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发现您的顶级 CMMS 软件功能

选择正确的 CMMS 软件会让人感到不知所措。您必须考虑很多不同的事情,整个项目有很多活动部分。但是找到正确的 CMMS 解决方案就像任何其他复杂的任务一样:只要将其分解为更小的步骤,一切皆有可能。因此,第一件事是列出您需要解决的具体问题。第二步:找到直接解决方案的 CMMS 功能。

为了使第二步更容易,让我们来看看 CMMS 软件的一些重要功能,看看它们是如何工作的,并找出它们如何消除您工作中的许多当前压力和担忧。

CMMS 软件功能可让团队在旅途中保持最新状态


顶级 CMMS 软件功能:数据打包的工单和模板

使用旧的维护管理方法,通常很难将足够的信息纳入工作订单。纸质工单没有足够的空间,而且 DIY 电子表格通常很难阅读。结果?





顶级 CMMS 软件功能:预防性维护调度

拥有包含大量信息的工作订单很棒,但您不想在出现问题时生成它们。相反,您需要一个资产管理解决方案,让您领先于维护曲线。拥有一些按需工作订单只是生活中的事实,但通过专注于预防性维护,您可以让您的资产和设备使用更少的时间和金钱。最重要的是,当对您自己和整个组织的其他部门都最有意义时,您的更多工作就会完成。技术人员可以在周三早上轮班之间进行检查和日常维护,而不是在周五下午晚些时候修理印刷机,此时生产线已经计划以 75% 的产能运行.

谈论预防性维护的好处总是很容易,但设置、安排和跟踪一个强大的程序却更具挑战性。有时很难知道要执行哪些检查和维护任务,然后可靠地将它们交给合适的技术人员,最后跟踪程序的整体进度。现代预防性维护软件通过数据打包的 PM、自动调度和包含正确 KPI 的自动生成报告来解决这些问题。

首次设置程序时,遵循制造商对预防性维护任务的建议通常是最有意义的。在某些情况下,您设置基于仪表的 PM,而在其他情况下,您只需根据时间设置它们。当您必须将计划任务向后推一点时,您还可以在浮动和固定之间进行选择。无论哪种方式,该软件都会记住需要完成的所有事情,并在计划出现时自动生成 PM。通过日历视图,团队中的每个人都可以一目了然地看到即将发生的事情。就像按需工作订单一样,该软件可以轻松包含技术人员高效工作所需的所有信息。最后,PM 只是您提前安排的工作订单,因此它包含所有相同类型的信息。请记住,这意味着它拥有技术人员有效关闭所需的一切。

您可以定期检查您的程序,以检查维护团队对它的跟踪情况以及它的工作情况。由于所有信息都已在 CMMS 中,因此该软件可以快速生成包含维护指标和 KPI 的报告。您确切地知道完成了哪些维护任务以及按时完成的 PM 百分比。最重要的是,您可以开始查看哪些资产在时间和金钱方面占用您最多的时间和金钱,然后向后工作,微调您的 PM 计划。例如,如果叉车大约每三个月发生一次故障,您需要将 PM 频率从每四个月增加到每两个半月。

顶级 CMMS 软件功能:移动应用推送通知



CMMS 软件功能让您随时了解最新动态

良好的沟通是双向的。您能够将数据推送给团队是不够的;他们需要能够与您分享他们在做什么。它可以很简单,就像通知他们已经关闭了工作订单以处理更多涉及的事情,例如解释他们为解决 [BLOG] 新资产或容易出现问题的资产问题而采取的步骤。在所有情况下,维护负责人都需要参与循环并掌握团队的进度。当您知道每个人在哪里以及他们在做什么时,安排工作、管理资源和执行问责制就容易多了。

顶级 CMMS 软件功能:任务和工单注释

我们已经知道,按需和计划的工作订单都包含大量数据,但有时技术人员需要添加更多数据。例如,当一名技术人员发现存在一系列健康和安全风险的磨损接线时,他们正在进行例行维护检查。检查原定只需要大约 20 分钟,但技术人员现在正在研究数小时的工作量。最重要的是,他们将需要一组额外的手来完成这项工作。由于技术人员可以为工作订单中的任务添加评论,因此维护主管可以准确地知道发生了什么,并且可以重定向资源或重新安排其余的日程安排。

它不需要像火灾风险那样严重。有时,技术人员可以将问题上传到任务中,要求对最佳实践进行澄清和提示。或者解释说他们需要在较长的 PM 中途吃午饭。重要的是他们有办法快速轻松地与部门的其他人保持联系。最大的好处之一是很容易看到他们所说的和他们正在做的事情之间的联系。当他们的评论与特定任务或工作订单直接相关时,无需上下文或解释。




顶级 CMMS 软件功能:带有指标和 KPI 的自动报告


旧的维护管理方法令人沮丧,因为它们在捕获准确数据和保证数据安全方面做得很糟糕。最后,您会得到完全不可靠的数据。但是,假设您可以使用基于纸张或电子表格的系统并获得可靠的数据(记住,您不能),现在的问题是,您可以用它做什么?答案是,即使你已经完成了不可能的事情,仍然需要大量的额外工作才能从这些数字中榨取任何价值。快速示例:您有过去六个月在维护零件和材料上花费了多少的准确数据(这是非常有价值的信息,可以帮助您更有效地管理资源和供应商),但它分布在超过六个月的价值工单和 PM。



现代设施管理软件通过捕获正确的数据、确保其安全可靠,然后通过包含易于阅读的图表和富有洞察力的维护指标和 KPI 的自动生成报告为您处理数据,从而解决了这个问题。只需单击几下,该软件即可获取原始数据并将其构建为可操作的情报。您现在不仅知道与维护资产相关的所有成本,还知道哪一项在时间和资源上的成本最高。现在,您不再只是拥有一项特定资产的所有工作订单,而是知道保持它运行的成本是否比替换它的成本更高。

在幕后工作的 CMMS 软件功能


在最近一期 Asset Champion 播客中,FM360 设施管理咨询与培训的 CFM 嘉宾 John Rimer 解释了数据的价值。






让我们看一下依赖电子表格的工作流程中的步骤。 You start out by creating a spreadsheet-based work order on your computer. Now you have one version, and because you just wrote it, it’s up to date. But then when you email it out to a tech, you end up with two copies. There’s the one on your computer and there’s the one in the email. And here’s the start of the problem:nothing is holding those two copies together. When you make changes to the copy on your computer, the tech still only has a copy of the old one. And when the tech makes changes to their copy, nothing changes on your computer. You’ve gone from two exact copies to two different versions. Every change anyone makes to their file puts everyone else further behind. The worst part? There’s nothing on the spreadsheet that tells you it’s just one of many versions. Everyone thinks they have the right information.

Every had a conversation with someone where you can’t agree on the most basic facts? Old-time maintenance management methods are just like that, except everyone in the department gets pulled in. It’s like suffering through the worst Thanksgiving family dinner, every working day of your life.

Cloud computing solves this problem by creating one version of truth. Once new data is entered into the software, it’s sent to a central database where all your data is kept safe, secure, and up to date in real time. Whenever anyone on the maintenance team uses the software, they’re looking at the same data as everyone else. No one is working off a scrap of paper they picked up from the maintenance office six hours ago. No one is working from a spreadsheet they got as an email attachment days ago. And the best part? That accurate, reliable data is available from anywhere, at any time, through any Internet-connected computer or mobile device.

Top CMMS software features:comprehensive onboarding and multi-channel ongoing support

Let’s look at a few other features we can think of as “behind the scenes.”

In the old days of work order management and preventive maintenance software, you bought them the same way you used to buy a VCR. Once you got it home, it was on you to set it up and keep it running. The relationship between you and the VCR company was basically “one-time,” even taking into account the limited warranty. So, when the company wanted to make another sale, they’d come out with a new model and try to convince you to buy it.

Modern maintenance management software providers use a completely different business model, called software as a service (SaaS). And staying with our VCR example, we can say they’re basically the same as Netflix. Instead of selling you a product (a piece of software you have to install and run yourself), providers are offering a service (subscription access to their maintenance software and data protection and storage). The relationship between you and your CMMS provider is now fundamentally different. And it’s to your advantage.

There’s no push to sell you next year’s model. Instead, providers want you to keep using their CMMS solution, so they’re constantly upgrading it, adding new features, and helping make sure you get all you can out of your investment.

Which brings us to these additional behind-the-scenes features:onboarding and ongoing support. So far, we’ve been looking at features as solutions to specific problems, and these are no different. But they’re not solutions to problems you have now; instead, they help you overcome the challenges specifically related to implementing and running a CMMS. So, what are those challenges?

One is getting buy-in. A good provider has more than just great software; they also have programs in place to ensure your organization, across departments, sees the facility maintenance management solution’s value and can quickly learn how to use the software. A big part is having tailored training for everyone from the CEO to the maintenance lead to the technicians.

The other is getting help with the work order management software when you need it. A good provider solves this problem with a support team that’s knowledgeable and available across different channels. They should have a resource center with relevant articles, e-books, and videos as well as live support through phone, e-mail, and conversation windows on their website.

That one critical CMMS software feature everyone forgets

Or actually, not something people forget, but something they forget is a feature. And it’s not just any feature; it’s the one that makes all the other features accessible. Intuitive, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use UX design. Think of it as the key to a fancy sports car. Because no matter how fast the engine is or how slick the tires are, that car isn’t going anywhere if you don’t have the key to start it.

Top CMMS software feature:intuitive, user-friendly UX

It’s one thing to say good UX is important, but it’s another to clearly define it. On some level, it does make sense to leave it at “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it.” But it’s worth getting a bit more specific. And we can narrow it down to placement and visual clutter.

Back to our car example. Where would you look if you wanted to know how fast you were going? That should be right in front of you. Or how much gas you had in the tank? A bit to the right of your speed. What about if you wanted to change the radio station? A bit more to the right and then down. When things are where they should be, you can find them quickly. That’s good placement.

Sticking with the radio example, we can also understand visual clutter. When you look at the radio, all you can see is the one station you’re listening to now. It doesn’t show you every possible radio station. If it did, the important information would be lost in a sea of visual clutter.

为什么这有关系? Remember, when you’re implementing a CMMS, you need to think about winning buy-in up and down the department and across the organization. The easier the software is to learn and use, the faster you’re going to see an ongoing return on your investment.

Step Three

Once you have your list of nagging problems and a good idea of the features that can solve them directly, it’s time to reach out to CMMS solution providers. The good ones usually start by trying to find out as much as possible about your current challenges. Then they can start to talk with you about solving them, going over the specific features that work best for you. In some cases, they cover ones you already know about. But often they can show you features and workflows you never considered. Remember, a good provider lives and breathes CMMS software, making them your best resource for information, insights, and advice. They know what works and how to make it work for you.


  1. CMMS 的主要优势
  2. 让您的数据发挥作用
  3. 现在如何充分利用您的供应链
  4. 设施审核是否适合您的 CMMS 设置?
  5. 顶级 CMMS 软件分辨率
  6. 您的非营利组织能否从 CMMS 软件中受益?
  7. CMMS 软件功能权威列表
  8. CMMS 软件适合您的企业规模吗?
  9. 获取简单的 CMMS 软件
  10. 比较适合您企业的 CMMS 软件选项
  11. 库存软件:维护管理的主要功能
  12. 使用 CMMS 简化学校的工单管理