气条件而设计的电池
- 用于小型资产跟踪的超小型、长寿命电池供电装置
- 需要频繁更新的系统的车辆/资产驱动版本
费用: 联系报价
17. Fleetmatics 揭示 GPS 车队跟踪
Fleetmatics 是一种用于快速决策、降低成本和增加收入的车队管理解决方案。他们的 Reveal GPS 车队跟踪系统提供实时车队监控,有助于防止故障,同时提高车队的安全性。将 Driver ID 密钥卡与 Fleetmatics Reveal Driver Management Software 结合使用,可以全面了解每个驾驶员和车辆。
- 从现场获取实时更新
- 降低超速、减少空闲时间并改进路线和调度
- 针对车辆维护需求的维护提醒;根据日历时间、发动机运行时间或里程设置警报
- 减少未经授权的车辆使用并快速找回被盗车辆
- 为每位司机提供唯一的司机钥匙扣;钥匙读取器识别驱动程序,并安装在每辆车的仪表板上,带有 GPS 跟踪单元
费用: 联系报价
18. GALIL Avl 跟踪系统
TECH360提供量身定制的跟踪解决方案。他们先进的监控系统使用 GSM、GPS 和低于 1Ghz 的射频通信,与汽车、个人、重型、防水和资产跟踪产品集成。具体来说,TECH360 的 GALIL Avl Tracking System 是一款高端 GPS 资产跟踪系统,结构紧凑、用户友好。
- 可轻松安装在需要准确、可靠的实时位置跟踪的任何车辆、船只或其他移动资产上
- 让车队经理能够简单有效地定位车辆并跟踪这些车辆的历史行程
- 专为要求高性能和可靠性的苛刻移动环境而设计
- 通过双向 LIN 通信线路或通过内置 RF 收发器轻松与外部设备集成
费用: 联系报价
19. Geo-TraxIR
EasyTracGPS 通过 GPS 跟踪提供重要的洞察力。他们的 Geo-TraxIR 是一种领先的物联网资产跟踪设备,既灵活又精确。 Geo-TraxIR 功能齐全,设计坚固,外形小巧,是拖车、发电机、泵、冷却器和其他动力资产的理想选择。
- 1,000maH 备用电池,2 路输入/1 路输出
- 100% 基于网络的 GPS 跟踪,无需安装软件
- 在无缝平台中与车队跟踪和移动劳动力监控集成
- 可配置为基于 ping 的资产监控,并且足够灵活,可以每天报告一次,或每两小时、每六小时等报告一次
- 全面了解资产活动并评估您的策略
- 提供即时、可操作的商业智能的一流报告套件
费用: 239.95 美元
20。 Geotab GO7
Geotab 是一家屡获殊荣的安全开放平台远程信息处理技术提供商,可帮助车队经理提高生产力、安全性和 ELD 合规性。他们的 GO7 是领先的小型车辆物联网跟踪设备,可直接插入车辆的 OBDII 端口或用于没有端口的车辆的适配器。
- 快速、简单的安装过程,无需特殊工具或专业安装人员
- 小巧耐用
- 具有快速 GPS 采集时间的创新技术
- 车载司机指导
- 车辆故障诊断
- 详细的燃料使用数据
- 仪表集群数据
- 业界领先的安全通信
费用: 联系报价
21. GlobalSat TR-151 车辆和资产跟踪器
GlobalSat WorldCom Group 提供多种机队和资产管理产品。他们了解数据在车队管理和车辆远程信息处理中起着至关重要的作用。他们还了解资产管理依赖于物联网等先进技术;他们的车队和资产管理跟踪器提供实时信息,以提高生产力和责任感。具体来说,GlobalSat 的 TR-151 Vehicle &Asset Tracker 是一款耐用、防水的物联网设备,可处理 GPS/GSM/GPRS 跟踪。
- 安装在车辆或资产上
- 向智能手机、GSM 网络或个人电脑发送带有位置信息的短信
- 高容量锂离子电池可长时间运行
- 包括一个用于紧急求助的 SOS 按钮
费用: 联系报价
22. GPS Insight 跟踪设备
GPS Insight 为商用和政府车辆和资产的车队情报提供量身定制的 GPS 跟踪解决方案。公司之所以选择 GPS Insight 跟踪设备,是因为它们是可配置的,支持可选功能,并且可用于轻型或重型车辆。 GPS Insight 的物联网资产跟踪设备可在您需要时以您希望的方式为您提供有关资产的信息。
- 无限的历史数据
- 微调安装过程
- ST-1100 使用太阳能为电池充电并使用蜂窝网络
- TT-1800 由电池供电,使用卫星网络,易于安装,非常适合长期部署
- TT-3000 由电池供电,非常适合跟踪进入蜂窝网络覆盖不可用区域的集装箱和其他资产
- AT-3000 由外部供电,非常适合重型设备、发电机、挖掘机、拖车和其他资产,并使用蜂窝和卫星网络
费用: 联系报价
23. Greenwave Systems AXON 物联网平台
Greenwave Systems 是一家全球物联网软件和服务提供商,通过AXON 平台。 AXON 平台是一个用于互操作性和物联网网络的云管理系统,使公司能够将来自一系列设备的通信转换为基于 IP 的通用语言,以创建托管服务。
- 确保不同网络之间的互操作
- 为跨网络的设备提供单一来源管理
- 与网络上的设备配合使用,并提供嵌入式和云基础架构,供您跨不同网络管理、控制和自动化功能
- 将来自各种物联网设备的实时通信转换为相同的基于 IP 的标准语言,以确保不同供应商的设备之间的互操作性
费用: 联系报价
24. GT1 全球资产追踪器
Geoforce 将基于云的软件与坚固的 GPS 跟踪设备、全球卫星和蜂窝网络相结合,使现场操作和资产跟踪更容易。他们的 GT1 资产跟踪器是一款坚固耐用的 IECEx/ATEX Zone 0 GPS 跟踪设备。事实上,GT1 用途广泛,它可以在其他物联网追踪器无法追踪的位置追踪资产。
- 坚固的金属表圈和密封结构可持久保护免受极端温度、外力和化学品的影响
- NEMA 4x/IP69k 认证和 ATEX/IECEx 认证,适用于 0 区危险爆炸环境
- 100% 卫星通信,即使在偏远地区也能清晰可见
- 全球传输,无需复杂的数据漫游协议
- 支持通过蓝牙 4.0 进行无线配置和传感器输入
- 结合 GPS 和 RFID 进行定位和识别,并结合独特的 QR 编码以移动扫描产品信息
- 跟踪器单价:275 美元
- 一次性设备激活和配置费用:35 美元
- 底板:20 美元
- 需要每月订阅卫星数据网络连接和无限制访问 Geoforce 的基于 Web 的 Track and Trace 软件应用程序
- 每三天一次:8.95 美元/月
- 每天一次:15.95 美元/月
- 每天两次:17.95 美元/月
- 每天四次:23.95 美元/月
- 每天六次:29.95 美元/月
25。干草堆 DASH7
Haystack 为开发人员提供了一个基于 DASH7 开源无线数据标准的强大的新无线平台。事实上,Haystack 的物联网技术系统通过提供一种实用的方式与跟踪设备上的数据进行交互来改变资产跟踪,而不受短距离、电池寿命短或高成本的限制。
- 提供一种方法来增加远距离、低功耗、实时的无线连接,并提高网络效率
- 连接移动资产,在建筑物内运行,并为物联网应用提供对端点数据的安全、实时访问
- 定位最先进的低功耗无线物联网堆栈
费用: 联系报价
26. Helios Wire
Helios Wire 正在通过构建一个具有颠覆性的、支持太空的物联网服务实现物联网的民主化,该服务最多可容纳五个全球数十亿台发射机。 Helios 系统专为现有和新兴的物联网和机器对机器 (M2M) 应用而设计,包括监控和跟踪交通、消费者、物流、安全和公共安全、能源、采矿、工业和建筑、农业、动物管理等行业。请注意,Helios Wire 计划从 2018 年开始分阶段发射卫星。
- 双向全球卫星系统
- 非常适合超低成本的短突发数据服务,涵盖需要大量连接的资产和设备
- 获取更多信息以获得更深入的洞察力、更好的决策和更好的结果
- 跟踪、监控和维护远程资产
费用: 联系报价
27. IBM 和 Vodafone 进行移动资产优化
IBM 和 Vodafone 联手提供移动资产优化,让用户能够确定天气状况将影响您的供应链并优化资产的生命周期。结果是通过分析提高了资产可见性和恢复,这要归功于 Watson IoT。
- 跟踪和预测整个供应链中的资产移动,以减少损失、盗窃和更换成本
- 获取任何可追踪资产的位置和可用性分析
- 跟踪和预测给定位置的资产库存水平
- 根据可用性改进您的维护程序和资产预算
- 移动资产优化使用物联网优化运营绩效并提高效率和盈利能力
- 为您的资产配备跟踪设备,使 IoT 平台能够管理与高级分析相集成的设备数据,从而提供预测性见解
费用: 联系报价
28. KloudData 实时自动化资产智能
作为全球领先的软件解决方案提供商,KloudData 在企业、分析、和移动解决方案。他们的实时自动化资产智能解决方案 TaaS-AI 是一种先进的解决方案,适用于 RFID 和传感器驱动的 RTLS 服务,用于跟踪和管理企业内部和跨企业的资产。
- TaaS 解决方案模块套件监控从车间到整个供应链的资产
- TaaS-AI 集成了传感器、RFID 和无线移动设备来监控和跟踪各种资产
- 通过流程监控提供对评估的状态、年龄和使用情况的运营洞察,以提高员工生产力和整体运营效率
费用: 联系报价
29. Kontakt.io 蓝牙信标和定位解决方案
Kontakt.io 使用作为智能基石的信标和基础设施管理工具将物理世界数字化,物联网连接的世界。他们的蓝牙信标和定位解决方案可帮助您定位、跟踪和分析资产和员工的流动。
- 通过将上下文信息中继到附近智能设备的信标来触发操作或识别物理位置
- 使用信标和蓝牙标签来跟踪资产和员工
- 具有成本效益、持久、易于集成的蓝牙标签跟踪解决方案
- 带定位引擎、2 个坚固信标、2 个网关和 2 个卡片信标的资产跟踪入门套件:326 美元
- 包含基础设施管理、3 个 Tough Beacon、1 个网关、3 个 Beacon 和 3 个 Beacon Pros 的车队管理入门套件:341 美元
- 包含基础架构管理的概念验证入门套件:起价 69 美元
30。链接实验室 AirFinder
Link Labs empowers companies to track assets within a defined area with AirFinder, a real-time location system (RTLS) that enables low-cost secure asset tracking. This IoT asset tracking device is a simple and effective system that will help you cut asset tracking costs.
Key Features:
- Blends a powerful long-range system with GPS or BLE to minimize costs and deliver more possibilities to your organization
- Does not require IT integration
- Monitor assets on the frontier of IoT without a significant infrastructure investment
- Ideal for defined area asset tracking, such as for shipping and warehousing, municipalities and airports, elderly care, and agriculture
费用: Contact for a quote
31. Losant Solutions for Asset Tracking
Losant is an IoT developer platform for building and visualizing real-time IoT solutions with ease. Their asset tracking solutions empower companies to use connected devices for simple location monitoring. Losant’s IoT asset tracking system also gives users the flexibility to choose and connect to tracking devices using any communication method on any network.
Key Features:
- Analyzes GPS data to visualize locations and geofence information
- Real-time alerts
- Remote asset management, GPS tracking and mapping, reporting, and M2M data integration
- Easily locate equipment
- Deploy fleets and field service assets efficiently
- Prevent and detect asset theft
- Maintain real-time inventory
- Track shipments from origin to destination in real time
- Improve asset utilization
费用: Contact for a quote
32. NimbeLink Asset Tracker
NimbeLink is known for being M2M experts. Their IoT asset tracking system is designed as a full stack solution and is ready for devices, networks, and applications. Get immediate connectivity to your assets with NimbeLink Asset Tracker.
Key Features:
- Improve operational efficiency
- Track a grater number of assets
- Improve return on trailer assets
- Improve fleet operations
- Reduce theft and manage inventory more accurately
- Quickly and easily configures to your interface
- Track assets that are in-transit, in a warehouse, on-site, or delivered to the final destination
- Long battery life of 7-10 years
- IP67 rugged and dust/waterproof enclosure
- Temperature alerts
费用: Contact for a quote
33. Nimble N5 Asset Monitor
Nimble Wireless empowers customers to connect wirelessly to remote assets to control and manage them. Nimble’s state-of-the-art IoT solutions are ideal for cold chain transportation and logistics, telecom infrastructure, green energy, and healthcare industries. Specifically, the Nimble N5 Asset Monitor monitors asset temperature and location in real time.
Key Features:
- Onboard sensors connect effortlessly to the cloud
- 12 different sensors for temperature, location, and more
- Small package
- Sends automated texts, emails, or voice alerts when there is an exception in monitored parameters like temperature, humidity, light, and location
- Lasts up to 24 months on a single charge and can go longer with an external battery pack
费用: Contact for a quote
34. Numerex IoT Devices
Numerex is a leading provider of managed enterprise solutions that enable the IoT. Numerex offers a host of IoT devices that are purpose-built for multiple vertical markets. All of Numerex’s IoT devices are built for reliability, scalability, and flexibility in mind.
Key Features:
- Use a variety of sensors for measuring important events
- Employs accurate GPS, cellular, and satellite technology to monitor and track assets
- Advanced, innovative devices that do not rely on electrical power; deploy Numerex IoT devices to distant locations for long periods of time because their long-life battery and solar power capabilities will protect your high-value assets
- Include Numerex’s applications, network connectivity, and IoT platform enablement
费用: Contact for a quote
35. ORBCOMM IoT Devices
ORBCOMM is a leading global provider of IoT and M2M solutions that are purpose-built for remote asset tracking, management, and control. In fact, their IoT devices are powerful and rugged enough to monitor and control assets in some of the world’s most remote locations with complete global coverage across multiple satellite and cellular networks.
Key Features:
- GT 1100 is designed specifically for trailer tracking and is solar powered with a small form factor for easy installation on trailers and intermodal containers
- IDP-800 is designed for near real-time tracking of trailers, containers, vessels, and more
- RCU is a telematics device for remote monitoring and control of making reefer containers with data log downloads
- GT 1000 is a cellular-enabled electronic bolt seal for cargo security that is designed to prevent cargo theft and enable recovery
- GT 2300 is a robust, self-powered tracking device for containers with cellular communications and GPS that provides visibility into the status, movement, loading, and unloading transactions of dry intermodal container operations
- PT 7000 is a rugged, dual-mode tracking and monitoring device for a range of heavy equipment types and sizes in construction, mining, rail, and utilities
费用: Contact for a quote
36. Romteck IoT Where’s Y’r Bin Tracking Systems
Romteck Solutions is a leading Australian developer of mission and safety critical IoT solutions. Their IoT Tracking systems deliver industrial-grade RFID and GPS tracking solutions for companies requiring long-range identification and authentication of vehicles and assets, including those in harsh and remote environments. For skip bin asset location management, Romteck’s Where’s Y’r Bin is an ideal solution combining RFID technology with GPS tracking and mobile telephony.
Key Features:
- Record and manage your skip bin locations
- Extends to track other assets
- Real-time dispatch management function for in-vehicle display of pickup and delivery addresses with Google Earth
- Prioritize dispatch based on location using automated dispatch mode
- Long-range RFID tags are easy to install and durable and include a lifetime warranty
费用: Contact for a quote
37. Sensolus Asseet Trackers
Sensolus provides internet-based tracking solutions to turn your non-powered assets into intelligent assets. Their IoT asset tracking devices provide care-free tracking of your non-powered assets directly from the cloud and track assets for five years using three AA batteries.
Key Features:
- Low-power IoT devices that are easy to install
- Maintenance-free control of your assets in the field
- Easily stick the device to any service with no wiring required
- Track location, movement, or temperature of your assets on land or on water
- Outdoor or indoor location detection
- Web-based visualization and notifications of your assets’ trips and locations in the field
费用: Contact for a quote
38. STANLEY Healthcare AeroScout Asset Management Solution
STANLEY Healthcare enables 17,000 healthcare organizations around the world to transform their safety, security, and operational efficiency. Their Healthcare Asset Tracking &Management system, AeroScout Asset Management Solution, helps healthcare organizations improve staff efficiency, increase equipment utilization, and lower operational costs because it delivers automated IoT asset tracking and management.
Key Features:
- Real-time visibility
- Instant notifications
- Pump management systems
- Immediately access equipment and improve patient outcomes and experiences
- Location history pinpoints equipment associated with specific patients
- MobileView Analytics dashboards provide operational insight into inventory quantity and location with visually-driven analytics is available on-premise or through a cloud-based solution
费用: Contact for a quote
39. Telefónica Smart Mobility Asset Tracking
Telefónica’s IoT asset tracking and management solution provides real-time positioning and visibility for powered and non-powered assets. Organizations benefit from the smart mobility and single point of contact for monitoring assets, optimizing their usage, and preventing damage to them with Telefónica’s IoT asset tracking solution.
Key Features:
- GSM and GPS connected devices for your assets
- IoT devices collect data and send it to a server
- Combines Telefónica service capabilities and experience with world-leading asset tracking providers
- Track any kind of asset
- Visualize the position of your assets on a map and access historic positions to review activity and answer claims
费用: Contact for a quote
40. Telematics from Bell
Telematics from Bell provides built-in connectivity to vehicles and delivers enhanced safety features and information to organizations. Ideal for industries needing instant visibility into vehicles and assets, Telematics from Bell delivers better service to customer and improves driver performance and asset usage.
Key Features:
- Usage-based solution that tracks key data while vehicles or assets are underway, including speed, braking, time traveled, and locations covered
- Gather data wherever your vehicles or assets are
- Gain real-time visibility while assets or vehicles are in use
- Safe, secure data storage
费用: Contact for a quote
41. Telit Asset Tracking
Telit delivers end-to-end IoT solutions including modules, connectivity, platforms, and more. Their asset tracking system helps you securely track the location and health of your assets, equipment, fleets, and inventory with remote tracking capabilities.
Key Features:
- Reduce risk and safe money with visibility into your most valuable assets
- Extract real-time information for making better business decisions
- Locate and identify lost or stolen assets for improved theft prevention and recovery
- Monitor event alerts and take action to reduce loss
- Connect and manage all assets from a single web-based IoT portal
费用: Contact for a quote
42. Telogis Fleet
A Verizon company, Telogis delivers an award-winning, cloud-based software platform that transforms your asset tracking practices. This web-based fleet management solution is built on a scalable platform that integrates with your business from logistics and maintenance through dispatch and payroll.
Key Features:
- Backed by the power of the Verizon 4G LTE network with LTE Advanced
- Instant notification about key events, such as unauthorized vehicle activity
- Automated reporting
- See all your assets in real time on a single map with patented cluster technology that provides a quick status overview
- Alerts for maintenance and helps you manage preventive maintenance
费用: Contact for a quote
43. ThinkRace Asset Trackers
ThinkRace is a manufacturer of safety and fitness devices like GPS trackers, smart watches, and fitness bands. Their IoT asset trackers are available for a variety of asset types, from vehicles to pallets.
Key Features:
- Open tracking platform
- OEM/ODM to build your own brand
- GPS trackers for vehicles and moving assets
- Track vehicles and assets in real time
- Fleet management devices
费用: Contact for a quote
44. Tive Multi-Sensor Tracker
Tive provides sensor-driven awareness and analysis of in-transit goods and provides greater visibility and insight into your assets and goods in transit. Their multi-sensor tracker is a low-power IoT device that uses cellular connectivity for real-time asset monitoring.
Key Features:
- Low-power multi-sensor tracker
- Real-time monitoring gives you consistent visibility into your assets’ location
- Set custom alerts and configure geofences, and then use the Time API to pull data into your SCM or ERP systems
- Compact sensor module
- Global connectivity with worldwide cellular coverage and cloud-hosted dashboard for real-time visibility
- Puts events in context, delivering analytics rather than raw data
费用: Contact for a quote
45. US Fleet Tracking AT-V4 GPS Tracker
US Fleet Tracking is a leader in providing live asset and vehicle GPS tracking devices and software. Their IoT fleet tracking devices are top sellers and are easy to install, but their newest IoT asset tracking device, the AT-V4 GPS, is the first live 4G LTE GPS tracker.
Key Features:
- Builds on live GPS tracking and connectivity
- Simple, sleek design
- Configurable inputs and outputs
- Lightning fast connectivity
费用: $299 + Cost of required service plan
46. Verizon Asset Tracking &Management
Verizon Enterprise provides IT, mobility, security, and IoT enterprise solutions. Verizon launched their LTE Cat-M1 to fully support Cat-M1 devices to simplify the adoption of IoT solutions. With VLTE-CatM1, you can track and monitor your critical assets and improve customer satisfaction while using data analytics to make better business decisions. The system supports a wide variety of IoT applications and improves IoT coverage with improved in-building and in-ground penetration.
Key Features:
- High data rate capabilities and ultra-low data rate support for IoT applications
- Power efficiency with scalability and longevity
- Full support of Cat-M1 devices
- uses networking protocols to improve IoT coverage
- Provides a complete security tool kit with authentication, credentialing, and encryption tools to secure your IoT communications
费用: Contact for a quote
47. Vodafone Narrowband-IoT Solution
Vodafone IoT powers IoT to deliver real business value. Their Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) is a low-power IoT solution for wide area deployment. Vodafone NB-IoT is a system designed to expand IoT connectivity to make asset tracking easier in nearly any area of the world.
Key Features:
- Enables efficient communication and long battery life for mass distributed devices across large geographical areas and deep within urban infrastructure
- Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) network technology for devices that generate low data traffic and have a long device life cycle
- Connect simple devices like sensors to drive new data streams
费用: Contact for a quote
48. Zubie Business
Zubie provides solutions for tracking drivers and assets. Their low-cost fleet tracking solution is simple and does not require a contract or entail any hidden fees. Zubie Business is an IoT system for asset tracking that is easy to install and use; simply plug a small cellular device into the OBDII port of your vehicles and track them.
Key Features:
- Always-on GPS tracking
- Cellular connection included
- Real-time alerts and trips history
- Scheduled service alerts to detect engine and battery problems and remotely check fuel levels
- Intelligent alerts, reports, and dashboards
- Locate vehicles 24/7 using a live map
- Get alerts when vehicles arrive or depart geofences
- Scalable for fleets of 1 or 10,000
费用: FREE trial of Zubie Business available
- Zubie Business Annual Plan:$179.95/year/device, includes device
- Zubie Business + In-Car WiFi:$17.95/month + data and $149.95 device with Hotspot
Camcode 的产品和跟踪解决方案:
- 机架标签
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- Warehouse Inventory Tags
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- 仓库过道标志
- Equipment ID Labels
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