在过去的几十年中,具有独特光学和电学特性的金属纳米粒子得到了广泛的研究。银纳米粒子 (AgNPs) 是研究最深入的金属纳米粒子,因为它们具有独特的性质和应用 [1,2,3,4,5]。 AgNPs 的特性在很大程度上取决于粒子的形态,包括形状、大小和周围介质。人们在银纳米粒子的合成方法和形态调控方面做了大量工作。
近期,研究人员对银纳米粒子的光电[6]、催化[7]、抗菌[8、9]、生物传感器[10]、表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)等优异功能进行了深入研究。 ) [11]。目前,AgNPs已通过化学还原[12,13,14,15,16]、光还原[17、18]和激光合成[19]等方法成功制备,但这些方法通常耗时耗能。同时,它们也存在制备条件严格和AgNPs尺寸不均匀的缺点。因此,迫切需要开发简单、经济的方法来精细控制 AgNPs 的尺寸、形状和尺寸分布。利用保护剂是使 AgNPs 具有良好稳定性和分散性的有效方法。同时,通过保护剂可以防止颗粒之间的团聚。因此,保护剂对于AgNPs的合成非常重要[20]。
在这项工作中,详细回顾了不同形状的银纳米粒子的制备,如纳米立方体、纳米线和纳米球。之前已经回顾了制备具有不同形状和尺寸的 1-10 nm AgNPs、10-100 nm AgNPs 的银纳米粒子的代表性工作。由于其优良的环保特性和简单的操作,获得银纳米粒子的新生物合成方法可以作为复杂化学合成程序的替代方法被选为重点。同时,对AgNPs的抗菌、荧光、催化、表面等离子共振等特性和应用进行了详细综述如下。这篇综述强调了银纳米粒子在纳米传感器中的重要应用。
这项研究提供了一种对 AgNPs 研究具有重要意义的综合方法。但值得注意的是,创新的制备方法和应用突破仍有待探索。
不同类型 AgNPs 的制备
最近,由于 AgNPs 的形态相关特性,研究人员专注于其形状控制 [23, 24]。同时,为了扩大其目前的应用,制备不同形状(如珊瑚状[25]、笼状[26]和三角形纳米晶[27])的银纳米粒子引起了广泛的科学研究。长期以来,人们对银纳米粒子的形成机理和不同的制备方法进行了探索。
夏等人。 [28,29,30] 在聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 (PVP) 存在下,通过用乙二醇还原硝酸银,大量制备银纳米立方体的单分散样品。在合成过程中,PVP用作保护剂,可以稳定分散的银纳米粒子并防止团聚。同时,PVP的添加量也会影响AgNPs的形貌。因此,在合成过程中使用 PVP 是必不可少的。众所周知,加热可以提供更多的反应能量,有利于提高乙二醇的还原性。在氢氧根离子存在下,Ag + 被还原形成银纳米立方体。这项研究的优点是可以用来制备均匀的单晶纳米立方体。在纳米尺度上,其中大部分为面心立方 (fcc) 的金属倾向于成核并生长成孪晶和多孪晶粒子 (MTP),因为它们的表面由纳米尺度上的最低能量小面包围 [31] .此外,这种结构有利于应用于光子学、催化和基于 SERS 的传感领域。图片(图 1)显示了银纳米立方体的 SEM、TEM 和 XRD 图像。这些银纳米立方体的平均边长为 175 nm,标准偏差为 13 nm。它们的表面很光滑,这些颗粒的所有角落和边缘都被略微截断。这种结构可用于通过将药物注入截角的药物输送系统。
<图片>AgNPs 的特性和应用
AgNPs 在抗菌方面的特性和应用
近年来,Ag纳米材料的抗菌性能逐渐引起人们的关注,并报道了大量的抗菌应用[76, 77]。 Helmlinger 等人研究了不同形状的抗菌 AgNPs。 [78]。通过对四种银纳米金属的细胞毒性和抗菌作用的研究,可以看出,不同形状的纳米银具有相同的细胞毒性,但抗菌作用不同。 Meanwhile, particles with a higher specific surface area are more toxic for bacteria than particles with smaller specific surface areas. The dissolution kinetics is correlated to the estimated specific surface area of the particles where particles with a higher specific surface area dissolve faster than particles with a smaller one. The difference in the dissolution rate may be exploited to synthesize silver nanoparticles with a relative higher antibacterial effect and a lower cytotoxic effect towards tissue. However, Helmlinger et al. did not give a further detail study on the antibacterial effect of different sizes of AgNPs.
The antibacterial properties of silver particles with different sizes were studied by Agnihotri et al. [60]. It can be seen that 5 nm nanoparticles have the best antibacterial properties. It was found that the smaller particles exhibited the better antibacterial properties. The Fig. 12 shows the antibacterial properties of the different-sized silver nanoparticles.
Disk diffusion tests for different-sized silver nanoparticles against the E.大肠杆菌 MTCC 443 strain. The zone of inhibition is highlighted with a dashed circle indicating a noticeable antibacterial effect [60]
图>Silver extends its antibacterial properties by combining with other materials. Research about combining with other materials included SiO2@Ag [79], PLLA microcapsules combined with silver nanoparticles [80], electrodeposited chrome/silver nanoparticles (Cr/AgNPs) [81], graphene quantum dot/silver nanoparticles [82], Ag-decorated polymeric micelles with curcumin [83] and so on.
All the above studies are about the antibacterial properties of AgNPs. Next, we introduced the silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial application. It was found that the silver nanoparticles can be directly utilized as antibacterial agents which have been also testified by Kujda et al. [84]. It is shown that silver particles attach to the bacteria surface inducing disintegration, which enables their penetration inside the bacteria. In the future, the antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles should be applied in industry by combining with other materials. For example, Meng et al. [85] made silver nanoparticles adhered to multilayered film-coated silk fibers with the aim to get antibacterial application. The as-prepared silk could effectively kill the existing bacteria and inhibit the bacterial growth, demonstrating the antimicrobial activity. Moreover, the release of Ag + for the modified silk can last for 120 h, rendering the modified silk sustainable antimicrobial activity. This work may provide a novel method to prepare AgNPs-functionalized antimicrobial silk for potential applications in textile industry. Figure 13 shows the surface morphologies of pristine silk fiber and coated morphologies of silk. By the EDS analysis, we can make sure that nanosilver was coated with silk.
Surface morphologies of pristine silk fiber (a ), (PAA/PDDA)8 film-coated silk fiber (b ), and AgNPs-(PAA/PDDA)8 film-coated silk fiber (c )。 Inset:SEM image with higher magnification. (d ) EDS spectrum of AgNPs-(PAA/PDDA)8 film-coated silk. The arrow indicates the point randomly selected for the EDS analysis [85]
图>Other people like Zulfiqar Ali Raza et al. [86] investigated single-bath fabrication and impregnation of silver nanoparticles on enzymatic pretreated cotton fabric by using starch both as reducing as well as stabilizing agent under the autoclave conditions of 103.42 kPa, 121 °C for 15 min. The silver nanoparticles impregnated cotton fabrics showed good durable antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains. Figure 14 shows the formation mechanism of impregnation of silver nanoparticles on cotton fabric.
Schematic diagram of impregnation of silver nanoparticles on cotton fabric [86]
图>Recently, silver nanoparticles were coated with zirconia by Yamada et al. [87] for antibacterial prosthesis. In view of the pronounced antimicrobial properties and small toxicity of AgNPs, the biocompatible AgNPs-coated yttria-stabilized zirconia can be potentially utilized to control dental caries and periodontal disease. Maybe the inspiration about wound repair will be obtained by this study. The excellent antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles can be revealed by the above studies. Moreover, this work will help someone who wants to do further research on antibacterial.
Properties and Applications of AgNPs on Fluorescence
Because nanomaterials with fluorescent property have a great application prospect. Many efforts have been devoted to study the fluorescent property [88, 89]. Research on fluorescent nanoparticles mainly concentrates on semiconductor particles, which are usually referred to as quantum dots. Among these, CdSe particles and ZnS particles have stronger fluorescent intensity. In spite of their broaden applications, quantum dots frequently still have some problems which are related to the intrinsic blinking of their luminescence and to toxicity issues that limit their applications in the health sciences [90]. Silver is expected to have lower toxicity and can be readily prepared reproducibly and with excellent solution stability. At the same time, Ag is readily detectable in the visible spectral region [91]. Because silver has the abovementioned advantages, the preparation of highly fluorescent silver nanoparticles is needed. Highly fluorescent silver nanoparticles were prepared by Maretti et al. [92] with a facile photochemical method, which can yield these materials with excellent long-term stability in just a few minutes. The method is used photogenerated ketyl radicals which can reduce Ag + from silver trifluoroacetate in the presence of amines. The conclusion they obtained is that the luminescence arises from particle-supported small metal clusters (predominantly Ag2). Typically, silver nanoparticles show a distinct plasma band which has been between 390 and 420 nm in their past work. Due to the presence of small silver clusters, the study of the absorption band obtained was closer to 450 nm. Figure 15 shows the UV-vis absorption spectra of silver nanoparticles. Figure 16 shows the absorption (red), emission (green), and excitation (blue) spectra of Ag particles after 4 min of irradiation in tetrahydrofuran (THF) under the conditions of Fig. 15 and resuspension in toluene. From Fig. 16, we can draw the conclusion that the silver nanoparticles can emit green light. This property can be used for fluorescence diagnosis in biomedical field [93].
UV-vis absorption spectra following irradiation (350 nm, four lamps) of a toluene solution containing 2 mM silver trifluoroacetate, 2 mM I-2959, 2 mM cyclohexylamine. Reaction performed and monitored directly in a 0.7 × 0.3 cm quartz cuvette [92]
图>Absorption (red), emission (green), and excitation (blue) spectra of Ag particles after 4 min of irradiation in THF under the conditions of Fig. 15 and resuspension in toluene [92]
图>In order to distinguish these ultra-small particles, these nanoparticles which are smaller than 2 nm are usually called nanoclusters. In this size regime, metal nanoclusters become molecular species and size-dependent strong fluorescent emission can often be observed upon photoexcitation in the UV-visible range [94]. In particular, Ag nanoclusters, which show higher fluorescent intensity than Au nanoclusters in solutions, received considerable attention in the past few years owing to their great promise in a wide range of applications [95]. Fluorescent Ag nanoclusters were found to have wide applications in bio-imaging [96], chemical sensing [97, 98], fluorescence labeling [99], and single-molecule microscopy [100].
Properties and Applications of AgNPs on Catalysis
Since the addition of silver nanoparticles into reaction, the catalytic performance of the reaction has been significantly improved. Thus, nanocatalysis of silver nanoparticles has been a rapid growing research area which involves the use of nanoparticles as catalysts. As we all know, metals such as Ag, Au, Pt, and other metal ions can catalyze the decomposition of H2O2 to oxygen [101].郭等人。 found that when the AgNP colloid was added into the solution of luminol-H2O2, the chemiluminescence (CL) emission from the luminol–H2O2 system could be greatly enhanced. AgNPs exhibited a better catalytic performance of CL than gold and platinum nanoparticles. The AgNPs-enhanced CL was ascribed to that AgNPs could catalyze the decomposition of H2O2 to produce some reactive intermediates such as hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion. Figure 17 shows the effect of Ag colloid, Au colloid, Pt colloid, and filtrated solution of precipitated Ag colloid on luminol–H2O2 CL [102].
Effect of Ag colloid (solid line), 38 nm Au colloid (dashed line), Pt colloid (dash-dot-dot line), and filtrated solution of precipitated Ag colloid (dotted line) on luminol–H2O2 CL. The blank (filtrated solution of precipitated Ag colloid) signal was amplified by 100 times. Conditions:luminol, 1 × 10–4 mol/L; H2O2, 0.15 mol/L; pH 9.32 carbonate buffer for Ag, pH 12.0 NaOH for Au, pH 10.3 carbonate buffer for Pt [102]
图>Silver is the most popular catalyst when it has interaction with oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, ethylene, and methanol [103]. From the study that the catalytic properties of silver nanoparticles have accordingly changed can be realized. Jiang et al. [104] enhanced the catalytic properties of Ag by combining silver nanoparticles with silica spheres, and they also applied it to the detection of dye reduction. The technique to support silver particles on silica spheres effectively avoids flocculation of nano-sized colloidal metal particles during a catalytic process in the solution, which allows one to carry out the successful catalytic reduction of dyes. Figure 18 shows how the absorbance spectrum of the dyes decreases when the dyes are reduced.
一 Silver nanoparticles immobilized on silica spheres are illustrated. b The absorbance spectrum of the dyes decreases as the dyes are reduced by sodium borohydride. This process is catalyzed by silver nanoparticles. The arrow marks the increase of reaction time [104]
图>In addition, the catalytic properties of silver also have important applications in other areas, for example, wet-spun fibers [105].
Properties and Applications of AgNPs on Surface Plasmon Resonance
In 1902, Wood found the SPR phenomenon for the first time in an optical experiment and made a brief record about that, but until in 1941, a scientist named Fano explained the phenomenon of SPR. Over the next 30 years, the theory about SPR has not been further explored nor has it been put into practical application. In 1971, Kretschmann put forward prism coupling structure that settled the foundation for the structure of SPR sensor, and SPR theory started to be widely achieved for experiments. On this basis, the surface plasma resonance effect of silver nanoparticles was explored deeply. The most successful part of the applications of plasmonic structures was in the detection of molecules. This technique has been commercialized for propagating surface plasmons (PSPs) on continuous metal films. The films are chemically functionalized to selective bind target molecules like DNA strands or proteins. Upon binding the target molecule, the dielectric environment is altered around the surface of the metal film. Consequently, binding can be monitored by measuring the change in coupling geometry (i.e., the angle) between the metal film and the excitation source needed to generate PSPs [106, 107]. This technique plays a key role, and a number of commercially available instruments are widely used today in the biological sciences [108].
Recently, the combination of silver nanoparticles with other materials to improve their surface plasmon resonance performance is another way of development. The nanosilver particles were bonded with starch by Vasileva et al. [109], and the materials were applied as a surface plasmon resonance-based sensor of hydrogen peroxide. Figure 19 shows the change of hydrogen peroxide decomposition.
一 Change of the LSPR absorbance strength with time due to the introduction of 10–3 mol/L H2O2 solution in the as-synthesized Ag-NPs solution at a volume ratio 1:1.5; the inset shows the bubbles from H2O2 decomposition generated by the catalytic reaction between hydrogen peroxide and starch-stabilized Ag-NPs. b UV-vis absorption spectra recorded 15 min after the introduction of hydrogen peroxide solution with different concentrations in the solution of Ag-NPs at a volume ratio 1:1.5. c relevant photographs of Ag-NPs dispersions 60 min after the introduction of hydrogen peroxide with different concentrations [109]
图>SPR has a wide range of applications in other fields such as life science, medical testing, drug screening, food testing, environmental monitoring, and forensic identification.
The SPR technology becomes an indispensable part in the field of biological chemistry, food, and drug monitoring. The applications of SPR biosensors will be more diversified. And especially its emerging application in small molecule detection and lipid field will make it play an increasingly important role in the film and biology. In recent years, its development is particularly rapid. With the continuous improvement of SPR instruments and the continuous enhancement of biological membrane construction capability, SPR biosensor has a bright future.
Applications of AgNPs on Nanosensors
Due to the great research prospect of silver nanoparticles in nanosensors, many researchers have devoted to study it [110, 111]. So, we pick three representative examples to write in detail. Among them Zhu et al. [110] fabricated rhombic silver nanoparticles for biosensing. The rhombic silver nanoparticles were prepared by follow method. The mixed solution (polystyrene nanospheres and glass nanospheres with fluorocarbon surfactant) was coated onto the glass substrate to form a deposition mask, and then followed by hydrofluoric acid etching to remove the glass nanospheres. After that, the Ag metal thin film was deposited through the nanosphere masks using thermal evaporation or electron beam evaporation. After removal of the polystyrene nanospheres by sonication in absolute ethanol for 3 min, well-ordered rhombic AgNPs array was finally obtained on the substrates. The rhombic AgNPs array was single particle dimension of 140 nm in-plane width and 47 nm out-of-plane height. To prepare the biosensing, the Ag nanorhombuses are firstly functionalized using the self-assembly monolayer technique. Then assisting with 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl] carbodiimide hydrochloride, we covalently attached biotin to the carboxylate groups. The advantage of this biosensor is that the rhombic AgNPs array-based sensor with more hot spots has higher sensitivity than that of the traditional Ag triangular nanoparticles-based sensor. A detection of high sensitivity of the bio-molecule in lower concentration has been realized by means of the LSPR-based nanobiosensor. This type of biosensor will have potential applications in many fields such as medical science and biological technology. Meanwhile, M. Ghiaci et al. [111] utilized silver nanoparticles compounds as new electrochemical sensors for glucose detection. These electrochemical sensors were prepared based on synthesizing of two amine compounds bounded to silica support. The size of used AgNPs is 10 nm. The electrochemical sensor prepared by this method has a lower limit of glucose detection than other electrochemical sensors. This type of nanosensors will be more conducive to diabetes detection and treatment. Silver nanoscale sensors can also be used for environmental detection such as Li et al. [112] synthesized aza-crown ether (ACE)-modified silver nanoparticles as colorimetric sensors for Ba 2+ . What is more, colorimetric sensors merely need minimal instrumentation, achieve high sensitivity, and thus can make on-site detection even easier. The colorimetric sensors were synthesized by silver nanoparticles efficiently conjugated with CS2–ACE. ACE-modified AgNPs have good recognition of Ba 2+ , with the detection limit of 10 − 8 mol/L.
In addition to the abovementioned, silver nanosensors also have other different applications that are worth us to explore.
Other Applications
Ag nanomaterials also have many other applications in various fields, such as nanoscale detection [113] and solar cells.
Silver nanoparticle and its complex can be used for solar cells to enhance photoelectric conversion efficiency and photovoltaic performances [114,115,116].
Shen et al. [114] enhanced photovoltaic performances of polymer solar cells by incorporating Ag–SiO2 core–shell nanoparticles in the active layer. They creatively incorporated Ag–SiO2 core–shell nanoparticles (Ag–SiO2-NPs) into photo−/electro-active layers consisting of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) in polymer solar cells (PSCs). By this way, the photovoltaic performance of PSCs have largely been enhanced. The results demonstrate a 13.50% enhancement of short-circuit photocurrent density and a 15.11% enhancement of power conversion efficiency as the weight percent of doped Ag–SiO2-NPs is 1.5 wt% in the active layer of corresponding PSCs. In the later research, bare silver nanoplate (Ag-nPl) were spin-coated on indium tin oxide and silica capsulated Ag-NPs were incorporated to a PBDTTT-C-T:PC71BM active layer by Shen et al. [115]. As a result, the devices incorporated with Ag-nPl and Ag@SiO2-NPs showed great enhancements. With the dual effects of Ag-nPl and Ag@SiO2-NPs in devices, all wavelength sensitization in the visible range was realized; therefore, the power conversion efficiency of PSCs showed a great enhancement of 14.0 to 8.46%, with an increased short-circuit current density of 17.23 mA cm − 2 . Importantly, the methodology of multiple shape combination of metallic nanoadditives improves the photovoltaic performance of PSCs very effectively compared to the single-shape method.
Thus, Ag is a promising material for the conversion of solar energy into electricity and good detection. In addition to the abovementioned, Ag also has many other applications, but it still needs people to further explore it.
This work reviewed the development progress of Ag nanomaterials on synthesis methods and applications. Different shapes of Ag nanostructures had been synthesized such as cubic, rod-shaped, and sphere-shaped, Ag nanostructure obtained by chemical synthesis and microwave methods were successfully prepared. In addition, different size of AgNPs have been synthesized such as 1–10 nm, 10–100 nm, AgNPs obtained by chemical synthesis, laser ablation, and green synthesis. Meanwhile, it has been successfully applied to many fields, such as antibacterial, fluorescence, catalysis, SPR, and nanosensors, and it is expected to use in other fields. In fact, there are still limitations for their practical applications in photoelectric and medical fields because it often requires complex preparation process, and the yield is very low. In most cases, AgNPs are easy to agglomerate, which will greatly reduce its optical properties. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize surface active agent to achieve a good effect. Although, there are so many challenges, the advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology of silver still promise a better future for many kinds of industries. In conclusion, the future research of silver nanoparticles should be directed towards biosynthetic, size controllable, and uniform shape preparation. And the future application of AgNPs-based will be utilized in new energy battery or wearable intelligent equipment by its excellent localized surface plasmon resonance effect and antibacterial activity. In addition, AgNPs-based materials can be further utilized for applications in nanodevices by self-assembly and molecular molding technology.
- ACE:
Aza-crown ether
- Ag-nPl:
Silver nanoplate
- AgNPs:
Ag nanoparticles
- CL:
Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
Dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid
- DLS:
- EDS:
Energy dispersive spectroscopy
- fcc:
Face-centered cubic
The name of bacteria
- MTPs:
Multiply twinned particles
- P3HT:
- PAA:
Poly(acrylic) acid
- PC71BM:
Fullerene derivatives acceptor material C71-butyric acid methyl ester
Phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester
Poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride)
- PEG:
Polyethylene glycol
- PSCs:
Polymer solar cells
- PSPs:
Propagating surface plasmons
- PVA :
Poly-vinyl alcohol
- PVP:
Poly-vinyl pyrrolidone
- SDA:
Sabro dextrose agar
- SDS:
Sodium dodecyl sulfate
- SEM:
- SPR:
Surface plasmon resonance
- TEM:
- THF:
- UV-vis:
- XRD: