Doug Orlove 是 Amify 的运营副总裁。作为 VPO,他负责监督运营和物流并管理我们的办公室仓库。他在 Pepsico 和 Dole 以及现在的 Amify 拥有近 20 年的仓库管理和运营经验。
Andrei Vasilescu 是著名的数字营销专家,也是 DontPayFull 省钱平台的首席执行官。多年来,他一直为多家国际公司和各个品牌的不同在线优惠券提供尖端的数字营销服务。
Jayneel Patel
Jayneel Patel 是库存管理软件 Orderhive 的董事总经理兼联合创始人。
5. 审计和周期盘点
Robin Schwartz 是 MFG Jobs 的管理合伙人/内容作家。
Jennifer McDermott 是个人理财比较网站 finder.com 的消费者权益倡导者。她在金融、生活方式和旅游行业拥有超过 12 年的经验,她分析了消费趋势。 Jennifer 喜欢发现有趣的见解和问题来帮助人们。
1. 创建平面图
5. 检查您的交货情况
6. 评估运输选项
Mostafa Hosseini 是 Persyo 的商务教练和顾问。
对您的库存进行 80/20 分析,了解哪些产品在销售,哪些产品在浪费您的空间,以便您摆脱它们。
A | 80 | 38.30% | 38.30% |
B | 45 | 21.50% | 59.80% |
C | 35 | 16.70% | 76.50% |
D | 14 | 6.70% | 83.20% |
E | 14 | 6.70% | 89.90% |
K | 12 | 5.70% | 95.60% |
G | 4 | 1.90% | 97.50% |
H | 4 | 1.90% | 99.40% |
我 | 1 | 0.50% | 99.90% |
J | 0 | 0.00% | 99.90% |
总计 | 209 | 100% |
在这个例子中,我们可以去掉 G、H、I 和 J 产品,节省空间并从带来 80% 销售额的前 20% 的产品中补货。
使用这种方法,您最多可以节省 80% 的仓储成本。
Abby Perkins 是电子商务分析和 BI 平台 Glew.io 的内容总监。
清楚地了解您的销售数据。如果您知道哪些产品在销售,哪些产品在您的货架上 – 您可以更深入地了解哪些产品在哪些季节销售,哪些产品在哪些渠道中表现最好,哪些产品与其他产品捆绑得很好,那些被退回的,以及您的商品销售成本、收入和利润是多少——您将能够就订购、促销,甚至在哪里分配您的营销资金做出更明智的决定。 Glew.io 连接您来自各种来源的所有销售和营销数据,并让您按高销量、高利润、最赚钱、折扣、冷热产品、顶级捆绑、最多退款、最多放弃等对产品进行细分,因此您可以始终如一地处理您的库存数据并保持低成本。
Srajan Mishra
Srajan Mishra 是 TSI Apparel 的首席执行官。他是一名电气工程师,但本质上是一名企业家。
“节省资金的库存控制方法之一是使用 ABC 技术……”
- A 价值高,销售频率低。
- B 价值适中,销售频率适中。
- C 价值低,销售频率高。
Tim Stevens 是 Find Me A Gift 的运营和物流经理。
跟踪仓库库存,我们通过周期盘点来做到这一点,也称为永续盘点 (PI)。
永续盘存是一个过程,其中仓库的一部分因任何库存移动而关闭,盘点库存,然后根据仓库系统检查该盘点。然后可以调查任何差异并进行调整。可以跟踪结果以形成库存控制 KPI,每周更新一次,以显示任何库存趋势和改进。
PI 可以每年多次提供全面库存,以帮助库存可用性并增强对库存水平的信心。
Diego Vilardo 是罗氏制药的国际贸易事务和海关法规副经理。
Khris Bhattan
作为 RTG Solutions Group 的总裁,Khris K. Bhattan 的热情和成功在于领导团队解决问题、消除浪费、降低成本和提高效率。 Khris 是变革的推动力,他确定、开发、培训和实施确保组织在竞争激烈的市场中取得成功的系统。
“首先,应在仓库工人的日常工作中实施并嵌入可靠的 ERP 系统……”
假设 ERP 的功能,每日、每周或每月的库存周期盘点是仓库环境中节省成本的最佳控制方法。一个额外的好处是一个管理系统,它提供了在报告结构的每个级别上完全员工参与的机会。为了消除浪费的运营并节省资金,个人贡献者必须能够快速将问题上报给领导层,并让领导层快速将信息向下传递并跨工作流。
George Keliher 作为一名企业家和一名专门从事库存管理的小型企业顾问,从事零部件的制造和库存工作已有 30 多年。乔治在 LOCATE Inventory 上玩得很开心,以至于他的退休计划被搁置了。
通过使用将最佳实践灌输到工作流程的每个步骤的库存管理软件。提供捷径和变通方法的程序通常会导致库存丢失、成本计算不准确,并最终导致利润损失。 The right software can make a big difference when it comes to keeping your business moving forward. Naturally, human-error (packing mistakes and other warehouse inefficiencies) can also plague warehouses, and having the right mobile inventory solution can help warehouses save money by being more efficient and accurate on the ground. Cycle counting is another best-practice that is a great way for warehouses to save money. It allows warehouses to cycle count any time of the day.
Aaron Moore
Aaron Moore has been the Fulfillment Manager at One Click for 10 months and graduated from Franklin College in 2012 with a degree in Business Management and Industrial Relations. He studied abroad in Hong Kong and has worked in leadership for 5 years.
“Cycle counting is the single most important aspect of inventory control…”
Although all inventory control methods are important, Cycle Counting allows for a more accurate representation of inventory levels throughout the year as opposed to one giant inventory count during the year. Stock levels need to be accurate for tax purposes and Par Value ordering, but the reason Cycle Counting is the most important is because it affects the customer.
A common issue facing retailers is inaccurate stock levels allowing a customer to purchase an item that is actually out of stock, giving the impression that the company doesn’t run a very tight business. Therefore, the consumer loses faith.
Without customers, companies and warehouses cease to exist. Businesses should stress inventory accuracy through Cycle Counting as a means of creating customer happiness.
Pete Sheridan
Pete Sheridan is the founder and owner of Manchester-based Ryan Air Conditioning Spares Ltd, an Insulation &Air Conditioning Logistics company with multinational eCommerce Stores throughout the UK and Europe.
“In my experience, the #1 inventory control method to save our warehouses money is…”
Using the correct tracking software. To that end, and having worked with many down the years, we now swear by using Sage 50. It allows you to keep incredibly tight control over what you stock with the stock re-order levels. It adjusts our stock levels online after each stock take and optimizes our tracking and administration in real time.
It has had a significant impact on our bottom line. As such, it has to rank as our number one inventory control method at this time.
Reuben Kats
Reuben Kats is the COO/Web Design Sales Engineer /Customer Service/ Account Manager at GrabResults,LLC.
“In order to keep track of what comes on and off the shelves in your warehouse, one needs to…”
Set up a certain portal or dashboard where they keep track of their products. Any business that has hundreds of thousands of products should develop their own software where they can process all products as well as provide the business with transparency with the employees.
I used to work and help run a warehouse in the past and found that a lot of the employees were thieves. The business was losing money and couldn’t understand why. Developing a dashboard that prints out barcodes is a great way to keep track of all the products and make sure no one is tampering with your products. Some warehouses even hire security guards with wands that check the employees before they leave for home. GrabResults, LLC and Falcon Marketing, LLC build modern and custom software for clientele so they can integrate their products to their database and keep their inventory up to date. Our design is sleek, modern, and gets visitors purchasing from our clientele.
Communication is key when it comes to inputting inventory, quantities, and what is in stock and out of stock. Communication will be the reason why errors come up. I highly recommend all vendors input their data to a project manager and have the project manager manage the platform. I think it’s very important to market your products and have your vendors market your business as well with the same deal. The reason why most companies suffer is because the message isn’t clear from the beginning.
Multiple companies can advertise the same product, but the price is different. That can stir up some confusion regarding authenticity and other issues. If vendors want to help the business, they need to use their client’s marketing strategy. Magento is a great platform that can organize cash flow and one can always add more plugins to the backend so it can have QuickBooks and other integrations. In order to keep a great relationship with vendors, one should order in bulk so confusion doesn’t happen as often. If a business is buying once a week, the chances of having issues come up are more frequent. One should order in bulk maybe once a month or every couple months so they don’t need to keep adjusting quantities, RMAs, etc.
Amjad Hussain
Amjad Hussain is the CEO of Algo.ai, an Enterprise AI company that has developed the world’s first Supply Chain Analyst Bot. Algo.ai uses Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to help retailers, manufacturers, and distributors with accurate Forecasting, Demand Planning, and Inventory Management.
“Prescriptive Analytics is the most powerful tool in optimizing
The explosion in the availability and accessibility of data is creating new opportunities for better decision making in applications of inventory control. Prescriptive analytics starts by predicting consumer demand and then using Machine Learning to recommend the optimal inventory levels to make the most profitable use of warehouse space. Demand is the key uncertainty affecting inventory decisions, which presents a huge opportunity to leverage transactional data combined with large-scale, publicly available data such as web search queries, reviews, and social media chatter to optimize inventory and improve warehouse profitability.
Brandyn M. Cox
Brandyn Cox is the Owner of BMC Accounting LLC. BMC Accounting has been providing a comprehensive accounting solution to small and medium sized businesses since 2017. BMC Accounting LLC is an entirely virtual accounting service.
“Warehouses have to maintain and track costs accordingly to ensure profit margin demands are met…”
There are several strategies that a warehouse can implement to reduce costs, waste, and unnecessary labor. Just In Time Inventory, also known as JIT Inventory Method, is a method where inventory is ordered on demand at just the right time. The response is to order more inventory derived from market supply.
Many large corporations such as Toyota use JIT Inventory Method. This is in contrast to many companies who utilize a traditional warehousing method of holding large quantities of inventory. The traditional method costs more in rent or debt to own the property square footage, it incurs higher costs for utilities, and requires more employees to track and maintain the inventory’s quality. JIT Inventory Method allows for companies to order raw materials, finished goods, or intermediate inventory only when needed. Although the overall cost implementation of JIT Inventory Method is a cost saver, the initial cost may be prohibitive for some companies. For the JIT Inventory Method to work efficiently and effectively, there will need to be software systems created and shared with vendors, agreements in place with vendors for pricing per units under this method, and training of staff.
Aside from a major overhaul of traditional inventory to the JIT Inventory Method, a warehouse can also put into action other smaller scale practices. Bar coding and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) will maintain inventory and track its status and location in the warehouse along with quantities on hand and what the par amount should be on hand.
Also, inventory management software is critical for warehouses in order to have an approved vendor list accessible, vendor catalogs, match purchase orders with packing slips and invoices, and to be able to purchase inventory when needed. By reducing warehouse overhead and square footage, the unused space could be used to rent to other companies who need an overflow for their warehouses, which will generate revenue that otherwise didn’t exist.
Huib Maat
Huib Maat is the in-house perfumer at Pairfum, a London based Artisan Fragrance House.
“We faced these challenges in our warehouse…”
- Large variety of components and ingredients
- Seasonality in the supply of ingredients (e.g., perfume oils) and seasonality of sales (e.g., Christmas)
For us, the single best tactic to optimize our supply chain, was to digitalize everything. In other words, everything received a barcode which allowed us to move the supply chain to the cloud.
Robert DeStefano
Robert DeStefano is a senior product marketing manager at Ivanti Supply Chain. He has more than 18 years of experience helping businesses understand the value of mobile technology solutions when it comes to boosting worker productivity and enforcing mobile security.
“Stockouts are a nightmare at any time of year, but…”
During the peak holiday season, the damage is magnified. Lost revenue, compromised customer satisfaction, negative press – a missed peak season can haunt a business for many years to come. So, how can businesses throughout the supply chain avoid a stockout? One of the ways is through supply chain convergence which will, over time, deliver great value.
When it comes to Black Friday, for example, the opportunity boils down to this:What if you could know when a truck carrying this season’s “must have” gift is 5 minutes from your loading dock? Blockchain – the centerpiece of supply chain convergence – will make this possible. Integration among warehouse management, enterprise resource planning, and transportation management systems – WMS, ERP, and TMS, respectively, can ensure that more stock is ordered in time, that staff is available to distribute it, and that the warehouse knows the exact arrival date (and time).
An integrated supply chain can ease the connection and sharing of data among systems and enable visibility across participants in your supply chain, which can ultimately result in time and cost savings for warehouses.
Dr. Cozette M. White
Cozette is the Founder and CEO of My Financial Home Enterprises, a global financial consulting firm providing comprehensive accounting, tax, and financial management services for businesses and individuals. My Financial Home has been featured in Forbes Magazine and named one of The Boss Network’s top 50 companies two years in a row.
“Managing the inventory is the number one thing that will save the organization money…”
This effort requires a conducive team that works together with one common goal – reduce inventory levels, increase working capital and liquid cash.
The team consists of a cost accountant, shipping and receiving, warehouse, product supply, buyers, and external auditors.
The team will need to ensure that they forecast accurately, manage inventory levels, use FIFO inventory method, manage the relationship with suppliers, and audit using the ABC method along with regular spot checks, physical counts, cycle counts and more. Implementing these steps to properly manage inventory and perform the steps routinely will save the organization money.
Alisha Raesz
Alisha Raesz is a specialist in accounting software for manufacturing businesses at Fourlane. She holds advanced certifications in QuickBooks Desktop, Enterprise, Online, and Point of Sale, as well as Acumatica ERP. She has worked with more than 900 small and mid-size businesses to optimize inventory and financial processes.
“Cycle counts (i.e., continuous partial inventory audits) are the best way to control inventory because…”
They provide constant updates on inventory status. Companies that are doing 1 or 2 full inventory audits annually are slower to spot discrepancies and thus will be slower to course correct. Businesses I’ve worked with who transition to cycle counts see immediate value as things that might go unnoticed until the end of the year are caught and documented on a regular basis. Quantity, location, expiration dates, and other important info is updated constantly, which provides a better customer experience and gives client-facing employees more knowledge and confidence. And it also eliminates the need to completely close down operations for 3-4 days to do a physical count, since cycle counts mean specific bins, lots, or warehouses are tracked on an ongoing basis during normal operations.
Amber Fullerton
Amber Fullerton is a Chief Customer Officer of One World Direct, an e-fulfillment and call center company with warehouses in California, Ohio, and South Dakota.
“The #1 inventory control method to save warehouses money is…”
Being rigorous with your inbound receiving process. If you always know exactly what you have coming in, and you optimize that process to minimize the chance of human error, you save yourself from so many of the headaches that can arise with inventory management.
Some easy wins to do this are asking manufacturers to separate SKUs when shipping product to eliminate manual sorting, using a labeling system and cross-checking counts with more than one employee to ensure accuracy. The real fun comes in being creative. When you take a look at what you’re receiving, identify the pain points, then brainstorm with your team to develop unique processes that minimize room for error.
Yes, forecasting software can be key as you develop enough volume to justify the time and expense, but your software is only as good as the data you input, so micro-managing your inbound receiving is the area we put the most focus on refining and improving to save money in the warehouse.
Scott Burday
Scott Burday is the President of Trinity Integrated Solutions.
“Barcode scanning is a fantastic tool for inventory management that can save warehouses money…”
Barcode scanning allows you to accurately track and record all the data about your inventory, sales, and shipments in real time. This inventory data can then be stored and easily referenced.
With a barcode scanning system, you always know an individual products status. You will be able to optimize when you order new inventory. This is even more important when you have multiple warehouse locations.
Finally, a barcode scanning system allows for a smooth integration with your accounting department. The benefits of barcode scanning are that you avoid costly errors from annual reporting and RFID errors, you will save time, and you can set these solutions up quickly.
Hassan Alnassir
Hassan Alnassir is the founder and owner of the kids’ toy business, Premium Joy.
“The top inventory control method to significantly reduce warehouse expenses is…”
Automating the process of tracking the units. You should have a system in place that lists and tracks all items in the building by SKU, quantity, weight, dimensions, and storing location. The software used needs to account for any inventory units moving in and out of the warehouse when scanning the item’s barcode. Making the inventory tracking more hands-off reduces the number of workers needed, improves the accuracy of record keeping, and saves great deal of time, which essentially leads to significant money savings.
Tony Deutsch
Tony Deutsch, CPA, MT, CGMA, is a shareholder at Concannon Miller, a CPA and business consulting firm with offices in Bethlehem, Pa. and St. Petersburg, Fla.
“Perform inventory counts…”
First and foremost, your inventory must be correct and verified. Without an accurate inventory count, you don’t know what your true costs are, and if you don’t know what your costs are, you can’t control them. Your month end should always be counted and verified. After the first person counts the inventory, a second person should take a print out of the inventory and verify each item and sign off on the first count, or make corrections as needed.
Some business executives do interim inventories, either nightly or weekly. If you find that your interim costs are not in line with your monthly verified cost, you will need to take steps to insure the accuracy of the interim counts to avoid month-end surprises. Another good tool that can be used in the verification process is random surprise inventories.
Here’s another option that works well for larger companies with multiple departments or businesses:Once or twice a year, have each manager or department head count a different department’s or business’s inventory. In other words, pull a switch-a-roo and each employee will count the inventory of another department or business.
Some business executives say this is a good learning experience for their employees, as they get to see how other employees handle their inventory, and it also helps to alleviate the in-store blindness that affects employees when they see the same thing day in and day out. Some employees might even think of this as is a fun change of pace.
Stephen Paul
Stephen Paul is a Content Creator at Orderhive.com, Stephen has always believed in giving his articles a whimsical flow. Quite obsessed with the high marvels at Dubai, he finally chose mountains over beaches. Being quite generous when it comes to penning down for Orderhive, Stephen never steps back.
“It’s really tough to figure out which method of inventory control really stands out on top…”
Every particular method behaves differently, depending on the type of products that are sold, selling strategy, size of the warehouse, etc.
Now, the ‘kanban system’ is the biggest technique that has systematically drawn inventory control towards betterment. The kanban system visualizes both the workflow and the actual work passing through the flow. It helps avoid supply disruption and overstocking of products or raw materials at any stage in the value chain.
But, to implement a kanban inventory control system in your business that can help you streamline your order management process and save warehouse space, you need to first carefully monitor your inventory. The entire process is slow, takes a lot of time, and requires patience, but is very much reliable.
Ryan Chan
Ryan Chan is the Founder &CEO of UpKeep Maintenance Management.
“For warehouses who want to save money…”
The best practice for inventory control is inventory management. A mobile-first management system is ideal because it updates in real time and allows you to tag individual parts. Further, inventory efficiency is streamlined with ease of item count and purchase, and costly errors in stock – or lack thereof – are immediately reduced.
Products and Tracking Solutions from Camcode:
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- 安全标签
- Pipe Labels
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- Pallet Tags
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- High-Temperature Labels
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