50 个 IT 资产管理最佳实践
IT 资产管理 (ITAM) 需要仔细构建业务流程,以便为组织识别、跟踪和管理 IT 相关资产。为了保持对所有资产的适当控制,公司必须准确考虑他们将如何实施任何 ITAM 工具。由于各行各业的监管、安全和安保考虑因素各不相同,因此这些决策至关重要。
随着全球 ITAM 市场预计到 2026 年将翻一番并达到超过 20 亿美元的市场规模,人们对这些技术和系统产生了极大的兴趣。一个适当开发的 IT 资产管理计划需要全体员工的参与才能取得成功。维护准确的记录、实施资产标签(例如箔资产标签、刚性 Metalphoto® 资产标签以及防篡改和可破坏的乙烯基资产标签以防止盗窃)以及遵循预防性维护计划只是整个过程中所需的众多步骤中的一小部分方式。
在这篇文章中,我们收集了 50 个 ITAM 最佳实践,可以帮助您为您的运营制定稳健的 IT 资产管理计划。此列表侧重于硬件注意事项以及如何最好地利用软件平台和敬业的员工来监控和跟踪关键资产。我们希望您找到一些很棒的想法和概念,可以改进您现有的 ITAM 方法,并找到新的方法来最小化成本和最大化生产力。
- IT 资产清单的最佳做法
- 管理员工对 IT 资产的使用
- IT 资产标记和跟踪的最佳实践
- 一般 IT 资产管理最佳实践
IT 资产清单的最佳实践

1。正确清点您的 IT 组件 . “现在,将该框架分解为各个 IT 组件,以及它们与您的目标、战略和愿景的关系。创建 IT 组件清单,您可以在其中比较您希望 IT 执行的操作与 IT 已经执行的操作。将此清单创建为 IT 提供的高级视图,类似于您在组织结构图中看到的内容。您正在寻找定义您的 IT 组织的职能领域。” – Joe Hertvik,组织变革管理 (OCM):围绕您的愿景重组 IT 的模板,BMC;推特:@bmcsoftware
2。消除幽灵和僵尸资产 . “幽灵资产要么是丢失/被盗,要么是你书中提到的那些资产。但物理上它们不可用。僵尸资产实际存在,但书中未提及。它们的发生是因为资产管理实践效率低下以及对税收的影响。为什么幽灵资产是个问题?因为你正在为你没有使用的资产纳税。” – 为您的企业提供 7 个最佳资产管理实践,AssetInfinity;推特:@assetinfinity
3。正确清点“自带设备”资产 . “第三步是确保您的移动资产也被跟踪。最初,您可能没有适当的自带设备 ITAM 策略,但您始终可以首先要求用户注册他们的个人设备以进行 MDM 跟踪。这些个人设备在家庭网络内外,因此需要动态资产发现技术。” – IT 资产管理最佳实践,ManageEngine;推特:@manageengine
4。知道何时升级过时的资产 . “不知道员工可以使用哪些资产可能会对他们的工作产生负面影响。网络上过时的设备可能会导致关键业务应用程序变慢,或者对用户体验产生负面影响。跟踪资产生命周期并找到安全升级或更换它们的方法有助于提高生产力。” – Eric Dosal,什么是 IT 资产管理 (ITAM) 以及它为何重要?,Compuquip;推特:@compuquip
5。使用自动资产发现流程 . “使用自动化资产发现和管理功能,以及服务器和应用程序监控工具,组织可以查看计算机库存详细信息,同时实际解决服务器崩溃或应用程序性能问题。还可以评估员工在其企业工作站上未经授权和不合规地使用硬件或软件的检测。” – 什么是 IT 资产管理 – 最佳实践,DataVista;推特:@datavista_inc
6。考虑使用自动化资产检测工具 . “这些数据存储在一个中央存储库中,考虑到当今组织技术堆栈的规模,其后勤工作并不总是可行的。这就是为什么第三方 ITAM 软件和应用程序可以使许多公司受益的原因。这些工具会自动检测硬件、软件和网络资产,同时收集和存储数据,以便企业做出明智的决策并优化其投资回报率。” – 什么是 IT 资产管理?,工作流程;推特:@ServiceNow
7。使用自动和实物盘点工具 . “需要自动发现和实物库存工具(如条形码扫描)来确保在生命周期的运营和非运营部分持续管理资产。如果没有实物库存能力,就不可能支持某些 IT 资产管理流程和最佳实践,例如接收和滚动(实物)库存。” – IT 资产管理:一切都与流程、Provance 和 Gartner 有关。推特:@Provance
8。采用战略库存规划实践 . “当您跟踪 IT 基础架构中的库存时,计划未来的资产支出变得更加容易。在不知道您的最终用户系统中当前存在什么(硬件和软件)的情况下,很难计划采购预算。实际上,您最终可能会采购更多资产,以及那些不需要的资产。集中和简化的资产管理让您可以扫描整个网络并列出您的系统正在使用的硬件和软件。” – Vinod Mohan,IT 资产管理优势和最佳实践,Solarwinds;推特:@solarwinds
9。不要忘记 IT 资产处置 . “IT 资产处置 (ITAD) 是一项围绕对过时、过时或不需要的 IT 产品进行安全且对生态负责的处置而建立的业务。即使拥有强大的 IT 部门的组织也经常忽视 ITAD,它可以成为与 IT 资产管理相关的最强大的价值驱动因素之一,因为它允许组织在处理不再需要的 IT 设备时收回大量成本。组织可以利用其 IT 资产管理系统来维护各种 IT 设备的使用记录,从而确定何时需要更换设备。” – Mike Bollman,IT 资产管理 101,Cherwell;推特:@Cherwell
10。维护一个集中的库存 . “评估您的 IT 部门是迈向可靠 ITAM 流程的第一步。分析和记录您的资产以创建有组织的库存。考虑 IT 的所有方面,包括数据中心、计算机、云资产和网络,以全面了解您的可用资源。借助 IT 资产管理软件,您可以轻松跟踪当前库存并在获得新产品或信息时添加它们。” – IT 资产管理的 5 大优势和对您的业务的最佳实践,近岸技术;推特:@nearshore_tech
11.将合规性和治理与 ITAM 集成 . “过去,IT 资产管理人员更多地被视为库存控制管理人员,但多年来,这种旧方法已发生巨大转变,现在涵盖了合同义务,包括合规性和治理、财务义务,如投资回报 (ROI) 和总成本所有权 (TCO) 和库存流程,包括控制、会计实务、保护品牌和知识产权问题。” – Todd R. Weiss,大流行期间 IT 资产管理的最佳实践,网络安全资产管理;推特:@AxoniusInc
12.创建正式的资产报废流程 . “根据您所在的国家/地区,有许多赚钱、合法的方式来处理旧硬件。有些组织会从该组织购买旧硬件,然后将它们作为“翻新”出售。还有一些回收公司、慈善组织和学校,该组织可以将他们的旧硬件捐赠给他们。重要的是要记住,在处置资产之前,您需要擦除硬件中的所有数据。这需要成为退休过程的一部分。” – David Foxen,有效 HAM(硬件资产管理)的重要性,ITAM 评论;推特:@itamreview
管理员工对 IT 资产的使用

13.避免员工之间的影子 IT 实践 . “越来越多的情况是,在中央 IT 团队不知情的情况下,应用程序、许可证和其他 IT 资产在“影子”中被购买、管理和使用。使协作更容易的软件可以让 IT 保持循环,使其他团队更有效率,并避免风险和不必要的成本。” – 什么是 IT 资产管理 (ITAM)?,Atlassian;推特:@atlassian
14。优化单个资产的使用 . “硬件资产管理的重点是通过使用闲置或未充分利用的资产来充分利用组织的资产。使用该软件来准确跟踪您的库存,这样您就不会超支。相反,当库存达到低订单阈值时,及时获得警报。利用此类信息创建标准使公司能够只购买必要的东西,避免搁置硬件资产。” – 硬件资产管理软件使您的业务受益的 6 种方式,AssetSonar;推特:@assetsonar
15。制定明确的治理政策 . “我们希望相信我们拥有可靠的流程,但我们的 IT 组织结构并没有授权 IT 中的任何一个团队建立可靠的流程。对良好治理的强烈关注将解决这些问题。高级管理人员需要认识到,如果没有治理,流程就会失败。为项目建立具体目标,包括定义和管理范围。领导力和业务变化将影响范围和优先级。当业务重点发生变化时,我们必须重新审视目标、政策和流程。” – Patricia Adams,IT 资产管理最佳实践,帮助您在晚上入睡,Ivanti;推特:@GoIvanti
16。管理最终用户体验 . “通常,资产可能会因为用户要求更换而被刷新,因为没有人跟踪它们使用了多长时间。或者,资产会一直使用到它们损坏,或者由于应用程序性能时间和旧型号上的存储空间有限而导致用户沮丧。拥有一个自动化系统——具有设定的刷新日期和一个捕获 IT 服务票证和请求的系统——将标记性能问题并提供更高效的用户体验。” – Ian Aitchison,什么是有效的 IT 资产管理策略?,MobiChord;推特:@MobiChord
17.促进员工之间的协作 . “赋予员工权力。通过协作反馈和洞察,可以更有效地利用共享资产。此外,员工可以就与资产管理相关的主题提供有用的见解。这包括对产品安全、技能发展和其他可供员工更新和参考的知识库材料的引用。” – IT 资产管理的好处 – 对企业来说是一个好主意,EZOfficeInventory;推特:@OfficeInventory
18.授权员工使用 ITAM 信息 . “面对几乎需要立即做出的大量关键决策,领导者感到有限制权力和加强控制的冲动。但是,授权合适的团队并利用 IT 资产管理系统中包含的信息是一种更好的方法。我们的世界仍在以惊人的速度变化,因此您和您的计划需要灵活,您的决策需要基于及时和准确的信息。” – 为您的公司定位全球弹性,SunView;推特:@sunviewsoftware
19。考虑远程工作的影响 . “展望未来,一切都将以不同的方式衡量,因为员工在家。他们对 IT 部门的满意度将取决于他们获得所需硬件和资产的难易程度。公司需要重新思考运营以及他们希望从 IT 和数字系统中获得的价值。” – 在家工作环境中的硬件资产管理,AMI;推特:@AMITracks
20。让员工了解最新动态 . “高效的资产管理流程还可以确保您能够遵守与设备相关的法规,并响应任何审计要求。此外,通过提醒您的团队注意即将到来的需求(例如软件更新、定期例行维护或达到使用寿命的设备),您可以主动为决策者建议行动,从而提高公司的效率。” – 如何展示 IT 资产管理的价值,SolarWinds;推特:@SolarWinds
21。考虑监管和安全需求 . “大多数在办公室工作的员工都拥有公司提供的台式机,而企业也越来越多地使用智能手机和平板电脑等移动 IT。 IT 资产管理解决方案有助于防止盗窃和不必要的转移,简化维护协调,并允许在资产出现故障时快速更换。为高度监管的行业提供第三方服务的某些企业甚至 IT 公司可能需要拥有符合最低标准的 IT 资产跟踪解决方案。” – 资产跟踪:用于监控和跟踪一系列行业的资产的定制系统和解决方案,Camcode;推特:@camcode
22。收集持续反馈 . “您的 ITAM 流程不是静态的。寻求不断改进和完善您的流程。与您指定的 ITAM 团队保持开放的沟通。征求他们对事情进展的反馈,以及他们需要你做什么才能更有效地运作。征求 ITAM 团队以外的员工的反馈,并询问他们如何看待项目的运行情况。” – 成功的 IT 资产管理:5 个最佳实践,技术转储;推特:@TechDumpMN
IT 资产标记和跟踪的最佳实践

23。保留每项资产的重要信息 . “针对每个硬件资产存储的信息必须至少确保可以唯一标识该资产。为了优化硬件资产,IT 管理员需要保留有关保修、支持合同、维护和其他变量的附加信息。硬件资产管理还需要包含支持 SAM 的数据。” – 如何有效管理您的 IT 库存,Comparesoft;推特:@comparesoft
24。跟踪 IT 资产的整个生命周期 . “IT 资产管理的主要流程之一是跟踪资产的完整生命周期。这包括员工对新资产的请求、管理批准、采购、供应、回收和退休。 ITAM 战略有助于为这些流程顺利展开建立适当的程序。管理资产生命周期的每个部分都有助于 IT 为员工提供优质服务,并让他们了解情况以做出正确的决策。” – 什么是 IT 资产管理流程?,Vizor;推特:@VIZOR_cloud
25。了解每项资产的真实成本 . “每项资产都有成本,而金钱是商业的语言。将 ITAM 与 IT 财务管理集成,以赢得其他业务部门的更多尊重。您将能够通过显示或拒付发票定期沟通成本,并使用财务管理来管理需求和推动成本意识文化。” – Brian Hollandsworth,关于如何赢得 IT 资产管理挑战的 10 条技巧,网络世界;推特:@networkworld
26。标准化您对 IT 资产的定义 . “非标准的 IT 设备和软件可能会让组织花费很多钱。它会导致 IT 员工的工作效率降低,因为他们缺乏管理非标准资产的专业知识,因此每个问题都会导致学习过程。将标准应用于 IT 资产不仅可以提高 IT 员工的工作效率,而且用户还可以更有效率地与他们熟悉的系统和数据进行交互。” – 什么是 IT 资产管理?,Freshworks;推特:@freshserviceapp
27。考虑并尽量减少丢失的硬件 . “其他成本包括检测、取证、生产力损失、知识产权损失、数据泄露以及法律、咨询和监管费用。几乎一半 (46%) 的丢失笔记本电脑包含机密数据。今天丢失的笔记本电脑数量和相关成本可能高于十年前。使用越来越多的设备在家工作的员工人数创纪录,使问题更加复杂。” – IT 资产管理在在家工作的世界中的关键作用,Technologent;推特:@technologent
28.从资产子集开始 . “从较小的子集开始让您有机会选择影响最大的资产,例如。工作站。但是以工作站为目标,您可以将第一步中的这些流程付诸实践,看看它们是如何工作的。您可以与支持团队和服务台建立更好的工作关系,以解决“如果发生了该怎么办”的情况。一旦解决了所有问题,您就可以开始管理列表中的下一个资产子集。下一批会更顺利,你将能够更快地启动这些资产的管理。” – Yvette Mathews,有效 IT 资产管理技巧,ITS;推特:@ITS_Partners
29。使用条码改善资产配置 . “除了签入/签出系统,条形码扫描仪还能够根据新用户的角色、职位或部门自动建议资产位置。例如,HR 的 Demi 需要借用一台笔记本电脑三天。根据她的部门,结帐工作流建议资产位置 305 室,这是 HR 的位置。因此,您始终知道谁拥有什么以及它在哪里。跟踪资产位置可确保组织保持对其贷款计划的控制。” – 使用条码扫描仪 Vizor 提高 IT 资产管理效率;推特:@VIZOR_cloud
30。选择要跟踪的重要指标 . “除了供应商、网络配置数据、位置、用户信息、许可、购买和处置信息以及财务信息等一般信息外,还应确定与您的目标相关的关键指标以进行报告。例如,如果目标是改进购买决策,跟踪资产折旧率、平均维护成本和支付的平均租赁违规罚款等指标。” – Farida Ali,IT 资产管理 (ITAM) 的 7 个最佳实践,动态;推特:@DynamicFutureIT
31.决定 IT 资产是应托管还是非托管 . “根据与之相关的风险,IT 资产应归类为托管或非托管。第一类应包括笔记本电脑、台式机、移动设备、服务器。这些应该每天检查。非托管类别应包括不包含敏感数据的 IT 资产——集线器、监视器、打印机。” – Elena Georgescu,IT 资产管理最佳实践:概述,Heimdal 安全;推特:@HeimdalSecurity
32.了解每项资产的状况。 “通过跟踪最重要的指标来了解资产状况。这些指标不仅会跟踪基本信息;他们将跟踪与业务目标相关的关键数据。如果您对资产状况有充分的了解,那么您就会为审计和资产生命周期中可能出现的任何其他意外挑战做好准备。这将改善对最终用户的服务、合规性以及购买和管理资产的支出。” – IT 资产管理 (ITAM) 最佳实践指南,Crossfuse;推特:@crossfuze
33.使用条形码和 RFID 标记资产 . “While the serial number is a key data point for all assets, it should not be used as the standard data point for tracking and reporting purposes in isolation. Barcoding is the preferred route. This allows for a consistent, key identifier for all assets in a standard format. Bar coding also allows for a more controlled inventory. Tags can be tracked and assets visually confirmed as well as being captured within the inventory. RFID asset tags are becoming more standard in the datacentre and server environment, and also with other assets that organizations don’t want to leave the premises. Overall, having an RFID and Barcoded asset tagging solution will bring greater management and security to hardware assets.” – David Foxen, Quick guide to Hardware Asset Tagging, The ITAM Review; Twitter:@itamreview
34. Use structured documentation . “There’s more to IT asset management than just writing stuff down. That sort of flat documentation doesn’t really add a ton of value. Structured documentation does, because it enables you to link things together in meaningful ways. So you know which user has which hardware, which software and which passwords. Flat documentation can tell you that your client has ten computers. Structured documentation tells you which user has which computer, what that computer is connected to, and what they use it for. Being able to flow seamlessly through different asset types allows you to get actual value from the documentation you’re using.” – IT Asset Management Best Practices, IT Glue; Twitter:@itglue
35. Identify underused IT assets . “Underused IT assets lead to wasted time and money, preventing the most efficient flow of work and critical processes. And with all the complex multi-cloud environments, cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements to address, organizations are realizing that ITAM is now a business necessity. To reap the many benefits of ITAM, organizations should carefully vet Asset Management offerings to ensure that they contain the key elements for successful IT asset management.” – Dr. Akhil Sahai, How better asset management can take your business to the next level, ITProPortal; Twitter:@ITProPortal
General IT Asset Management Best Practices

36. Streamline hardware and software. “When managing your assets, you’ll need to have both the correct hardware and software, and you’ll need to ensure the two are well-integrated. They should work well in tandem without any compatibility issues. Your hardware is just as important as the software component within your asset management system.” – 5 Asset Management Best Practices, Wasp; Twitter:@waspbarcode
37. Plan ahead for maintenance needs . “While it’s nice to think that technology will just work the way it should all the time, that’s not practical or realistic. You should plan for maintenance—both regularly scheduled maintenance and unexpected maintenance. That could mean having one or two laptops on hand as ready-to-go replacements, or it might be as simple as having a plan for what employees should do if their tech equipment keeps them from routine tasks for a while.” – The quick guide to hardware asset management, RedNight Consulting; Twitter:@RedNightConsult
38. Protect your assets from theft . “The theft of fixed assets is a multifaceted security challenge that different types of organizations have to confront day to day. From medical devices in hospitals and computers in schools or business premises to bulldozers on construction sites and inventories in warehouses—there is the need to implement technical, physical, and logical antitheft measures to prevent the loss of expensive and business-critical tools.” – 7 Ways to Protect Fixed Assets Against Theft, GoCodes; Twitter:@gokodes
39. Conduct audits to avoid compliance penalties . “More than likely, companies that face penalty fees don’t intend to operate their IT assets outside of compliance, but the consequences are the same regardless of intent. To ensure compliance and avoid costly vendor penalties, IT Asset Managers should conduct regular internal audits to get out front of compliance risks. – Lauren Suggett, The Role of Compliance in IT Asset Management, Nitro Software
40. Review ISO standards for IT asset management . “The International Standards Organization (ISO) maintains the officially recognized standards for IT asset management. Before addressing your IT assets, examine the ISO standards, and consider the processes and IT software tools to put into place. This upfront planning is worth the effort. A successful IT asset management implementation helps you make the most of your organization’s technology adoption and growth.” – Robert Izquierdo, A Beginner’s Guide to IT Asset Management, The Blueprint
41. Consider using a configuration management database (CMBD) . “Do you have a CMDB? It’s not necessary for all organizations, but it can be a useful way to:
- Manage configuration items (Cis), including IT assets
- Understand how CIs and assets are interconnected and what services they support.
- Normalize data from multiple sources.
Be thoughtful about what data you choose to feed the CMDB. While it can be an important single source of truth, it doesn’t need to contain every piece of data you have. Only include what adds value.” – Kirstie Magowan, 7 Tips for Efficient IT Hardware Inventory Management, BMC; Twitter:@bmcsoftware
42. Govern the entire IT asset management process . “You constantly face mounting pressure to forecast and budget IT resources, cut costs, and improve departmental efficiency. To be successful, you need to control the entire asset management process, budget and risks against the desired performance of the assets. Your best shot at being efficient is to centralize this activity using a cross-functional team.” – Norm Brien, IT asset management:How to be efficient, CIO; Twitter:@CIOonline
43. Keep assets up-to-date . “The best security measure against cyberattacks is to ensure your IT hardware and software is up-to-date with the latest firewall and other cybersecurity measures. It starts with IT asset management! Regular monitoring of IT assets would keep you informed of the lifecycle of your hardware and software so that you can update them as needed.” – Haziqa Ishtiaq, How important Is IT Asset Management for an Organization?, GoodFirms; Twitter:@GoodFirms
44. Avoid unnecessary IT expenses . “After an audit, either internal or external, some stakeholders are dismayed to find a striking gap between what they thought they had at their disposal and what their assets and inventory actually are. The ability to run accurate economic, sales, and marketing models is invaluable. It makes negotiations with third parties and clients easier and more profitable. In addition, when accurate numbers are in place, decision makers can relocate, sell, update or reorganize IT assets. Any one of these options will make a tremendous difference in a company’s budget.” – IT Asset Management:Benefits and How to Get Started, Go Codes; Twitter:@gokodes
45. Consolidate IT assets . “When planning for your future technology needs, it’s important to consider cleaning up and streamlining your existing IT infrastructure. IT consolidation is a process by which redundant systems are merged together and simplified. By merging systems together, you can reduce your IT costs, streamline your support tasks and increase the overall productivity of your business.” – Planning for future technology and IT needs, RedNight Consulting; Twitter:@RedNightConsulting
46. Adopt an asset management mindset . “Asset management practices define the actions to be taken to protect and preserve technology assets – from physical locks on equipment to inventory tags. In conjunction, policy provides the “asset management mindset”. This mindset acknowledges that”technology assets are important to us and we take them seriously enough to put up with protective controls”. To realize all of the intended benefits, this mindset must be integrated into daily operations and the corporate culture — and this is achieved through adopted policy.” – Protecting Business Interests With Policies for IT Asset Management, IT Toolkit; Twitter:@ittoolkitcom
47. Apply ITAM learning to the budgeting process . “IT hardware asset management entails the tracking of physical components of computers and networks in order to create an inventory of all hardware assets in the IT department. This inventory helps you track the lifecycle of hardware including how long you’ve had components, expiration of components, etc. With this information, you can make better budgetary decisions for the future based on what you think you will need.” – What Are The Best Practices for ITAM?, Insource; Twitter:@InsourceInc
48. Carefully manage ITAM investments as a small business . “Every penny counts for small businesses, and it’s easy for many to fall into the trap where a hesitancy to invest in IT asset management costs them much more in the long-run. Getting started typically involves conducting an internal audit to identify all IT assets the organization currently owns. This can be a daunting and time-consuming job, even with tools available that can help. For that reason, outsourcing IT asset management and other IT responsibilities to a managed services provider can often be a more cost-effective and efficient solution.” – IT Asset Management Best Practices for 2021, NinjaRMM; Twitter:@NinjaRMM
49. Don’t confuse ITAM and configuration management . “In most cases, configuration information is simply not suitable or not reliable enough for IT asset management purposes. For example, Configuration Manager determines the primary user of a computer, however, this can be determined based on how the administrator has configured the setting—either most recent, frequent or primary. Similarly, using an IP address to determine a computer’s physical whereabouts isn’t always precise or accurate; few IT organizations optimize IP address subnet allocation to readily map to locations as they’re defined for IT asset management.” – Brian Field, Don’t Confuse IT Asset Management and Configuration Management, Provance; Twitter:@provance
50. Form a dedicated IT asset management team . “Select a small but knowledgeable group of IT professionals and task them to identify the organization’s needs. This core group should define the goals of the program, determine what information the ITAM process should provide, who needs the output, research available ITAM tools and establish a budget. They will need to work with other parts of the organization and have the authority to make decisions regarding the ITAM practice. Once the plan is approved, the ITAM team would be responsible for full implementation.” – Ed Cartier, IT Asset Management Best Practices, xAssets; Twitter:@x_assets