供应链优化:27 位供应链和物流专家揭示了优化供应链流程的最有效方法
每个组织都需要关注供应链效率,尤其是在当今的环境中,消费者(B2B 和 B2C)越来越需要与他们有业务往来的公司快速履行和轻松交流。当效率低下时,公司会将有价值的客户流失给竞争对手——通常是那些掌握了供应链优化并能够兑现满足现代需求的承诺的客户。
Joel Keylor 是 Tresle 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,Tresle 是一个将成熟的私营公司与经过验证的买家和资本联系起来的平台。当他们通过收购进行品牌扩张或供应链优化时,他们与许多中小型企业 (SMB) 领导者打交道。
当前 SMB 领导者获得竞争优势的一种方式。
- 我们看到,中小企业领导者一直在寻求扩大影响力。收购一家企业可以解锁新技术、网络、合同、价值链激励措施,同时创造收入,因为它已经是一家成熟的企业。
- 探索这条人迹罕至的道路,您可能会发现它会给您带来持久的竞争优势,而不是像价格这样的短期竞争。
Lisa Anderson 是 LMA 咨询集团的总裁,也是供应链管理领域的领先专家。她以其独特的能力在战略和执行之间架起一座桥梁并显着提高服务水平、加速现金流和增加利润而闻名,她经常被称为制造连接器SM。
实施包含端到端供应链的销售和运营规划流程 (SIOP)。通过花时间完成这一过程,组织不仅实现了服务水平的显着提升,而且最大限度地提高了制造和仓储能力以及利润,同时优化了采购/地点并加速了现金流。虽然有多种途径可以实现这些结果,但 SIOP 是确保成功的最佳途径。
Louise Procter 是 Preowned Forklifts Australia 的作家。生活在阳光明媚的新南威尔士州南海岸,路易丝喜欢撰写强调职业健康安全实践的文章,并喜欢分享有关创建安全有效工作场所的有用技巧。
Chris Budd 是 Isolocity 的主管和经验质量顾问,Isolocity 是一个质量管理系统,可帮助减轻与供应链管理和其他 QA 相关项目相关流程的劳动力。
Mark Rapley 是 KWIC Internet 的运营总监。
产品经过的不同站点之间的有效沟通。如果不同站点之间的通信很强,那么其余的应该就位。了解产品何时离开 A 点、何时应该到达 B 点以及沿途发生的任何问题都将有助于 C 点为产品做好准备。所有相关方都需要随时了解产品在整个链条中的进展情况,以便他们都能预见可能出现的任何问题并做好准备。
Daniel Feiman,MBA,CMC© 是一名顾问、培训师、作者和审稿人。 Daniel 是 Build It Backwards 的创始人兼董事总经理,该公司是一家位于加利福尼亚州雷东多海滩的咨询和培训公司。他在 3 个领域提供咨询: 战略:规划与实施;金融:建模与分析;过程:持续的过程改进。 Build It Backwards Turns Roadblocks in Roadmaps™。
- 采访您的关键/关键/战略供应商,帮助他们了解您的确切需求及其原因。
- 向他们承诺您的确切年度需求。
- 教导他们对重要的供应商也这样做。
- 沟通和透明度是关键。
Ian McClarty 拥有雷鸟全球管理学院的 MBA 学位。他在网络安全和数据中心行业拥有超过 20 年的执行管理经验。目前,他是 PhoenixNAP 全球 IT 服务公司的首席执行官兼总裁。 PhoenixNap 拥有 600 多名员工,在 9 个不同的地点开展业务,其中两个位于凤凰城、洛杉矶、瓦莱塔、马耳他;贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚;塞尔维亚诺维萨德;阿姆斯特丹;新加坡;和北卡罗来纳州夏洛特。
Harry Goodnight 是 Sweetbridge, Inc. 的执行顾问,他在销售、营销和供应链管理方面拥有超过 30 年的国内和国际经验,服务于价值从 1000 万美元到超过 100 亿美元不等的公司。 Harry 不断超越个人收入目标,同时为 SAP、E2open 和 i2 等公司建立和领导高绩效销售和营销团队。 Harry 是基于价值的销售方法的开创性创造者和实施者,该方法量化客户产品和服务产品的业务价值和指标计划,指定实现这些利益的价值交付计划,并跟踪客户对计划的价值表现。
Tyler Riddell 是 Microsoft 合作伙伴 eSUB Construction Software 的营销副总裁。他们在 IECI、Startups-List、ConstructionExec 和 INTEX 商业建筑博览会等方面发表了思想领导力。
“找到优化供应链的方法最终可以为您节省一些钱…… ”
- 减少浪费开支的一个步骤是与您的供应商分享需求信息。该需求信息应采用预测的形式,并具有将这些预测转换为订单或一揽子订单的明确时间表。
- 供应链和采购经理的指尖可帮助确保其供应商提供最高质量和最低成本的其他重要工具是提案请求、报价请求和信息请求。李>
博士。 Julian Stephens 在剑桥大学获得物理学博士学位,随后在行业领先的软件公司 MJC2 研究实时物流优化算法 20 年。
“优化供应链流程的最佳方法是通过…… ”
一个关键要求是非常快速、强大的自动化调度算法,它可以监控供应链并自动修改每个路线的路线SYNCHRO-NET 项目正在开发这项技术,并由 DHL、Kuehne+Nagel 和 COSCO 在其网络中进行试验。 SYNCHRO-NET 有望大幅减少供应链中的温室气体排放,并减少道路及繁忙港口和码头周围的拥堵。
Paul Trudgian 拥有并管理着英国领先的供应链和物流咨询公司 Paul Trudgian Ltd。 Paul 是一位经验丰富的供应链项目负责人,在供应链管理方面拥有 20 年的经验,包括在零售、国防、汽车、食品、公用事业和采矿行业交付了 60 多个咨询项目。
Michael H. Burnette 是田纳西大学全球供应链研究所 (GSCI) 的副主任。 Burnette 在宝洁公司担任供应链主管 33 年后来到田纳西大学。最近,Mike 是宝洁全球护肤品供应链负责人(拥有超过 2 亿美元的玉兰油品牌)和宝洁全球护发供应链负责人(拥有 40 亿美元的潘婷和草本精华品牌)。 Mike 的供应链领导力和专长包括:供应战略/设计、制造、物流、创新、收购和人力资源。 Burnette 在宝洁公司从事供应链工作数十年,并帮助撰写了近十二本关于供应链最佳实践的白皮书。您可以在 https://haslam.utk.edu/experts/michael-burnette 获取图片和联系信息。
简化。在过去的 30 年中,随着收购、全球化、大规模定制、全渠道履行、日益严格的法规和多种技术的兴起,供应链变得越来越复杂。
- 确定任务是否增加了客户可以看到的价值
- 在代表多个业务职能的高层战略会议上制定 SKU 管理决策,并
- 协调产品,使其能够在全球所有或多个地区销售。
Victor Ong
Victor Ong 是 Premio Inc. 的营销总监。他是一位资深的销售人员,在 B2C、B2B、渠道销售和 OEM 销售领域拥有超过 10 年的经验,拥有不断增长的收入和盈利能力的良好记录
我认为拥有一个ERP系统,企业资源规划,确实有利于公司确保其拥有透明的供应链。该系统确实是供应链流程的关键。 ERP系统使业务的各项功能更加简单易追踪。该软件将所有这些功能集成到一个系统中。这一系统成为公司员工可以访问的数据库,他们可以利用为自己的特定任务提供的信息。 ERP 系统非常有用,因为它可以保留从预测开始到产品实际需求时间以及订单履行到客户的信息。
ERP 系统实时工作,更容易根据业务需要进行修复和调整。在 Premio,我们提供内部定制,这是我们的利基和优势。通过我们的 ERP 系统,这种定制使订单变得具体且易于追踪。企业不是唯一受益于 ERP 系统的一方,客户也可以从使用该系统中受益。该系统简化了客户的付款信息。这是他们完成计费和付款信息以及跟踪产品所需的唯一来源。
Jessica Thiele
Jessica Thiele 管理 VL OMNI 的所有营销工作,VL OMNI 是一个敏捷且可扩展的数据集成平台,专门为全渠道 B2B/B2C 社区提供战略供应链数据集成。
以书面形式进行布局很简单:集成和自动化您的关键数据流,并减少或消除手动数据输入或操作工作。好处是显而易见且真实的:自动化数据集成意味着不再出现人为错误,并有可能无限加快数据传输,最终节省时间和金钱。但买家要注意:即插即用和 DIY 编程解决方案可能从远处看起来很棒,但可能不是您业务的最佳解决方案。如有疑问,请致电专家意见 - 如果您不适合他们的解决方案,知名公司将愿意提供(免费)建议您应该转向哪里。
Tracey Smith 被认为是分析领域的思想领袖,并在会议上发表了广泛的演讲。她在将数据分析应用于供应链、运营和人力资源方面的业务问题方面拥有超过 25 年的经验。 Tracey 拥有应用数学、机械工程和商业学位。
从最简单的分析形式开始,即指标和 KPI(关键绩效指标)。调整您的 KPI,以衡量您在未来 1-2 年内需要在供应链中实现的目标和目标是否成功。
Jake 是一名居住在洛杉矶的专业记者,他涉足许多不同的写作领域。除了担任 TruckDrivingJobs.com 创意部门的负责人外,Jake 还经常向娱乐出版物提交文章。
Ensuring that the distribution aspect of the chain is utilizing similar and modernistic technology in accordance with the other links of the supply chain. This comes into play when commercial vehicles are the mode of transportation, as the industry begins to transition into a more unified and accepted use of technology. Still, the use of electronics in trucks is incredibly stratified across different carriers and fleets in the company. Until a systematic change in the use of truck technology is implemented, this may be one part of the supply chain process that proves to be remarkably bogged down.
Joe Oliaro
Joe Oliaro is the Managing Director, Global Corporate Services, Logistics and eCommerce Specialist at Newmark Grubb Zimmer.
“Baby boomers make up over 50% of the workforce and there is a huge demand for truck drivers right now…”
As autonomous trucks begin to enter the market in the next few years we will see a revolution in optimization of the supply chain due to the simple fact that we’ve removed humans (weakest link) from the driver’s seat. I believe this will also open up job opportunities for skilled positions and techs that will support the growth of autonomous vehicles.
Rick Armstrong
Rick Armstrong is not your typical CPA; he decided long ago that taxes and auditing would not be his niche. Rick has dedicated his career to developing innovative solutions to business problems utilizing the latest, best-of-breed accounting technologies. His expertise and unique skills in accounting and technology help organizations maximize their IT investment, with QuickBooks as well as Virtual Server Networks.
“Information is key to managing a supply chain…”
Implementing and maintaining inventory management systems and sharing information between suppliers and customers is critical.
Kara Atchison
Kara Atchison is the General Manager of Lone Star Technology. She founded Lone Star Technology in December 2014 to serve small to medium sized companies who make products and need dependable quality.
“The best thing you can do to optimize the supply chain process is…”
Get your specifications and verification methods in order and to make sure everyone on the team understands them. The biggest issue that I see in sourcing stems from communications and follow up. After you’ve got the specs in order, then you still have due diligence tasks such as auditing suppliers to understand how they manage quality and pricing, and monitoring the progress.
Mike Bates
Mike Bates is founder and CEO of HotWax Systems, the world’s leading authority in the Apache OFBiz and Moqui open-source software frameworks, and creators of HotWax Commerce, the Unified Commerce platform. A lifelong advocate for open technology, Bates has donated over 75,000 hours of development to ASF projects, and provided countless internships and training opportunities for engineers around the world.
“When it comes to effective omnichannel commerce, your business is only as strong as your supply chain — and operational visibility is an absolute game-changer in that respect…”
According to a survey by GS1, retail inventory is only accurate 63% of the time. You probably couldn’t even imagine not knowing where 1/3 of your inventory is at any given moment. But, if you are the one in two retailers who reportedly still track inventory separately for each of their sales channels, your blindspot is likely just as substantial.It is only when traditionally separated departments, operations, and processes are allowed to interact and exchange information within a shared system, be it on a single native platform, or a system of natively integrated software, that stakeholders are empowered to take control of their roles. By tapping into a live pulse of the company, unadulterated by faulty data, managers gain a super power and can actually start fine-tuning and cranking margins.We know without a doubt that companies which optimize the technology behind their supply chain, gain more flexibility, react faster to market changes, turn challenges into opportunities, and dominate the space.
Paolo Dell’Aguzzo
Paolo Dell’Aguzzo is a gaming programmer who has had a passion for computer science since childhood.
“Since 1960, a lot of companies saw that the supply chain process had some problems and that the best way to earn more should have been to have a better supply chain process…”
Companies were always making the same error. Take a lot of pieces, build a large number of products, and at the end sell it to markets. The supply chain is a really particular chain because you don’t have to build something tangible, but you need to create value for customers! Toyota was the first company in the world to understand this point.
So they have introduced the Lean methodology. For example, Toyota tests cars with customers and doesn’t fill their offices with all the possible pieces that a car could need. Every time a new piece is used the office calls a greater office for the same piece, and this chain propagates until it reaches the main Toyota unit. Eric Ries, in the Lean Startup book, talks a lot about this topic.
Miguel Fajardo
Miguel Fajardo is the logistics manager at ShipMonk.
“Outsource as much as you can…”
So many eCommerce companies we work with run stagnant for years because they keep so many aspects of their supply chain in-house. Fulfillment, inventory management, even manufacturing – unless these tasks are essential to your core business operations, you should outsource them immediately. Not only will doing so allow you to benefit from economies of scale, but you’ll also find that you will have more time to focus on your business’ core operations.
Bob Ellis
Bob Ellis is the owner of Bavarian Cuckoo Clock Shop, an e-commerce store that sells authentic Black Forest cuckoo clocks.
“Study your inventory and sales history…”
One of the most effective ways to make a supply chain more efficient is to analyze which products move fast and which ones are more slow-moving or seasonal. With these insights, you can organize your products into different segments based on how many you plan to sell in a given period. This will help you know how much of each products to order from suppliers so that excess inventory isn’t sitting in stock.
Anna Morrison
Anna Morrison, MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC is the Co-Founder &CEO of The No BS Supplements Co.
“Optimizing my supply chain means making sure my processes are standardized across the board…”
I strive to make sure the same programs and processes are being used at every step. I also have software alerts set up for low inventory which could really hurt my revenue. When working with health supplements, compliance and quality are also an incredibly important part of the process. Keeping a high standard at every turn ensures that my customers can continue to count on the high quality of my products.
Valeriia Timokhina
Valeriia Timokhina is a marketing manager and blog editor at Eastern Peak, a top-ranked European software development company focused on helping startups and midsize businesses reach their full potential by building great websites and intuitive mobile apps.
“The best way to optimize the supply chain in the future years is…”
IoT automation. Advancements in the Internet of things and AI sphere will provide an opportunity to completely automate supply chain process and eliminate the human factor forever. Implementation of IoT solutions for supply chain will be a significant step forward for business:increasing KPI, reducing expenses, real-time remote monitoring and predicting issues. Judging by the number of IoT projects we’ve received in the past two years, more and more businesses realize the benefits of IoT automation.
Bruce Hollinger
Bruce founded Macola Software in 1982 as a provider of business management solutions. After Macola was acquired by Exact in 2001, Bruce spent several years working directly with customers to understand their business software
needs. He used this knowledge to start WiSys and bring the concept of real-time Warehouse Management to Macola customers.
“The single best way to optimize supply chain processes is to…”
Utilize mobile technology to gather real-time data. In the past, desktop business software required keeping paper records and then manually entering that information back into the system at a later time. With the advent of mobile devices, those transactions can be pushed out onto the floor where they really happen. By doing this, businesses can eliminate a lot of the daily manual work that had to be done after the fact and keep information updated in real-time. Real-time recording of data optimizes supply chain processes through fewer errors, increased productivity, reduced inventory, better traceability, improved customer service, better decision-making and lower costs.
Kim Pen
Kim Pen holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from UTC in France. He has earned his stripes in factory operations as quality director and general manager of Chinese factories. Kim is the founder and CEO of Workshop, a Shenzhen based manufacturing hub, to help hardware startups with the pains of manufacturing.
“It is important to optimize locally by having real time visibility, combining demand forecasting, actual sales data and inventory management…”
With this information we know exactly what has actually been sold, what is actually coming, and what is currently in inventory both locally and globally. With these 3 items, we can make the supply chain fluctuate without having an impact on anything because we can manage the production and procurement in its early stages, as we know the needs and the procurement and production lead-time. It is a very simple data driven tools to set up even possible for small BOM product on excel.
For supply chain optimization, you need to combine air shipment and sea shipment (which also represents a storage period). The air shipment will compensate the fluctuation of the demand, whereas the sea shipment will periodically have a have fixed quantity. With real time visibility, we may even stop an air or sea shipment, so that the production and procurement will be directly impacted preventively.
You have to optimize the supply chain locally by coordinating the suppliers. You need to have a team dedicated to manage this locally, within the supplier factories to be directly involved in the quality inspection and production planning. The local team will have the right time to make changes with the suppliers and being on a Just-In-Time
The key to optimization is visibility and sharing real time data for every level of the supply chain from both locally and globally.
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