50 个资产库存管理技巧和最佳实践
如果您有管理库存的任何经验,那么您就会知道将每件商品都视为资产的重要性, 无论您是财富 500 强企业还是小型企业,都为您的健康和生计提供保障。不仅是 SKU 填满了您的仓库,还必须有效地跟踪和管理您日常运营所依赖的宝贵设备、设备和其他资产。
这似乎是所有企业都遵循的一个基本概念,但当您考虑到高达 46% 的中小企业要么完全依赖手动资产管理——或者根本不跟踪库存——就很容易理解为什么资产库存管理是一种跨多个行业的公司持续存在热键问题。
幸运的是,有大量久经考验的真实资源可以帮助即使是最“简陋”的运营部门有效地过渡到库存资产管理领域,而且前期投资很少。我们已经收集了当局关于该主题的建议,以便我们可以为您带来今天提供的 50 个顶级库存资产提示和最佳实践。下面,您将直接从这些专家资源中找到引文,按类别方便地组织。
- 实施资产盘点计划的提示
- 资产库存管理最佳做法
- 资产库存培训技巧
- IT 资产库存管理技巧

1。花时间定义任何和所有资产。 “定义可以通过选择过程过滤的资产可能不像看起来那么简单。从资产管理的扩展视图来看,可以对资产进行不同级别的管理。在基础层面,资产是单独查看的。这是最简单、最容易理解的方法。
“资产也可以从系统的角度来定义和查看。资产系统的示例可以包括网络、生产线或设施系统(HVAC、废水、压缩空气)。最后,第三个扩展视图可以定义资产组合。例子包括石油钻井平台、业务部门、房地产和市政基础设施的类别。” – 制定资产管理计划 ,通过生命周期工程的 Uptime 杂志;推特: @正常运行时间
2。重新考虑和/或建立您的处理和履行实践。 “订单数量是企业最重要的因素,因为它代表着收入。但许多公司没有适当的系统来处理、处理和履行这些订单。最好的办法是创建一个需要完成的任务列表,以完全处理和履行订单。” – Raad Mobrem, 库存管理的 6 个技巧 ,小型企业资源;推特: @Small_BizHelp

3。在实施软件之前,请确保您从干净的数据开始。 “当我们开始使用资产库存管理软件时,我们导入了现有数据。完成这个过程后,我意识到我们有很多不一致的地方,例如同一型号的文件相机有 20 个不同的产品名称。如果我们花时间整理和清理数据,我们就会发现这些差异。它会为我们省去很多麻烦,因为现在我们必须回顾所有这些数据并清理它们,以便我们的库存报告保持一致和准确。” – 在您所在地区创建成功的资产库存管理计划的 5 条提示, 海斯软件系统;推特: @HayesSoftware
4. 应用具有成本效益的管理技术。 “您是以主动还是被动的方式管理资产?在大多数情况下,从长远来看,主动管理比被动管理更具成本效益。例如,如果您等到您的一条街道上出现严重坑洼才进行道路维护,那么您最终可能会花费更多的钱,而不是随着时间的推移主动进行道路维护。当您在整个资产生命周期中的正确时间进行最具成本效益的维护、维修或更换时,您就是在实践具有成本效益的管理。” – 建立有效资产管理计划和资产规划的 5 个步骤 ,资产工程;推特: @AssetWorks

5。不要低估资产和库存交叉的重要性。 “资产和库存偶尔会在同一个企业内部交叉。一些公司使用资产管理解决方案来跟踪和管理他们已经交付给客户的设备(如服务器、油泵或重型机械)以进行服务和维护。在这种情况下,在生产和销售期间使用库存管理解决方案跟踪的最终用途项目现在正在使用资产管理解决方案进行跟踪。
“对于试图控制成本和提高生产的公司来说,资产跟踪和库存管理都是至关重要的应用。了解这些运营和可以改进它们的系统之间的区别将有助于企业更好地应对和管理他们独特的挑战。” – 库存管理和资产跟踪有什么区别 , 洛瑞解决方案;推特:@lowrysolutions
6. 设置安全锁定级别,并随着业务变化重新评估。 “通过下载库存软件,库存管理变得更加容易。您可以为每个产品设置安全库存水平。这些本质上是您随时需要的最低库存量,以免错过销售。当您的库存下降或接近这些安全水平时,您将收到订购更多的警报。修改这一点很重要,特别是对于季节性产品。您将需要调整他们的安全库存水平,以便您手头没有太多库存,尤其是在容易出现市场波动的市场中。” – 库存管理的 4 个最佳实践 , 释放;推特:@unleashedteam

7。创建并验证您的战略位置。 “在您的库存日之前,请确认您库存中的所有零件都在您的库存管理系统中列出了一个位置。 您还应该确保这些位置是正确的。
“如果零件存放在两个位置,请确保您的库存管理系统显示这一点。此步骤可确保库存计数器不会四处寻找零件,或者更糟糕的是,由于找不到零件而标记错误计数。在周期盘点期间检查库位使这项任务在年底变得更容易。” – 成功进行年度实物盘点的提示 , 资产工程;推特:@assetworks
8。良好的资产库存管理实践将为您节省资金。 “ 当您拥有可靠的库存系统时,您将确切知道您拥有多少产品,并且您可以根据销售情况预测何时用完并确保按时更换它。这不仅有助于确保您不会失去销售(对现金流至关重要),而且还可以让您提前计划购买更多商品,从而确保您有足够的现金留出。” – Cassandra Campbell,警告:不使用这 8 种库存管理技术会造成损失 , Shopify 博客;推特:@shopify

9。准备好记录您的股票修正。 “盘点后,您可能需要更改系统中的产品数量以匹配您的数量。最好的方法是按照以下提示进行库存修正:
- 选择合理的费用 — 如果要添加库存,则需要输入成本价。但在进行库存更正时,您没有供应商发票显示成本,因此请选择一个合理的数字。
- 使用单独的会计代码 — 如果您的系统支持它们,使用单独的会计代码可以帮助您查看因库存更正而产生的利润(更多库存,没有发票)和损失(更少库存,没有销售)。” – 12 个控制技巧库存和库存管理 , 明珠;推特:@BrightpearlHQ
10. 制定为您的运营量身定制的防损计划。 “集团发现的每一个库存损失预防或减少成功案例的背后都有良好的损失数据。及时、准确和可操作的数据可供所有合适的利益相关者使用,按项目和商店细分,从而改善协作,采取更多正确的行动,并能够持续跟踪结果和绩效趋势。今天,获取这些数据的唯一方法是在店内定期进行周期盘点。明天,希望包括射频识别 (RFID) 在内的智能货架技术能够以更低的成本和更高的准确性更快地提供这种可见性。” – Colin Peacock,防止库存损失的 15 个最佳实践 ,LPM内幕;推特:@lpmag

11.做出最大化您的投资回报率的决定。 “资产管理帮助企业最大化每项投资的回报。当您依靠资产管理来为购买决策提供信息并随时掌握持续维护时,您将从昂贵的资产中获得更多生命。
“此外,通过提高整个劳动力的资产利用率,工作流程变得更加高效,产量也增加了。资产丢失或被盗造成的浪费也减少了。最后,资产管理能够高效地安排跨团队和部门的共享资产,减少不必要地购买重复资产的需要。” – 资产管理的 4 个目标 , 密码;推特:@camcode
12.投资并实施大数据技术。 “手持式扫描仪和 RFID 标签等工具可以帮助您快速识别和纠正错误。毕竟,信息对于任何成功的资产管理计划都至关重要。在选择软件或设备之前,您必须制定和实施设备监控和评估程序。实施新的资产管理系统后,有必要持续评估和监控所选的软件系统,以确保其正常工作并符合既定的管理程序。这包括开发用于识别和纠正数据不准确的机制。” – Ryan Ayers,您的建筑公司的资产管理 , 商务网;推特:@businessdotcom

13.集成任何和所有管理系统。 “为了简化您的零件订购、退货、计费和付款流程,了解您的车队管理和其他软件系统的连接方式非常重要。集成还可以确保数据的准确性并减少对行政、财务和其他人员的需求,在某些情况下甚至可以减少人员需求。” – Lynne White,在需要时准备好正确的零件对于任何成功的研讨会都至关重要 , 切文;推特:@chevintweet
14。寻找自动化资产库存的方法。 “一些网络管理软件解决方案可以发现、映射网络资产并创建自动更新以反映设备配置和状态变化的清单,并通过组织良好的视图和综合报告将信息呈现给管理员。
“重要的是,这些工具可以跨多种技术和协议工作——ARP、SNMP、SSH、虚拟基础设施管理、IP 寻址、ICMP、LLDP、WMI 和 Telnet——跨路由器自动发现、定位和收集全面的设备信息,打印机、交换机、服务器和防火墙。” – 最佳实践资产清单 , WhatsUp Gold

15。建立可靠的库存 KPI。 “库存 KPI 衡量您在特定时间段内朝着特定目标在特定领域的表现。它们通过为您提供每周、每季度或每年的明确里程碑来帮助消除猜测。有了它们,您将拥有为您的业务做出明智的战略决策所需的数据。” – 改善业务的 10 个库存管理最佳实践 ,亲爱的系统;推特:@DearInventory
16。为您的零件部门采取专门的安全措施。 “确保在零件仓库中采取有效的安全措施。应该考虑几个关键的做法。限制对零件仓库库存的访问对于保持库存准确性至关重要。采用零件库存“禁区”且只有零件部门员工可以访问的政策。
“确保这一点的第一种方法是采取物理安全措施,例如零件柜台,以防止员工进入库存地点并拉动所需的零件。让每个人都有访问权限会很快使零件库存不准确。有助于实现这一目标的第二种做法是安装安全摄像头系统并开始使用通行证进入出入口。” – Brian Barry, 7 个备件库存管理最佳实践 , F.柯蒂斯巴里公司;推特:@FCurtisBarryCo

17.开发适合您情况的库存支持系统。 “优化的库存需要经常获得的数据点和
业务目标并显着提高他们的团队的效率。” – 库存优化的 12 个最佳实践 , 鬼怪;推特:@oniquaanalytics
18.制定与您的特定仓库完美匹配的存储计划。 “人们通常认为仓库是存放货物和商品直到分发的地方。仓库实际上是复杂的不动产资产,需要访问(如铁路、水和公路)、安全、IT 技术、温度控制以及生命周期和供应链管理。这些因素影响机构如何评估和分析仓库作为当前和未来任务和计划要求的不动产资产。仓库的减少策略必须考虑到仓库中存储的材料支持的功能、最有效地利用仓库所需的供应链、实时商业智能以及需要更少资源的技术进步来支持这项使命。” – 仓库管理最佳实践白皮书 , 政府政策总务管理办公室;推特:@USGSA

19。优先考虑您的需求行动计划。 “能够先发制人并预测需求可以最大限度地节省成本。关于库存管理,它允许您的企业建立最低和最高库存水平。由于处理和监控所产生的费用以及额外的存储成本,闲置的库存成本很高。” – 什么是库存管理和控制? , Amcap;推特:@amcapaus
20。只投资于提供实时分析的技术。 “一旦您掌握了有关库存水平和履行状态的最新信息,您就需要能够持续分析您的供应链,以
数据中提取数据。” – 敏捷库存管理的 4 个最佳实践 ,信息;推特:@infor

21。针对最不期望的情况制定智能且一致的审核计划。 “其他可能出现并引起审计师关注的问题包括库存观察的时间安排。观察通常在 10 月底或 12 月底进行。通常,由于年终假期和/或天气问题,库存观察在 10 月举行。但是,如果客户更容易出现欺诈/操纵行为并且因此而臭名昭著,那么审计师可能会在 12 月底出现以获得更可靠的数据。
“另一个问题是审核员是否需要聘请专家或进行一些场外测试以确保仓库中的库存是真实的。例如,对于珠宝、谷物或其他高科技产品等某些商品,普通审核员很难区分真假。审核员可能希望聘请专家进行彻底检查,或将一些样品送到实验室进行适当测试。” – 什么是库存审计? , CFI;推特:@InnovationCA
22。为您的企业的固定资产制定严密的政策和程序手册。 “应制定政策和程序,以确保对固定资产进行一致和正确的会计核算和管理。此类政策需要涵盖固定资产的所有可能方面。考虑以下领域:资本化门槛;会计处理;收购、转让和处置的审批程序;使用寿命/折旧年限;资产建设;债务成本资本化(美国公认会计原则);定期固定资产盘点;等等。” – 固定资产最佳实践 , 简单的研究;推特:@simplestudies

23。为最坏的情况做好准备。 “过时是库存管理中不可避免的事实,但不幸的是,许多组织都是被动地管理它。要主动管理报废,组织必须能够回答以下问题:我们如何预测报废? 我们制定了哪些应急计划? 我们最重要的需求是什么? 我们应该维护物品,还是更换它们? 我们如何确保安全?
“此类组织应制定过时风险评估流程,帮助库存经理评估物品过时的可能性,并标记最有可能过时的物品。为了增强流程,库存经理可以使用分析来识别已经过时的项目,识别组织能够负担得起的反应性管理的项目,并减少计算过时概率所涉及的人工工作。将分析纳入淘汰流程可为组织提供应用缓解策略所需的数据,例如供应商协议、系统升级或风险缓解采购。” – Tristan O'Gorman,实现库存优化的 5 个库存分析最佳实践 , IBM 大数据和分析中心;推特:@IBMAnalytics
24. 在所有部门共享您的管理策略。 “制定改变员工行为的策略要在仓库地板实施任何改变之前几个月开始。要确定项目的范围,您需要定义更改的外观,并创建项目将产生的收益愿景。
“用新的眼光来看待当前的情况并询问我们为什么要这样做总是一个好主意。要评估仓库员工面临的障碍和问题,请选择代表组织各个部门的员工团队。团队应由团队负责人、赞助商和四到五名团队成员组成。这个团队的成员应该是被视为组织领导者的员工,并且能够轻松地集思广益,寻找新想法,为当前造成浪费的储藏室做法提供解决方案。” – Wally Wilson,将储藏室文化转变为最佳实践表现em> ,生命周期工程;推特:@LCE_Today

25。注意所有幽灵资产。 “删除库存中的幽灵资产。有时丢失或被盗的物品仍在库存记录中。这些被称为幽灵资产。通常情况下,幽灵资产是被不准确记录的物品。” – 资产管理重要的十大理由 , AER 全球;推特:@AERWorldwide
26。建立专门的重新排序参数。 “ERP 物料管理系统用于生成补货订单的再订购参数——最低和最高水平 (MIN/MAX) 是库存结果的主要决定因素。应定期优化重新排序参数以反映变化。优化过程地址:
- 选择适当的算法来优化最低和最高库存水平
- 使用经济成本模型,将持有库存、补货、加急和缺货的成本视为固定服务水平方法的首选替代方案
- 分析一组项目,而不是一个接一个,一次一个
- 能够执行“假设”建模并将优化结果与当前库存绩效进行比较
- 考虑“现实世界”的限制条件,包括最大箱容量、存储容量等” – Andy Hill,库存优化的 12 个最佳实践 , 制造.net;推特:@MnetNews

27。使您的 SKU 属性多样化。 “最常见的流程改进是使用与每个 SKU 相关联的更多属性,从而实际上创建更多数量的项目类别,并为其分配不同的策略——远远超出大多数公司仍在使用的标准三到四个级别。这些属性可以包括交货时间、供需变化、消费模式、关键性、速度等。公司使用的维度越多,公司在管理库存方面的精确度就越高。在一流的公司中使用 10-12 个维度的情况并不少见。” – 改善跨复杂供应链网络的库存管理的五种策略 ,CSCO 见解;推特:@cisco
28.投资资产库存培训课程。 “拥有优秀、称职的员工可以对公司的成功产生重大影响。库存管理培训为您的员工提供库存控制的最新理念和最佳实践方法。如果要适当地满足组织的目标,为您的员工提供库存管理培训是必不可少的。
“通过投资库存培训,您可以确保为您的员工提供必要的工具来有效地完成工作。培训有助于员工提高他们的知识、技能和能力,提高他们的整体效率并减少库存浪费。这反过来又会带来更高的质量表现。” – 库存管理培训对员工的重要性 , 释放;推特:@unleashedteam

29。为了提高准确性,请为您的员工提供充分的系统培训。 “计算机化的库存和资产会计系统有助于在整个生命周期内保持资产信息井井有条,并降低人为错误的风险。如果在您的年度盘点过程中定期使用,一个好的解决方案可以帮助确保所有数据都是准确和最新的。因此,下次您尝试查看资产的详细信息(例如其序列号或财务信息)时,您可以放心,您的数据库中的信息是正确的。
“全年在您的资产管理系统中维护准确的数据意味着您更有可能最终获得可以依赖的财务报告。这些信息对于合规性至关重要,有助于在预算和规划过程中支持明智的决策。” – 自动化资产跟踪和库存流程 | 5 个好处 , 资产工程;推特:@assetworks
30。专注于培养你的领导技能。 “库存经理需要成为有效的领导者。他们雇佣、解雇和管理一个员工团队,以及随之而来的所有挑战。他们需要带领他们的团队。他们还需要能够指导并作为更大团队的一部分工作。大多数库存经理需要与营销和销售部门以及采购经理合作,以组织进出公司的有效库存流动。” – Jay Schofield,伟大的库存经理会做的 6 件事 , 系统 ID;推特:@系统 ID

31. Prioritize product tracking awareness. “From year to year, it’s beneficial to know what sells and what doesn’t. This information helps you plan and make more informed business decisions for the future. You’ll avoid losses due to products sitting on shelves for too long or losing sales because products sell out too quickly for customer demand.” – Brian Sutter, Director of Marketing, Wasp Barcode Technologies, Inventory vs Asset Management:What’s the Difference? , Score; Twitter:@SCOREMentors
32. Take advantage of your inventory management system’s onboarding/training solutions. “Many inventory management solution providers in today’s market offer training or onboarding services so both you and your employees can learn how to take full advantage of the system’s features and capabilities. The team behind the service itself will be able to give you the most comprehensive overview of the system, and they’ll be able to provide support and further assistance in any necessary areas.” – Nikki Michaels, 5 Tips to Help Retail Employees Stay on Top of Inventory , Vend; Twitter:@vendhq

33. Take a systemic approach to inventory asset management. “A company can get the greatest benefit from an asset management program when it integrates all aspects involved in controlling assets and their costs. The program should cross all lines between departments and disciplines to focus on the total value. Managers should use a systematic approach, applying standards in a structured way.
“Risks must be evaluated and, if necessary, compromises found that best balance risk against performance and cost. The program should allow managers to examine assets in context of their use and value to the company. A good asset management program will also be sustainable, helping to optimize the life of assets while considering long-term effects such as environmental impact.” – Jeffrey Joyner, What is the Purpose of an Asset Management Program? , Chron; Twitter:houstonchron
34. Provide sufficient training – and schedule appropriately. “By studying your work order history and your maintenance schedule, you can usually accurately predict how much staff and how many man-hours you can anticipate needing during the year. With this number in mind, you can then schedule your employees appropriately and not just have workers standing around twiddling their thumbs. Or maybe you will find that your problem isn’t over-staffing but under-staffing instead. Missing a routine maintenance here or there happens – but when you begin missing them frequently due to not having enough staff, things can go south very quickly.” – Lisa Richards, 7 Benefits of Inventory Management , Mapcon; Twitter:@MAPCONtech

35. Once you have implemented an asset inventory training program, get the most out of it by shoring up your skills inventory. “A skills inventory summarizes the skills, education, and experiences of current employees. Depending on the size and complexity of a business, the process for preparing a skills inventory will vary. Some businesses use commercial software. Other firms use database programs. Some small businesses use simple worksheets or even a paper based system to prepare the skills inventory.
“Whatever the method, if done correctly a skills inventory will provide a collective business inventory of the skills, knowledge, and real-world experience that a firm’s workforce possesses.” – Robert Tanner, MBA, Founder &Principal Consultant of Business Consulting Solutions LLC, What is Skills Inventory? , Management is a Journey; Twitter:@mgmtjourney
36. Ensure that all employees are aware of their asset inventory-related responsibilities. “Watching inventory metrics tumble is an exercise in futility without a team to fix it. You may not need a dedicated inventory or stock manager, but if the responsibility falls on another department head, be sure they’re well aware of their role and the targets they’re expected to reach. If your success metrics aren’t where they need to be, it’s time to schedule a meeting.” – 20 Inventory Management Questions You Should be Asking , Action Storage; Twitter:@ActionStorage

37. Stamp out internal theft with proper inventory asset bookkeeping. “To prevent theft by administrative staff, practice good bookkeeping. Ensure that no single person controls too many parts of any financial transaction. Purchases, payroll, reimbursements and other disbursements should require review and signoff by a senior staff member.
“Perform bank reconciliations and review business credit card statements each month. Work with a qualified business accountant to ensure that books are properly maintained, transactions are properly posted, and the audit trail shows no suspicious activity.” – 10 Tips to Help Clients Prevent Employee Theft , Xero; Twitter:@Xero
38. Incentivize the participation in asset-related training and professional development programs. “Consider offering a program that will pay some, or even all, of a professional development course for your warehouse staff. These incentives are win-win – your employees will be comfortable with change, and the knowledge they gain can drive both quicker implementation and more effective operation.” – Stephen “Stevie” Hay, General Manager of Aptean’s Distribution &Plant Management Group, Helping Warehouse Employees Thrive in an Era of Automation , Aptean; Twitter:@aptean
IT Asset Inventory Management Tips

39. Make use of an all-inclusive asset tracking software. “Chances are you’re already ahead of the curve and have invested in asset tracking software of some kind, but just because you have that base covered doesn’t mean that it’s the best option for your business’ assets.
“To ensure that yours is, make sure that the software allows you to input complex, comprehensive information about your assets, including the locations, equipment, and components. In addition to the hierarchy, also guarantee that these specifics can be easily altered in real-time to reflect changes in maintenance schedules, updates on depreciation, and all other relevant info.
“For the best in asset tracking security, opt for a software that includes GPS technology, especially if your equipment assets move around often. Making use of GPS capabilities makes it so that your most high-value assets are always locatable, even if a theft is in progress.” —— 4 Best Practices for Oil and Gas Company Asset Management , Camcode; Twitter:@Camcode
40. Be sure that your chosen system includes a comprehensive ‘service desk’ feature. “Well, much as you like to deny it, it is always better to ensure your service desk has an asset management module rather than investing on a stand alone asset management software. Ensuring your asset management software is part of the service desk solution will ensure that data sharing across the organisation is efficient. Additionally, have a service desk solution that has asset management module will ensure a streamlined functioning of all the teams in an organisation.” – Apoorva Ravikrishnan, Product Marketer for Freshservice at Freshworks Inc., 5 Tips for Selecting the Right IT Asset Management Software , Freshservice Blog; Twitter:@freshserviceapp

41. Select an asset inventory management system that integrates with your accounting system. “Ideally, you want your inventory management system to integrate with your accounting system so that you have up-to-date financial information to help you understand how your business is doing, so that you can make timely and well-informed decisions. For businesses that already use Intuit’s QuickBooks accounting software, inventory valuations can be tracked in real-time and the financial statements are updated seamlessly for inventory changes.
“Whatever system you decide to use, maintain its effectiveness by conducting regular inventory counts of what you have in stock, and reconcile any differences between your physical inventory account and your inventory records on a timely basis. You should understand why these reconciling differences occur and manage the potential risk of theft.” – Orin Schepps, Seeing Clearly:3 Tips for Effective Sales Inventory Management , Consultance Accounting; Twitter:@Consultancellc
42. Consider IT asset management in terms of centralization. “In reality, all IT shops should have the means (policies, procedures, tools) to support asset management for the enterprise. The ability to record purchases, costs, contracts, locations and disposal data helps the organization make informed decisions about strategic purchases.
“We’re all for minimizing the incremental risks and related costs associated with IT infrastructure projects that are based on old, incomplete and/or less accurate information. So having a central location of these assets helps in performing important upgrades on versions of equipment and software.” – Norm Brien, IT Asset Management:How to Be Efficient , CIO; Twitter:@CIOonline

43. Use your IT to prioritize self audits. “Risk is the main cause of uncertainty in any organization. Thus, companies increasingly focus more on identifying risks and managing them before they even affect the business. In the world of IT inventory management, self-auditing processes can help companies be proactive in finding problems before a real audit occurs. Staying on top of audits can also facilitate smoother projects like data center consolidations or decommissions.
“While many companies do perform cursory audits and some might do more extensive audits on occasion, these surface level audits likely won’t turn up issues that would be found during a real software compliance audit.” – Jeremy Schaller, IT Inventory Management:What, Why, and How (Best Practices) , exIT Technologies; Twitter:@exittech
44. Take advantage of automated maintenance scheduling for all assets. “Most maintenance management software allows you to keep detailed notes on all aspects of any given asset. Take advantage of this by maintaining maintenance history and costs. This can serve as a comparison point for the future, or as a way to gauge if a certain model is reliable once replacement becomes necessary. Similarly, maintaining the calibration events and troubleshooting results for an asset will prove useful across multiple locations and for multiple assets.” – 7 Tips for Better Asset Management with Maintenance Management Software , DPSI; Twitter:@dpsiCMMS

45. Use tried and true asset tag technology to keep track of your assets. “As your business grows, it is bound to acquire a large asset base. With all these additional tools and machines, inventory control is bound to get tough. The easy way out would be to devise a tracking system which makes inventory processes much more streamlined. To begin with, you need to enter all asset IDs located in your warehouse. This is important because your employees should know where a particular piece of equipment is located. Instant data on assets help staff workers carry out their daily tasks much more efficiently!
“With special features included in asset inventory software, you can create barcodes for all your office items. Barcode and QR labels allow you to quickly scan and enter all relevant information in your systems. For example, you can save the warehouse location of asset X at a particular time. Asset tags also let you track inventory movements every time an employee checks out an asset. Monitor business activities with easily accessible information to increase asset optimization.” – The 5 Rules to Simplify Asset Management with Asset Inventory Software , EZOfficeInventory; Twitter:@officeinventory
46. Implement the best system support possible. “Including exception reporting, inventory on hand and on-order availability by location, as well as projection of how SKUs are selling vs. when purchase orders need to be placed to prevent stocks-outs. This also includes having the ability to reserve a SKU quantity to a customer order, and vendor management to monitor and track vendor-shipped orders.” – Curt Barry, Founder &Chairman of F. Curtis Barry &Company, 10 Tips for Improving Your Inventory Management , Multichannel Merchant;推特:@mcmerchant

47. Rely on cutting-edge automation. “Managing assets manually takes a lot of time, effort, and costs without getting the equivalent results. To optimize your asset management, consider using an automated asset management solution. This software automates your asset management processes, such as asset value and depreciation tracking, asset maintenance, contract management, cost analysis, and in-depth report generation. By automating complex asset management tasks, you will be able to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of your business.” – 5 Effective Asset Management Tips for Improving Business Efficiency , BusinessTech; Twitter:@HashMicro
48. Use your company’s IT data to make big picture predictions. “Understand that in today’s economic climate, cash is king. If you are sitting in a good position, make cutbacks to your spending but invest in tools and people that will help you in the long run to grow your business and drive greater efficiency. With layoffs and companies eager to keep sales high, you can secure some top quality talent and excellent deals on the technology tools you need.” – Bill Harrison, President of Demand Solutions, Top Five Tips to Rescue Your Business with Inventory Management , All Business; Twitter:@AllBusiness_com

49. Ensure that you IT inventory asset management systems come equipped with easy integration tools. “The IT Asset Management application should be easy to integrate with other applications. Imagine spending hours just to integrate the IT Asset Management application with the helpdesk application that your company uses. It will be just sheer waste of time and hard work, and now imagine what will happen if your company decides to move to a different ticketing software. It will be a double whammy. Now, you will have to spend time to learn the new helpdesk application and at the same time you will have to ask an expert to spend a considerable amount of time to figure it out how to integrate the existing IT asset management application with the new helpdesk application that you have just purchased.” – Vaishali Gopi, Important Tips to Consider in Buying IT Asset Management Software , Maintworld; Twitter:@maintworld
50. Integrate all ERP data with an asset-based management software. “Companies should consider integrating their enterprise resource planning solution with inventory management software. Implementing mobile data collection technologies into the warehouse will help keep employees and managers on top of inventory and help them to see where and what they have on their shelves, allowing for easier picking and delivery.” – Dustin Caudell, 5 Tips for Successful Inventory Management , RFgen; Twitter:@RFgenSoftware