作为一种新兴的纳米材料,碳点 (CD) 已成为生物医学应用的极大关注焦点。然而,关于其抑制蛇毒所致急性肾损伤(AKI)的生物活性知之甚少。
本研究报告了使用黄柏皮层 (PCC) 作为唯一前体合成 CDs 的绿色一步热解工艺的开发,以及它们作为保护剂的潜在应用,以防止Deinagkistrodon acutus (D. acutus) 首次研究了毒液诱发的 AKI。 AKI模型是通过注入D建立的。尖锐的 毒液进入小鼠腹腔以及 PCC Carbonisata-CDs (PCCC-CDs) 在六个时间点(1、3 和 12 小时,和1、2、5 天)进行了调查。
这些结果表明 PCCC-CDs 显着抑制肾功能障碍(降低的血清肌酐 (SCR)、血尿素氮 (BUN)、尿总蛋白 (UTP) 和微量白蛋白尿 (MALB) 浓度)和趋化剂(单核细胞趋化蛋白)的产生1 (MCP-1))、促炎细胞因子(白介素 (IL)-1β)和抗炎细胞因子 (IL-10) 以响应腹膜内注射 D。尖锐的 毒液。 PCCC-CDs对毒液小鼠的有益作用与肾脏组织学改变和血小板减少的作用相似。
这些结果证明了 PCCC-CD 对 D 诱导的 AKI 具有显着的保护作用。尖锐的 毒液,这不仅将拓宽 CD 的生物医学应用,而且还为开发治疗由 D 诱导的 AKI 的新药物提供了潜在的靶点。尖锐的 蛇咬伤。
Deinagkistrodon acutus (D. acutus) 属于蝰蛇科,被认为是中国最危险的陆生蛇之一 [1]。 D 的毒液。尖锐的 与一系列症状有关,如出血、血小板减少和可能对肾脏的直接损害[2, 3]。急性肾损伤 (AKI) 是 D 毒液中毒最严重的全身反应和常见并发症。尖锐的 这直接导致持续的肾功能障碍和高发病率 [4, 5]。目前的局部治疗涉及使用马来源的超免疫抗蛇毒血清作为解毒剂。然而,其在中和局部组织损伤方面的效果有限,尤其是在 AKI 的发生中,并且具有过敏和热原反应等多种不理想的效果[6]。此外,抗蛇毒血清相对较高的成本和较差的稳定性也导致被D咬伤的人的治疗效果不佳。尖锐的 ,尤其是在野外或农村地区 [7,8,9]。因此,迫切需要有效、安全且负担得起的补充药物来治疗 D。尖锐的 毒液诱发的AKI。
碳点 (CDs) 是一类尺寸 <10 nm 的新型碳纳米材料,于 2004 年通过单壁碳纳米管的分离和纯化偶然发现 [10] 并在过去十年中引起了广泛关注,因为它们具有显着的新的特性,如可观的生物相容性、低毒性、高水溶性和丰富的原材料 [11,12,13]。 CDs的出现促进了各种“智能”纳米系统的发展,主要包括生物成像[14]、生物医学[15]、药物递送[16]和光催化[17]。
值得注意的是,由于上述显着优势,具有固有生物活性潜力的 CD 的开发为发现用于有效控制或治疗某些疾病的新一代药物提供了许多策略。在治疗细菌性角膜炎的抗菌[18]、止血[19]、类过氧化物酶[20]、抗癌、抗病毒和抗炎活性[21]等多种生物活性方面已有报道。这些影响引起了科学家的注意,以研究 CD 的其他药物和生物医学应用。特别是,来自 Schizonepetae Spica Carbonisata [22] 的 CD 对 D. 的缓解活性。尖锐的 毒液引起的出血为研究 CD 对 D 引起的 AKI 的有益影响提供了新的视角。尖锐的 蛇咬伤,直到现在还不太了解。
黄柏 (PCC) Carbonisata (PCCC)-CDs 是通过使用一步热解处理直接热解 PCC(一种中药,已使用> 1000 年)合成的。 PCCC-CDs 是低毒 CDs,直径范围从 1.2 到 4.8 nm。据报道,PCCC-CDs具有显着的止血作用,这不仅拓宽了CDs的生物医学应用,而且开创了阐明PCCC止血物质基础的先河[23]。值得注意的是,PCCC是一种通过木炭加工制成的中药,最早见于太平救灾圣方 (公元978-992 AD,在中国)。 PCCC 的安全性和令人满意的治疗效果,如止血和抗炎,促使其在临床上持续应用了 1000 多年 年,获得了中华人民共和国药典的认可。 (PPRC, 2015)。然而,对 PCCC-CD 的其他潜在生物活性的研究一直是一个挑战。特别是,关于D 诱导的 AKI 抑制的信息很少。尖锐的 毒液。
此外,据报道,蛇咬伤可能通过肾毒性成分或通过激活或调节免疫和炎症介质直接危害肾脏生理 [24]。这些影响主要是生物医学参数[25](血清肌酐(SCR)、血尿素氮(BUN)、尿总蛋白(UTP)和微量白蛋白尿(MALB)浓度)、炎症细胞因子(白细胞介素(IL)-1β)、抗炎细胞因子 (IL-10) 和单核细胞趋化蛋白 1 (MCP-1)、肾脏组织学的变化和血小板 (PLT) 计数。在本研究中,我们使用绿色的一步热解方法合成了 PCCC-CD,并首次研究了它们对小鼠腹腔注射 D 诱导的 AKI 异常发展的保护作用。尖锐的 毒液。
PCC 材料购自北京千草中药饮片有限公司(中国北京),PCCC 在我们实验室制备。分子量为1000 Da的透析膜购自北京瑞达恒辉科技发展有限公司(中国北京)。细胞计数试剂盒 (CCK)-8 购自 Dojindo Molecular Technologies, Inc. (Kumamoto, Japan)。 D 的冻干蛇毒。尖锐的 由安仁蛇场(中国江西省鹰潭市余江县)提供,用于实验。其他分析纯化学试剂购自北京国药化学试剂有限公司(中国北京)。小鼠 MCP-1、IL-10 和 IL-1β 酶联免疫吸附测定 (ELISA) 试剂盒购自 Cloud-Clone Crop。 (中国武汉)。所有实验均使用去离子水(DW)进行。
动物管理和研究方案得到了北京中医药大学动物实验伦理委员会的支持和批准。昆明雄性小鼠(体重30.0 ± 2.0 g)购自北京维塔尔河实验动物技术有限公司,具有实验动物合格证,饲养于恒温恒湿笼内,光照12小时/ 随意的黑暗循环 获得食物和水。
冻干毒液溶于生理盐水,温和混合20 分钟(终浓度:5 mg/mL),-20 ℃保存备用。
根据先前的方法,PCCC 是使用一步热解法制备的,PCC 作为唯一的前体 [23]。简而言之,将 PCC 样品置于单独的瓷坩埚中,并在预热的炉中在 350 °C 下加热 1 小时。冷却至30 °C后,将所得均质黑色残留物研磨成细粉,在100 °C的水中煮沸两次,每次1 小时。然后,通过0.22 μm醋酸纤维素膜预过滤悬浮液来收集溶液。通过对 DW 透析 72 小时(保留分子量:1000 Da)除去非碳质杂质。将 PCCC-CDs 溶液浓缩并储存在 4 °C 下直至使用。图1中的流程图说明了上述过程。
TEM 用于直接观察 PCCC-CD 的形态和尺寸分布(图 2a、c 和 d)。制备的 CD 呈球形且大小均匀,大多数在 2.84 ± 0.89 nm 处,没有明显的聚集。 HRTEM图像显示CD的晶格条纹(0.24 nm),对应于石墨碳,如图2b所示。
As an emerging nanomaterial, CDs are beginning to occupy an important niche as innovative materials for next-generation nanomedicines. Compared to traditional heavy-metal-based quantum dots, CDs are good candidates for biomedical application because of their unique characteristics that have considerable potential advantages in the development of novel medicines with relatively low toxicity [27, 28].
The derived PCCC-CDs particles were quasi-spherical and well-dispersed in water, with abundant functional groups present on the surface. This observation is consistent with previously reported findings [23]. In addition, the as-prepared CDs showed low toxicity against L02 and 237 T cells, which indicated its suitability for biomedical applications.
The current study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to demonstrate the remarkable bioactivities of PCCC-CDs on AKI induced by D. acutus snakebite. D. acutus is widely called “five pacer” or “hundred pacer” in Chinese folk medicine on account of the folkloric description that the people or animals bitten by D. acutus could not walk more than 100 steps. More than 90% of the population of D. acutus is found in China, and the frequency of critical conditions and even death related to the bite of this snake is higher than that by many other venomous snakes [29]. AKI is the most serious systemic effect and common complication, which leads to secondary renal ischemia and failure. An enhanced knowledge of relevant information on AKI induced by D. acutus envenomation would contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches. However, in contrast to the considerable knowledge available on the nephrotoxicity of snake venom in general [30, 31], information on the AKI induced by D. acutus venom is rare, which led us to investigate this potential medicine that is still in the early stages of development.
In this study, we established an AKI model by intraperitoneally injecting D. acutus venom into mice to assess the complex and multifactorial pathogenesis of venom-induced AKI. Furthermore, the model provided a tool for investigating the protective effects of PCCC-CDs against AKI induced by D. acutus venom.
Current experiments have shown the development of substantial AKI with distinct changes in inflammatory cytokines and serum and urinary biochemical index, as well histopathological evidence of renal injury after intraperitoneal injection of snake venom [31]. These findings indicated the possible factors that may mainly contribute to the venom toxicity are [32] (1) direct venom cytotoxicity against the kidney and (2) renal inflammatory reactions.
Specifically, renal insufficiency was confirmed approximately 24 h post venom injection based on oliguria associated with proteinuria and elevated serum biomarkers (SCR and BUN). We further affirmed the renal involvement in the D. acutus venom-treated group using biochemical analysis, which showed significantly elevated UTP and MALB levels compared with those of the control group. These findings indicated the presence of glomerular malfunction and tubular reabsorption in the venom-treated group [33], which were supported by evidence of histopathological change. In contrast, a significant reduction in the levels of UTP and MALB was observed in the envenomated medium-dose PCCC-CD-treated group. In addition, serum biochemical indicators (SCR and BUN) are other vital parameters used to determine the elevation of renal dysfunction in AKI and they remain clinical indicators in its diagnosis [34]. Injecting snake venom from day 1 to 5 also dramatically increased the levels of SCR and BUN, whereas treatment with PCCC-CDs reversed these effects, resulting in a faster recovery than that of the control group. More importantly, the distinct changes in the kidney tissue, marked haemorrhage, renal tubular dilation, and degeneration further indicated the direct impairment of the kidney by the venom. The attenuating effects of PCCC-CDs on the histopathological changes were demonstrated in this study. These results suggested that PCCC-CDs inhibited the AKI-induced abnormal manifestation of urinary and serum biochemical markers associated with kidney dysfunction as well as renal histological damage. Furthermore, these effects may be attributable to the amelioration of the direct nephrotoxicity of the D. acutus venom by the PCCC-CDs [35]. The protective effects of PCCC-CDs were evidenced by the inhibition of D. acutus venom-induced direct kidney damage.
An intense inflammatory response is a common feature induced by envenomation by venomous animals such as snakes and caterpillars [35,36,37]. The signs of systemic inflammation with mononuclear cell infiltration, neutrophilic leukocytosis, tubular epithelial cell degeneration, and necrosis have also been shown in kidney impairment induced by injecting snake venom. MCP-1 is a small molecule protein that plays a vital role in recruiting and activating leukocytes during inflammatory responses [38]. In addition, mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes may contribute to acute renal cell injury by different mechanisms such as the secretion of proinflammatory mediators, which may then induce resident renal cells to express chemokines [39]. The involvement of MCP-1, inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β) and anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) in the inflammatory response in the pathogenesis of AKI in mice injected with D. acutus venom only was demonstrated in the present study. This observation indicated that the underlying mechanism of the D. acutus venom-induced AKI may be associated with the renal inflammatory response. The evidence that exposure to PCCC-CDs significantly reduced levels of IL-1β, IL-10, and MCP-1 suggests that CDs may exhibit renoprotection by inhibiting renal inflammatory reactions.
Furthermore, PLTs play a crucial role in acute haemostatic and inflammatory processes and are associated with diverse inflammatory pathologies [40, 41]. They are highly sensitive and respond quickly to biological changes when an organism is injured or bleeding, as the first cells to arrive at the site of acute injury to interact with endothelial cells and leukocytes [42]. PLTs are involved in the pathogenesis of AKI [43], and are considered a prognostic marker that is significantly associated with a worse outcome of AKI [44]. This study provided evidence that D. acutus venom conspicuously decreased the PLT count, which was consistent with the results of studies reporting that thrombocytopenia can be induced by snake venom [34, 45]. We observed that exposure to PCCC-CDs significantly elevated the PLT counts, which was consistent with the findings of a previous study [23].
The abnormalities of AKI induced by D. acutus venom were, to our knowledge, demonstrated for the first time in the current study and mainly included renal dysfunction associated with proteinuria, oliguria, elevated BUN and SCR levels, pathological kidney damage, inflammatory responses, and thrombocytopenia.
Remarkably, the PCCC-CDs demonstrated protective activity against D. acutus venom-induced AKI by inhibiting the associated impairments, as evidenced in this study for the first time. This study was a preliminary evaluation of the beneficial effects of PCCC-CDs on AKI induced by D. acutus venom, and further investigations of the underlying mechanism would be the focus of future studies.
The impressive protective effects of PCCC-CDs on D. acutus venom-induced AKI have been demonstrated in this study, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The AKI-related effects were mainly manifested as renal dysfunction, pathological kidney damage, inflammatory responses, and thrombocytopenia. These results indicated that PCCC-CDs have potential application prospects for use as a complementary medicine for the treatment of abnormalities induced by D. acutus venom-induced AKI. Furthermore, this provides a novel strategy for the study of active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine formulations, and further broadens the biomedical applications of CDs.
- AKI:
Acute kidney injury
- BUN:
Blood urea nitrogen
- CD:
- D. acutus :
Deinagkistrodon acutus
- HE:
Haematoxylin and eosin
- IL:
- MCP-1:
Monocyte chemotactic protein 1
- PCC:
Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex
Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex Carbonisata-carbon dots
- PLT:
Platelet counts
- SCR:
Serum creatinine
- UTP:
Urinary total protein
- 锻造对碳钢的影响
- 高效独立激发蓝色发光碳点
- 来自废棉手套的具有分级纳米结构的活性炭纤维作为超级电容器的高性能电极
- 合成富含吡啶的 N、S 共掺杂碳量子点作为有效的酶模拟物
- 磁性碳微球作为可重复使用的吸附剂从水中去除磺胺
- 从豆腐废水中合成荧光碳量子点的简单方法
- 利用柠檬汁通过水热反应制备的荧光碳量子点的材料和光学特性
- 源自静电纺丝和原位热解的高活性和稳定的 Fe-N-C 氧还原电催化剂
- 吸入多壁碳纳米管对血压和心脏功能的影响
- 从石榴皮提取物中合成的银纳米粒子的抗菌和细胞毒性作用
- 用于光热疗法的聚多巴胺碳点的简便一锅法合成
- Carbon Dots @ Platinum Porphyrin Composite 作为用于有效光动力癌症治疗的治疗诊断纳米剂